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High reach innovative mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Project website and templates for promotion products

Project website, e-newsletter template, social media channels, audio visual and multimedia products as defined in the Communication strategy and plan

Mobility in prioritised areas: mapping the field

Analysis of the social and spatial elements regarding mobility poverty, needs and exclusion, assessing its elements in terms of spatial factors, demographics and mobility patterns

Drivers and barriers of organizational frameworks aimed at delivering innovative mobility options

Recommendations and guidelines on how to implement mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty. Recommendations will be tailored for different stakeholders: public authorities, operators/new enterprises, users

Report on project dissemination and communication activities

Final WP5 report describing communication and dissemination activities, achievements and impacts

Mobility in prioritised areas: inputs from the final-users

Results from the case studies and stakeholder’s engagement process: differences and commonalities of different groups vulnerable to social exclusion

Analysis of the limits of current transport offer and frameworks

Assessment of the limits and drawbacks of current PT systems and services, in terms of inclusion and accessibility for the targeted social groups. Assessment of resources actually available (subsidies) to play scenarios for different use of these resources for alternative, disruptive mobility solutions

Transferability and scale-up analysis report

Analysis of the possibilities to scale up the solutions considered in HiReach, including the products considered in WP3, covered by the Start-up Lab and other products showcased

Communication strategy and plan

Strategy for HiReach taking into account the characteristics of the information that needs to be disseminated, the target audiences and groups and the impacts to achieve

Solutions to transport poverty for start-ups

Guide describing trends, technical advances, barriers, and potential paths of opportunity for market exploitation of innovative mobility solutions

Report on HiReach Start-up Lab and testing activities

Summary of the HiReach Start-up Lab activities and presentations of the outputs and achievements of the 4 selected innovative projects

Innovative mobility solutions: case study description and analysis

Analysis of 20 handpicked innovative transport solutions with a focus on identifying innovative mobility options and their organizational and operational frameworks

Mobility solutions and estimation of their potential impacts on inclusive mobility and equity

Assessment of the acceptance of the innovative solutions on the wider social groups, of the change of behaviour, of the expected impacts on inclusive mobility and equity

Open source tools for transport poverty solutions

Open access tools/APIs developed to meet product development needs in the scope of transport poverty: to develop, test, and simulate new routes, parametrize and study loading of transportation path, understand environmental impact and better refine economic and financial models on top of geographic information systems


Gender-Related Perspectives and AttitudesTowards Transport Issues

Auteurs: Stefano Borgato, Silvia Maffii, Simone Bosetti
Publié dans: European Transport Conference 2020, 2020, ISSN 2313-1853
Éditeur: AET - Association for European Transport

HiReach: Innovative Mobility Solutions to Cope with Transport Poverty

Auteurs: Stefano Borgato, Simone Bosetti, Silvia Maffii, Cosimo Chiffi
Publié dans: European Transport Conference 2020, 2020, ISSN 2313-1853
Éditeur: AET - Association for European Transport

Re-thinking Mobility Poverty - Understanding Users’ Geographies, Backgrounds and Aptitudes

Auteurs: Tobias Kuttler, Massimo Moraglio
Publié dans: Transport and Society, Numéro December 18, 2020, 2020, Page(s) Transport and Society, ISBN 9780367333317
Éditeur: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9780367333317

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