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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

A multi-stakeholder co-creation platform for better access to long-term care services

Resultado final

Data Sources Classification and Access means

This deliverable will list, catalogue and document the final Data Sources that will be identified and classified according to the SoCaTel business requirement in the work done in Task 4.1. The final deliverable will be in the form of a report.

Data Source Exposure through well-constructed APIs

Consequence of the work conducted in Task 4.3 and 4.4, this deliverable will serve as a user manual gathering the documentation on the API management for a correct distribution of the mined data to the SoCaTel Platform and to developed services.

Data Sources Classification and semantic interoperability

Within this task different Data Sources will be identified on each pilot sites and classified according to the SoCaTel business requirement. Standards of data models in the health care sector will be investigated in order to create a unified and scalable data model allowing to link businesses and the different social care policies and to welcome any new data sets for reuse by services and statistical analysis. The work will be carried out in three stages : Stage 1: Early indications show that the data sources will be classified based on the below categories: • Governmental Data Sources – This category constitutes the listing of government supported social and welfare services and their localisation properties (Country, Area, Municipality etc.) as well as the intended target audience (targeted social groups i.e. all older people, older people with disabilities etc.). Available statistical data will be associated with each listing indicating their use (or lack thereof), public response to each service and o

Communication plan

Description of the elements that will be used by the consortium in the pre-pilot and pilot execution phases. It is intended to gain stakeholders mobilisation in those phases. It will include goals of the plan, target audiences, resources and budget dedicated, key messages to be delivered and the expected impact.

Dissemination and Communication reports

Delivering impact on the scientific community via publications in highly ranked scientific journals and participation in international scientific conferences, as those identified in section 2.2. Moreover, all academic partners will incorporate content generated by the project into their teaching curricula. The initial expected fields for publications include: the impact of co-creation methods on LTC services (FONTYS, URV), how gender balance in the care sector can be promoted via co-creation (TCD, URV), ethical risks and opportunities in co-creation involving vulnerable populations (FONTYS, GFC), a framework for measuring the impact of co-creation pilots (UTA) and Co-creation approaches adapted to different LTC models in Europe.

Policy brief

Roundtable on policy developments (exact day tbc).

SoCaTel whitepaper

Report on the development of co-creation, including policy recommendations for incorporating co-creation practices in social services. Drawing up policy recommendations for the development of co-creation and the related digitalization in services for older people. The results will be a whitepaper delivered by the partners to local, national and European authorities, as well as disseminated to various platforms including AGE, Alzheimers Europe, European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW), Spanish Older Adults Institute – IMSERSO, Design for All Europe, etc.

Policy briefs

Policy briefs to make sure all policy is updated and any inclusion necessary to be added. Drawing up policy recommendations for the development of co-creation and the related digitalization in services for older people.

Learnt lessons and replication guidelines

Final conclusions on the intervention carried out in four pilot sites and the knowledge gained in relation to change management are provided in form of learnt lessons (D6.4). These are useful guidelines for all stakeholders interested in the uptake of method, tool (SoCaTel platform) and co-created services.

Data Management Plan II

Additional review of the DMP implemented to decide whether developments of SoCaTel is open access or closed access, and to assess whether any additional data will be open in access or not.

SoCaTel videos

1st video presenting how to interact with the SoCaTel platform, 2nd video about the co-creation experience in the SoCaTel pilots.

Project website and graphical image

Project website, image and artefacts : we will set up and maintain the project internal and external web portal. The website will be made available on M3 and will be updated regularly with news of the project, its progress and achievements. Assets which can be used for dissemination and communication will be produced, including project leaflet, brochure, flyer, poster/banner and standard slide show presentations of various lengths, kept up to date during the project lifetime where applicable. Materials will be available in English, Spanish, Finish and Hungarian.

Community Outreach events

To ensure long-term impact of SoCaTel’s outcomes, it is crucial that the young generation of social workers is educated about co-creation practices and their benefits. As such, under the leadership of FONTYS, a SoCaTel MOOC will be prepared in multiple languages and shared via the European MOOC repository so as to promote the incorporation of co-creation content in social work studies.This platform ( is part of the Opening up Education initiative to provide a single gateway to European OER (open education resources). The first adopters will be the universities participating in the project: URV, FONTYS, UTA, GFC and TCD. These 5 higher education institutes are planning to use the MOOC’s content and teaching resources in undergraduate and graduate courses.

SoCaTel hackatons and selected services

This deliverable will report on the different tasks for holding hackathons on each pilot sites, from communication actions to technical specification of the place of the event. Each hackathons will be evaluated in terms of participation, proposed services and recommendations will be made for holding future Hackathons. At last, the selection process of the awarded services will be fully detailed.

Context Aware Recommendation Engine

The necessary infrastructure to analyse the various data sources as well as the interfaces to these data sources will be constructed. All necessary analytical components with regards to statistics will also be put in place.


SoCaTel Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be prepared in multiple languages and shared via the European MOOC repository so as to promote the incorporation of co-creation content in social work studies. To be published on


Learning in Finnish Social Work Practice and Research

Autores: Anniina Tirronen, Tony Kinder, Jari Stenvall
Publicado en: The British Journal of Social Work, 2020, ISSN 0045-3102
Editor: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcaa088

COVID-19 triggering homecare professionals’ change of attitudes towards e-Welfare

Autores: Päivikki Kuoppakangas, Juha Lindfors, Jari Stenwall, Tony Kinder, Antti Talonen
Publicado en: Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare, Edición 12/3, 2020, Página(s) 241-249, ISSN 1798-0798
Editor: Finnish Social and Health Informatics Association
DOI: 10.23996/fjhw.95131

Dependency as Status: Older Adults’ Presentations of Self as Recipients of Care

Autores: Virpi Timonen, Luciana Lolich
Publicado en: SAGE Open, Edición 10/4, 2020, Página(s) 215824402096359, ISSN 2158-2440
Editor: SAGE Publications Inc.
DOI: 10.1177/2158244020963590

Examining the Core Dilemmas Hindering Big Data-related Transformations in Public-Sector Organisations

Autores: Päivikki Kuoppakangas, Tony Kinder, Jari Stenvall, Ilpo Laitinen, Olli-Pekka Ruuskanen, Pasi-Heikki Rannisto
Publicado en: NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, Edición 12/2, 2019, Página(s) 131-156, ISSN 1338-4309
Editor: Sciendo
DOI: 10.2478/nispa-2019-0017

Professional stakeholders' views of the use of digital technologies in Spanish long-term care

Autores: Blanca Deusdad, Isabella Riccò
Publicado en: Human Technology, Edición Volume 14(3), 2018-11, 2018, Página(s) 382-403, ISSN 1795-6889
Editor: Tampere University
DOI: 10.17011/ht/urn.201811224839

“These devices have not been made for older people's needs” – Older adults' perceptions of digital technologies in Finland and Ireland

Autores: Jari Pirhonen, Luciana Lolich, Katariina Tuominen, Outi Jolanki, Virpi Timonen
Publicado en: Technology in Society, Edición 62, 2020, Página(s) 101287, ISSN 0160-791X
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101287

Co-creación de servicios de cuidados: la experiencia del proyecto SoCaTel (H2020)

Autores: Riccò I., Deusdad B., y Djurdjevic M.
Publicado en: Revista Prisma Social, Edición 32, quarterly., 2021, Página(s) 224-243, ISSN 1989-3469
Editor: Revista Prisma Social

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