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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Smart Distribution Grid: a Market Driven Approach for the Next Generation of Advanced Operation Models and Services

Resultado final

Scalable local energy market architecture (first release)

This report will introduce the first release of a transparent local market design including first implementation version and instructions for market structures, transactions, interfaces and responsibilities. The architecture is verified/considered ready if all the project partners approve the feasibility of the architecture. The deliverable is part of task 2.2.

Formulation of alternative local market place enabled business models

The review will deliver a definition of alternative DSO business models, including a specification of the frameworks formulating relationship environment between the local market and its stakeholders, and related strategic use of contracts. The report will deliver number of alternative business models for local markets. Topics addressed by the defined business models include: a) definition of processes and stakeholders in transactive energy exchanges; b) definition of the necessary transactions and the corresponding and required information models; c) definition of contracts; d) strategic use of contracts for third party resources. The deliverable is part of task 5.1.

Secure data handling platform validation activities report

This report describes the validation procedures, architecture and services for secure data handling. Since secure data handling concerns all three validation sites, integration to different environments will be analysed. The report/platform will be reviewed internally to guarantee feasibility. The deliverable is part of a sub-task in task 4.1.

Anomaly detection and implementation

This deliverable outlines the development and implementation of the anomaly detection module developed in DOMINOES The technical aspects and systematic evaluation will be summarized in the deliverable and future improvement will be highlighted As a verification of feasibility the integration to rest of the local market architecture will be carefully analysed The deliverable is part of task 36

Report on DR modes of use from the DSO and energy provider perspective

This deliverable reports on the achievements of task 3.2, specifically regarding the modes of use of DR from the perspective of the DSO and the energy provider or retailer. The services will be specified based on the use cases and will include at least peak load management for DSO and balance management for the retailer.

Report on aggregation based DR

This deliverable as part of task 35 provides a report on the aggregation based demand response namely regarding the aggregation of consumers distributed generation and energy storage systems The deliverable will introduce at least three types of aggregation services within local market environments taking into account the identified perspectives

Scalable local energy market architecture (second release)

The report will introduce the second release of a transparent local market design and a final implementation to be used in WP3 and WP4. The architecture is verified/considered ready if all the project partners approve the feasibility of the architecture and the dependencies to other WPs have been analysed. The deliverable is part of task 2.2.

Overview of the validation framework

Report covering the setup of the three validation sites, their tools, components, resources and systems including the integration with the local market architecture. The framework preparation will go through an internal review and acceptance process to guarantee feasibility. The deliverable is part of task T4.1.

Dissemination Activity Report Year 2

The report, as part of task 6.1, lists all dissemination activities of all project partners from the second year. The quality of the achieved dissemination level will be analysed based on the number of partners with reported participation in dissemination activities; No. of dissemination activities addressed by the partners, including: creation of the project logo development of the project web-site, general promotion of the project, social media approach, plan for traditional media promotion and communication of regular news and announcements, plan for campaign on dissemination of the project’s achievements in simplified language directed mostly towards the general public, plan for results publication in scientific journals, special book chapters and participation to workshops and international conferences, plan for organization of scientific events, conferences, workshops and summer school.

Services for customers based on smart metering

This deliverable details demand response and balancing services directed to consumers, using the smart metering based methods that are developed in DOMINOES. The deliverable is part of task 3.4. The smart metering based methods that will be completed will include at least: development of the consumption (load) management models, simulation tool, and energy sharing mechanisms.

Roadmap to integrated energy market operation and management

The report will deliver an analysis of alternative roadmaps to markets by explaining how local marketplaces could be established at small scale in specific areas and by showing ways in which local marketplaces can be implemented more widely in parallel with the current markets The analysis will use the country environments represented in the project UK Portugal Finland and Spain and the partners will verify the feasibility of the local market approach in these locations The deliverable is part of task 54

Design and implementation of a data security framework

This deliverable reports the architecture and design of the data security framework created in the DOMINOES project. It shows the development technologies used in the design and the simulation conducted in different dynamic environments. The deliverable is part of task 2.5. The data security framework will be reviewed and accepted by the project partners.

Standardization proposals Year 1

The deliverable lists all standardization activities of all project partners for the first year. The deliverable's focus is on the status of new standards. The report will be part of task 6.2. The quality of the deliverable will be judged e.g. by number of standardization proposals made, impact of the standardization proposal, and number of standardization organization meetings attended by partners.

Local market reference architecture and business requirements

This deliverable will present the requirements of DSOs, prosumers/consumers, aggregators, BRPs and retailers for the local markets. Based on the business requirements a reference architecture will be delivered that will serve as a baseline for WP2. As means of verification, the architecture is available to other tasks and the requirements have been accepted by the partners. The deliverable is part of task 1.1.

Distribution grid, microgrid and VPP validation activities report

Report on the validation activities held at the distribution grid microgrid and VPP validation sites including main results and challenges faced The analysis will mainly focus on technical aspects and feasibility of the introduced concepts In relation to the results D45 will analyse the validation results in reference with the KPIs This deliverable is related to tasks T42 and T43

Tools for local energy market and end-user interaction

This deliverable will specify tools that will enable end-user engagement with the local market processes. The tools include functionalities for consumers/prosumers and interfaces towards the local market architecture. The deliverable is part of task 2.4. The tool specifications will include at least web and mobile interfaces for end-users and back office tools for local energy market and end-user interaction.

Simulation results of the local market components and models

This deliverable, as part of T4.1, T4.2 and T4.3, provides a report on the simulation tests and initial results of the validation activities regarding the key components of the local market architecture. The analysis will be based on selected use cases/scenarios picked for simulation. Results of the simulations include an analysis in respect to the relevant KPIs identified in WP1. Target of the simulation is to show how the different scenarios contribute to the main objectives of the project.

Use cases and application scenarios requirements

This deliverable will describe the complete set of use cases and application scenarios requirements conveying all value chain perspectives. The use cases will take into account stakeholders like DSO, TSO, Energy Provider, Aggregator and Local Community. This deliverable is part of task 1.2. As a verification of quality, the deliverable will include at least two full described use cases with direct application for each of the validation frameworks. They should follow a common structure for future validation in WP4. Those use cases should include full description of both functional and non-functional requirements.

Implementation plan for the validation environment

The implementation plan will summarize descriptions of the validation environments, requirements for their implementation and equipment & systems specifications, following the works of tasks 1.1 and 1.2 (D1.1, D1.2 and D1.3). Furthermore, main KPIs for validation of key project results will be defined. Preliminary KPIs were set out in the Grant Agreement, which will be revised in this deliverable to ensure they correspond with the defined use cases. This deliverable is part of task 1.3.

Report on DR at TSO and local levels

This deliverable focuses on reporting the work of task 3.3 regarding the application of demand response at the TSO and local levels, including the interaction with the DSO and energy provider in order to enable the integration of the several market levels. The deliverable will describe number of different demand response mechanisms. Specific challenges addressed by those mechanisms include: a) receive and reply to TSO DR events; b) organize and make operational local DR; and c) share DR services with neighboring areas.

Enabling technology for transparent local p2p energy markets

This deliverable provides a review covering the technologies required to set up a local market architecture. The report will focus on analysing technology related to local trading, information exchange towards markets and transactive control of resources. This deliverable is part of task 2.1. The review should include a detail analysis of the state of the art of technologies needed at the different levels, from Hardware to Software, by p2p markets according to the defined use cases, applications, functional and non-functional requirements. With that in mind, implemented technologies in DOMINOES should be fully defined in order to meet the established objectives.

Information exchange processes and solutions to integrate local and centralized energy markets

The deliverable provides a description of the sources and types of information that will be shared in local markets. An overview of system components that can establish a connection from energy communities to centralized markets. The deliverable is part of task 2.3. To verify the deliverable results/quality, the partners will complete a stakeholder survey and analysis of the information needs (including type of data and time resolution) in the local and centralized markets. The report will be made available on the project website.

Dissemination Activity Report Year 1

The report, as part of task 6.1, lists all dissemination activities of all project partners from the first year. The quality of the achieved dissemination level will be analysed based on the number of partners with reported participation in dissemination activities; No. of dissemination activities addressed by the partners, including: creation of the project logo development of the project web-site, general promotion of the project, social media approach, plan for traditional media promotion and communication of regular news and announcements, plan for campaign on dissemination of the project’s achievements in simplified language directed mostly towards the general public, plan for results publication in scientific journals, special book chapters and participation to workshops and international conferences, plan for organization of scientific events, conferences, workshops and summer school.

Synthesis of the local market concept

Report on key conclusions and lessons learned from T41 to T44 including analysis of the KPIs Synthesis of the validated local market concept including a description of the available demand response services to different stakeholders Propositions to regulatory rules to enable such services Report reviewed and accepted internally and made available on the project website

ICT platform and connected energy network reference architecture design

This deliverable, as part of task 1.1, will describe the reference architecture design from the ICT connected energy network technology perspective. The report will define how the main network components will be organised and will communicate meeting interoperability, reliability and data protection requirements. The deliverable will be completed after iterations with local market reference architecture and business requirements and validation environment definition.

Cost benefit analysis of the business models

This report as part of task 53 will deliver a Cost Benefit Analysis of the new business models developed to promote and enable the implementation of the local energy market concept The Cost Benefit Analysis will use data from the Use Cases defined in WP1

Standardization proposals Year 3

The deliverable lists all standardization activities of all project partners for the final 18 months The deliverables focus is on the status of new standards The report will be part of task 62The quality of the deliverable will be judged eg by number of standardization proposals made impact of the standardization proposal and number of standardization organization meetings attended by partners

Dissemination Activity Report Year 3

The report as part of task 61 lists all dissemination activities of all project partners from the last 18 monthsThe quality of the achieved dissemination level will be analysed based on the number of partners with reported participation in dissemination activities No of dissemination activities addressed by the partners including creation of the project logo development of the project website general promotion of the project social media approach plan for traditional media promotion and communication of regular news and announcements plan for campaign on dissemination of the projects achievements in simplified language directed mostly towards the general public plan for results publication in scientific journals special book chapters and participation to workshops and international conferences plan for organization of scientific events conferences workshops and summer school

DR enabling services

This deliverable details the services that are developed in task 3.1 to facilitate the implementation and use of demand response in a local market environment. The report will describe several service concepts. Topics considered by the services include: load forecast, DR actual response forecast, load and consumer profiling, and consumers’ segmentation.

Project guidelines

The deliverable includes a description of the guidelines related to the project internal processes. Items included in the deliverable will include at least a) submission and review of deliverables; b) quality management procedures; c) risk management; d) meeting principles. The guidelines will be verified with the acceptance from all project partners. Guidelines preparation is part of the project coordination task 7.1.

Standardization proposals Year 2

The deliverable lists all standardization activities of all project partners for the second year. The deliverable's focus is on the status of new standards. The report will be part of task 6.2. The quality of the deliverable will be judged e.g. by number of standardization proposals made, impact of the standardization proposal, and number of standardization organization meetings attended by partners.

Integration scenario on wholesale, retail and ancillary energy markets

The report will explain the potential of the local marketplace concept and the corresponding demand response interface solutions in the creation of business models and schemes that will promote and enable optimal integration of the wholesale, retail and ancillary energy markets. The deliverable will conclude to perspectives: 1. analysis of how the local market concept can interact with open energy markets and 2. analysis of the economic potential of demand response for households and service sector buildings. The deliverable is part of task 5.2 and will produce inputs for cost benefit analyses in task 5.3.

DOMINOES international Workshop

Workshop at international level with emphasis on the project results and achievements The workshop will occur in month 42 and will have the necessary dissemination for this event within EDP Group and externally The deliverable is completed once the workshop has been successfully organized and feedback has been gathered from all relevant stakeholders The workshop is part of the dissemination task 61

Project website online

Public website, which will include a list of DOMINOES publications, events, news, etc. The deliverable is verified ready once the website is open for public access. The deliverable is part of task 6.1.


An Optimization Based Community Model of Consumers and Prosumers: A Real-Time Simulation and Emulation Approach

Autores: Omid Abrishambaf, Cátia Silva, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: E3S Web of Conferences, Edición 239, 2021, Página(s) 00024, ISSN 2267-1242
Editor: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202123900024

Primary Frequency Control Ancillary Service in Distribution Network by Coordinated Scheduling of Wind Power and Demand Response

Autores: Meysam Khojasteh, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Edición 17, 2020, Página(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-7281-6919-4
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eem49802.2020.9221891

Energy Storage Systems Current Ripple Reduction for DC-Link Balancing Method in Hybrid CHB Topology

Autores: Pablo J. Gomez, Luis Galvan, Eduardo Galvan, Juan M. Carrasco
Publicado en: IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Edición 46, 2020, Página(s) 1808-1813, ISBN 978-1-7281-5414-5
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iecon43393.2020.9254892

Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Anomaly Detection

Autores: Nebrase Elmrabit, Feixiang Zhou, Fengyin Li, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: 2020 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security), 2020, Página(s) 1-8, ISBN 978-1-7281-6428-1
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/cybersecurity49315.2020.9138871

Optimal Distribution Grid Operation Using Demand Response

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Bruno Canizes, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale, Jose M. Terras, Luis V. Cunha
Publicado en: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Edición 2020, 2020, Página(s) 1221-1225, ISBN 978-1-7281-7100-5
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/isgt-europe47291.2020.9248858

Aggregation of Consumers Participation in the Ramping of a Demand Response Event

Autores: Omid Abrishambaf, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Edición 17, 2020, Página(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-7281-6919-4
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eem49802.2020.9221914

Local flexibility markets and the role of active customers and communities supporting grid system operators - DOMINOES engagement plan

Autores: José M. Terras, José Sousa, Gisela Mendes, Eduardo Rodrigues, Alexandre Neto, Salla Annala, Sirpa Repo
Publicado en: CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop, Edición 12, 2020
Editor: IET & AIEM
DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2021.0181

Local flexibility market balance settlement

Autores: Repo, Sirpa; Kilkki, Olli; Annala, Salla; Terras, José Manuel; Almeida, Bernardo
Publicado en: CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop, Edición 12, 2020
Editor: IET & AIM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5040052

MARLINE: Multi-source Mapping Transfer Learning for Non-Stationary Environments

Autores: Honghui Du, Leandro L. Minku, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2020, Página(s) 122-131, ISBN 978-1-7281-8316-9
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icdm50108.2020.00021

MARTINE: Multi-Agent based Real-Time INfrastructure for Energy

Autores: Tiago Pinto, Luis Gomes, Pedro Faria, Filipe Sousa, Zita Vale
Publicado en: AAMAS Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, Edición 19, 2020, Página(s) 2114–2116, ISBN 978-1-4503-7518-4
Editor: IFAAMAS - International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
DOI: 10.5555/3398761.3399093

Rating the Participation of Electricity Consumers in Demand Response Events

Autores: Catia Silva, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Edición 17, 2020, Página(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-7281-6919-4
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eem49802.2020.9221907

Scheduling of Battery Energy Storage and Demand Response Resource in Balancing Ancillary Service

Autores: Meysam Khojasteh, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Edición 2020, 2020, Página(s) 299-303, ISBN 978-1-7281-7100-5
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/isgt-europe47291.2020.9248798

Interaction between local and open energy markets – Guidelines for local market design

Autores: Annala, Salla; Honkapuro, Samuli; Repo, Sirpa; Kilkki, Olli; Terras, José Manuel; Neto, Alexandre
Publicado en: CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop, Edición 11, 2020
Editor: EIT & AIM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4801795

Data Mining for Remuneration of Consumers Demand Response Participation

Autores: Catarina Ribeiro, Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale, José Baptista
Publicado en: Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Trust-worthiness. The PAAMS Collection - International Workshops of PAAMS 2020, L'Aquila, Italy, October 7–9, 2020, Proceedings, Edición 1233, 2020, Página(s) 326-338
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51999-5_27

Pushing the transition towards transactive grids through local energy markets

Autores: Gisela Mendes; José Rui Ferreira; Susete ALBUQUERQUE; Célia TROCATO; Olli KILKKI; Sirpa REPO
Publicado en: 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Edición 1, 2019
Editor: CIRED
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2653732

Comparison of Opportunities and Challenges in Demand Response Pilots in Finland and Portugal

Autores: Salla Annala, Goncalo Mendes, Samuli Honkapuro, Luisa Matos, Lurian Pires Klein
Publicado en: 2018 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2018, Página(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-5386-1488-4
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/EEM.2018.8469894

Local energy markets: opportunities, benefits, and barriers

Autores: Mendes, Gonçalo; Nylund, Jere; Annala, Salla; Honkapuro, Samuli; Kilkki, Olli; Segerstam, Jan
Publicado en: Microgrids and Local Energy Communities 2018 (CIRED), Edición 1, 2018
Editor: CIRED
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2660455

Electricity consumption forecasting in office buildings: an artificial intelligence approach

Autores: Aria Jozi, Tiago Pinto, Goreti Marreiros, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 2019, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-4722-6
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/PTC.2019.8810503

New Demand Response Business Models – Opportunities and Risks

Autores: Annala, Salla; Honkapuro, Samuli; Tikka, Ville; Mendes, Gonçalo
Publicado en: CIRED 2019 Conference, Edición 2, 2019
Editor: CIRED
DOI: 10.34890/638

Demonstration of an Energy Consumption Forecasting System for Energy Management in Buildings

Autores: Aria Jozi, Daniel Ramos, Luis Gomes, Pedro Faria, Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Vila Real, Portugal, September 3–6, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, Edición 11804, 2019, Página(s) 462-468, ISBN 978-3-030-30240-5
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30241-2_39

Contextual Simulated Annealing Q-Learning for Pre-negotiation of Agent-Based Bilateral Negotiations

Autores: Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Vila Real, Portugal, September 3–6, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, Edición 11804, 2019, Página(s) 519-531, ISBN 978-3-030-30240-5
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30241-2_44

Distributed learning of energy contracts negotiation strategies with collaborative reinforcement learning

Autores: Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2019, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-1257-2
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/EEM.2019.8916342

A Local Electricity Market Model for DSO Flexibility Trading

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale, Juan Manuel Corchado
Publicado en: 2019 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2019, Página(s) 1-5, ISBN 978-1-7281-1257-2
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/EEM.2019.8916563

Fair Remuneration of Energy Consumption Flexibility Using Shapley Value

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Vila Real, Portugal, September 3–6, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, Edición 11804, 2019, Página(s) 532-544, ISSN 0000-0000, ISBN 978-3-030-30240-5
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30241-2_45

Distribution Network Expansion Planning Considering the Flexibility Value for Distribution System Operator

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Bruno Canizes, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2019, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-1156-8
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/SEST.2019.8849043

Energy Resources Management Enabled by Internet of Things Devices

Autores: Luis Gomes, Pedro Faria, Francisco Silva, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2019 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), 2019, Página(s) 258-263, ISBN 978-1-7281-0566-6
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/APWC.2019.8870442

AiD-EM: Adaptive Decision Support for Electricity Markets Negotiations

Autores: Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019, Página(s) 6563-6565, ISBN 978-0-9992411-4-1
Editor: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization
DOI: 10.24963/ijcai.2019/957

Demand Response in Energy Communities Considering the Share of Photovoltaic Generation from Public Buildings

Autores: Pedro Faria, Ruben Barreto, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2019, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-1156-8
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/SEST.2019.8849082

Consumers modelling and clustering for the use of flexibility to mitigate network congestion

Autores: Terras, José M.; Silva, Cátia; Vale, Zita; Faria, Pedro
Publicado en: CIRED 2020 Berlin Workshop, Edición 7, 2020
Editor: IET & AIM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5045736

Contextual Q-Learning

Autores: Pinto, Tiago; Vale, Zita
Publicado en: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Edición 8, 2020, ISBN 978-1-64368-100-9
Editor: IOS Press
DOI: 10.3233/faia200457

Demand Response Programs Management in an Energy Community with Diversity of Appliances

Autores: Rúben Barreto, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: E3S Web of Conferences, Edición 239, 2021, Página(s) 00023, ISSN 2267-1242
Editor: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202123900023

Learning Bidding Strategies in Local Electricity Markets using a Nature-Inspired Algorithm

Autores: Fernando Lezama, Joao Soares, Ricardo Faia, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Edición 17, 2020, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-6919-4
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eem49802.2020.9221939

Exploiting flexibility of end-users at DSO-TSO levels acting in dynamic coalitions

Autores: Lezama, Fernando; Pinto, Tiago; Faia, Ricardo; Vale, Zita
Publicado en: IEEE Power & Energy Society General (PESGM), Edición 14, 2020
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4061897

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Blockchain-Based Trust Management in Distributed Internet of Things

Autores: Fengyin Li, Dongfeng Wang, Yilei Wang, Xiaomei Yu, Nan Wu, Jiguo Yu, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Edición 2020, 2020, Página(s) 1-12, ISSN 1530-8669
Editor: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1155/2020/8864533

Trust-based secure directed diffusion routing protocol in WSN

Autores: Xinying Yu, Fengyin Li, Tao Li, Nan Wu, Hua Wang, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020, ISSN 1868-5137
Editor: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12652-020-02638-z

Insider Threat Risk Prediction based on Bayesian Network

Autores: Nebrase Elmrabit, Shuang-Hua Yang, Lili Yang, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: Computers & Security, Edición 96, 2020, Página(s) 101908, ISSN 0167-4048
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2020.101908

Rating consumers participation in demand response programs according to previous events

Autores: Cátia Silva, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energy Reports, Edición 6, 2020, Página(s) 195-200, ISSN 2352-4847
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2020.11.101

Demand Response of Residential Houses Equipped with PV-Battery Systems: An Application Study Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Autores: Fernando Lezama, Ricardo Faia, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 13/10, 2020, Página(s) 2466, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13102466

Framework to Facilitate Electricity and Flexibility Trading within, to, and from Local Markets

Autores: Salla Annala, Lurian Klein, Luisa Matos, Sirpa Repo, Olli Kilkki, Arun Narayanan, Samuli Honkapuro
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 14/11, 2021, Página(s) 3229, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14113229

FarpScusn: Fully Anonymous Routing Protocol with Self-Healing Capability in Unstable Sensor Networks

Autores: Fengyin Li, Ying Wang, Hongwei Ju, Yanli Wang, Zhaojie Wang, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: Sensors, Edición 20/22, 2020, Página(s) 6683, ISSN 1424-8220
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s20226683

Privacy‐aware PKI model with strong forward security

Autores: Fengyin Li, Zhongxing Liu, Tao Li, Hongwei Ju, Hua Wang, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2020, ISSN 0884-8173
Editor: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/int.22283

Consumer Flexibility Aggregation Using Partition Function Games With Non-Transferable Utility

Autores: Tiago Pinto, Michael Wooldridge, Zita Vale
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 9, 2021, Página(s) 51519-51535, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2021.3069416

Sizing and Management of Energy Storage Systems in Large-Scale Power Plants Using Price Control and Artificial Intelligence

Autores: Carlos García-Santacruz, Luis Galván, Juan M. Carrasco, Eduardo Galván
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 14/11, 2021, Página(s) 3296, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14113296

Optimal Model for Local Energy Community Scheduling Considering Peer to Peer Electricity Transactions

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Joao Soares, Tiago Pinto, Fernando Lezama, Zita Vale, Juan Manuel Corchado
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 9, 2021, Página(s) 12420-12430, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2021.3051004

Cross-layer access control in publish/subscribe middleware over software-defined networks

Autores: Yang Zhang, Huiyu Zhou, Jun-liang Chen
Publicado en: Computer Communications, Edición 134, 2019, Página(s) 1-13, ISSN 0140-3664
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2018.11.001

Incentive-driven attacker for corrupting two-party protocols

Autores: Yilei Wang, Roberto Metere, Huiyu Zhou, Guanghai Cui, Tao Li
Publicado en: Soft Computing, Edición 22/23, 2018, Página(s) 7733-7740, ISSN 1432-7643
Editor: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00500-018-3342-3

Hybrid approach based on particle swarm optimization for electricity markets participation

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale, Juan Manuel Corchado
Publicado en: Energy Informatics, Edición 2/1, 2019, ISSN 2520-8942
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1186/s42162-018-0066-7

Effects of elasticity parameter definition for real-time pricing remuneration considering different user types

Autores: Pierfrancesco Corsi, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energy Reports, Edición 6, 2020, Página(s) 127-132, ISSN 2352-4847
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.08.030

Demand Response and Distributed Generation Remuneration Approach Considering Planning and Operation Stages

Autores: Cátia Silva, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 12/14, 2019, Página(s) 2721, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12142721

Combining real-time and fixed tariffs in the demand response aggregation and remuneration

Autores: Cátia Silva, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energy Reports, Edición 6, 2020, Página(s) 114-119, ISSN 2352-4847
Editor: Energy Reports
DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.08.028

Optimal Scheduling of Energy Storage Using A New Priority-Based Smart Grid Control Method

Autores: Luis Galván, Juan Navarro, Eduardo Galván, Juan Carrasco, Andrés Alcántara
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 12/4, 2019, Página(s) 579, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12040579

Towards transactive energy systems: An analysis on current trends

Autores: Omid Abrishambaf, Fernando Lezama, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energy Strategy Reviews, Edición 26, 2019, Página(s) 100418, ISSN 2211-467X
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2019.100418

BRICKS: Building’s reasoning for intelligent control knowledge-based system

Autores: Gabriel Santos, Zita Vale, Pedro Faria, Luis Gomes
Publicado en: Sustainable Cities and Society, Edición 52, 2020, Página(s) 101832, ISSN 2210-6707
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2019.101832

Rating the Participation in Demand Response Programs for a More Accurate Aggregated Schedule of Consumers after Enrolment Period

Autores: Cátia Silva, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Electronics, Edición 9/2, 2020, Página(s) 349, ISSN 2079-9292
Editor: MDPI AG
DOI: 10.3390/electronics9020349

Tesia: A trusted efficient service evaluation model in Internet of things based on improved aggregation signature

Autores: Fengyin Li, Rui Ge, Huiyu Zhou, Yilei Wang, Zhongxing Liu, Xiaomei Yu
Publicado en: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2020, Página(s) e5739, ISSN 1532-0626
Editor: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/cpe.5739

Ramping of Demand Response Event with Deploying Distinct Programs by an Aggregator

Autores: Omid Abrishambaf, Pedro Faria, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 13/6, 2020, Página(s) 1389, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13061389

Agent-based architecture for demand side management using real-time resources’ priorities and a deterministic optimization algorithm

Autores: Luis Gomes, João Spínola, Zita Vale, Juan M. Corchado
Publicado en: Journal of Cleaner Production, Edición 241, 2019, Página(s) 118154, ISSN 0959-6526
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118154

Privacy-Aware Secure Anonymous Communication Protocol in CPSS Cloud Computing

Autores: Fengyin Li, Can Cui, Dongfeng Wang, Zhongxing Liu, Nebrase Elmrabit, Ying Wang, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 8, 2020, Página(s) 62660-62669, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2982961

Bidding in local electricity markets with cascading wholesale market integration

Autores: Fernando Lezama, Joao Soares, Ricardo Faia, Zita Vale, Olli Kilkki, Sirpa Repo, Jan Segerstam
Publicado en: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Edición 131, 2021, Página(s) 107045, ISSN 0142-0615
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.107045

Portfolio optimization of electricity markets participation using forecasting error in risk formulation

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale, Juan Manuel Corchado
Publicado en: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Edición 129, 2021, Página(s) 106739, ISSN 0142-0615
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.106739

Adjacent Markets Influence Over Electricity Trading—Iberian Benchmark Study

Autores: Hugo Morais, Tiago Pinto, Zita Vale
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 13/11, 2020, Página(s) 2808, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13112808

An Efficient Anonymous Communication Scheme to Protect the Privacy of the Source Node Location in the Internet of Things

Autores: Fengyin Li, Pei Ren, Guoyu Yang, Yuhong Sun, Yilei Wang, Yanli Wang, Siyuan Li, Huiyu Zhou
Publicado en: Security and Communication Networks, Edición 2021, 2021, Página(s) 1-16, ISSN 1939-0122
Editor: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
DOI: 10.1155/2021/6670847

Single-unit and multi-unit auction framework for peer-to-peer transactions

Autores: Daniel Teixeira, Luís Gomes, Zita Vale
Publicado en: International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Edición 133, 2021, Página(s) 107235, ISSN 0142-0615
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.107235

Local electricity markets—practical implementations

Autores: Ricardo Faia, Fernando Lezama, Juan Manuel Corchado
Publicado en: Local electricity market, 2021, ISBN 9780128200742
Editor: Academic Press

Local Energy Markets, Commercially available tools

Autores: Jan Segerstam
Publicado en: Local electricity market, 2021, ISBN 9780128200742
Editor: Academic Press

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