Dr. Russell Deitrick (Ph.D Washington) led two lengthy peer-reviewed papers on major developments and improvements to the general circulation model (GCM) THOR. In Deitrick et al. (2020, ApJS, 248, 2), we added several physics modules to THOR and subjected it to a battery of tests and benchmarks. In Deitrick et al. (2022, MNRAS, 512, 3759), we coupled the improved two-stream treatment of radiative transfer to THOR for the first time. Furthermore, we worked closely with a professional software engineer to professionalise the computer code, which is publicly available as a community resource. In Hakim et al. (2021, PSJ, 2, 49), Dr. Kaustubh Hakim (Ph.D Amsterdam) led a study generalising the inorganic carbon cycle or carbonate silicate cycle of Earth for application to exoplanets. Specifically, a broad variety of different minerals were examined and their effects on the carbon cycle were quantified. In Hakim et al. (2023, ApJL, 942, L20), we generalise the ocean chemistry of Earth for application to exoplanets. Specifically, we took a close look at carbonate precipitation and the depth of the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). In Tian & Heng (2023, under review), we elucidated a theoretical framework for computing geochemical outgassing that extends beyond Earth-like conditions. Dr. Pierre Auclair-Desrotour (Ph.D Paris) led a pair of papers that provided a physical basis for the understanding of atmospheric collapse: Auclair-Desrotour & Heng (2020, A&A, 638, A77) and Auclair-Desrotour, Deitrick & Heng (2022, A&A, 663, A79). In Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021, Nature Astronomy, 5, 1001), we derived ab initio solutions for the shape and amplitude of reflected-light phase curves for an arbitrary scattering phase function, building on decades-old work by Hapke and Chandrasekhar. In Heng & Li (2021, ApJL, 909, L20), we applied these novel mathematical solutions towards interpreting data of Jupiter measured by the Cassini spacecraft.