DELTA has analysed thoroughly operational and technical constraints, presenting in detail functional and non-functional requirements, real-life operational scenarios and technical use cases, which led also to the refinement of the overall system architecture. This analysis presented also the DELTA business perspectives. Existing DR market-ready and high TRL solutions were identified, along with legal and regulatory barriers that may hinder market deployment. Investing upon these findings, the initial Business Models have been drafted and eventually by the end of the project finalised, including extensive information about business innovation offered. From the technical perspective, the initial version of DELTA Common Information Model that was delivered in the first half of the project, was ultimately finalised and evaluated within the virtual and the two real-life pilots in UK and Cyprus. It is worth mentioning, that given the importance of interoperability, the OpenADR standard was semantically enriched to deliver both an OpenADR and the DELTA ontologies. Communication with the OpenADR Alliance has also been established towards cooperating on this, while the project presented its outcomes to the Alliance regarding semantic interoperability in a dedicated webinar. In other technical aspects, the design and development of the three layers (FEID, DVN, Aggregator) along with a series of horizontal components regarding interoperability and security have been finalised, tested as units, integrated seamlessly into one framework, validated in laboratory environment at the pre-pilot and finally deployed upon the two real-life pilot sites and the virtual pilot. In particular, following a bottom-up approach, the novel fog-enabled intelligent device (FEID) has been assembled and deployed in the test-bed environment, whereas pilot integration has already commenced. Besides hardware, this entails also software implementation following edge-computing principles for unobtrusive load/generation forecast, flexibility estimation, and direct integration with physical assets and building management systems. In parallel, the DELTA Virtual Node (DVN) multi-agent system has been implemented, including the initial necessary functionalities foreseen, such as customer profiling and clustering, aggregated forecasting, energy matchmaking, and optimal dispatch. Accordingly, at Aggregator level, beside the design, the first sub-components were made available. Namely, the DELTA aggregator creates and handles the customer Virtual Nodes consisting of small/medium customers, while also evaluating grid stability. Each DVN is evaluated and its performance is recorded by the profiling and self-balancing components. Security-wise, blockchain technologies (i.e. Fabric) have been deployed, delivering dynamic smart-contracts that evaluate and validate the DR requests. On other horizontal activities, a collaboration platform has been deployed, followed by gamification principles, that also apply for DR requests. Integration of all three DELTA layers has initiated to deliver the overall framework, with a first end-to-end integrated version deployed at the test lab. Initial user interfaces for optimally visualising the promising results for each tool, and empowering all involved stakeholders with the DELTA innovative customer engaging tools have been made available. User engagement from the pilot sites also commenced and delivered some interesting outcomes, either as input to the requirement specification, or for the pilot exploration and planning. Finally, in terms of communication and dissemination, besides a detailed plan and the DELTA brand, partners participated in multiple conferences and workshops, in order to disseminate the project outcomes.