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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
The report specifies (a) under which conditions (driven by solar wind-magnetosphere coupling level and by the lower atmosphere) the systems under investigation are more vulnerable to TID activity; (b) under which geospace and atmospheric dynamic conditions, the results from the TID detection methods can support more efficiently specific types of operations.
TechTIDE Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication strategyThe reports presents the final strategy for the dissemination, exploitation & communication activities, refined based on the feedback received from TechTIDE stakeholders and potential users and considering the latest developments in the field.
Communication results final reportThe report provides an overview of the communication results targeted to aware the public about the impacts of Space Weather on systems using the ionosphere for its operations.
Report on the design of the mitigation procedures and implementation scheduleThe report identifies potential mitigation actions using TechTIDE products and selects mitigation actions based on final user’s needs, focusing on the three types of operational systems, i.e., EGNOS, HF communications and N-RTK. The design and implementation schedule for the identified mitigation procedures are presented in this deliverable.
Report on the TechTIDE workshops and the final meetingThe report summarizes the main conclusions from the two TechTIDE workshops and the final project meeting, and provide access to the key presentations delivered by the TechTIDE members, the users and the stakeholders.
Final Public ReportThe report summarizes the main achievements of TechTIDE project.
Report on TID activity metrics definitionThe deliverable presents the TID activity report. It will contain results from the TID detection methods, the additional geophysical information for overall assessment of current conditions, and the classification of the TID activity. Statistical limits will be specified based on which, the TID disturbance will be characterized as unimportant, weak, moderate and intense.
Dissemination resultsThe report presents an overview of the dissemination activities and evaluates the results in respect to the key performance indicators.
Report on methodology for the specification of additional parametersThis report presents the methodology for the specification of (a) TID drivers (b) ionospheric background conditions (c) interhemispheric circulation.
Report on TID driversThe report presents results from (a) the analysis of the magnetospheric response during isolated substorms, CME and CIR/HSS-related events to identify LSTID drivers; (b) the analysis of data from ARISE data center (atmospheric dynamics and infrasound signatures of natural and anthropogenic sources) compared with results from the CDSS network to identify MSTID drivers.
Methodology for the identification of the interhemispheric circulationThe report presents results from case studies in order to prepare future systematic and comprehensive investigations of conjugate excitation of TIDs in both hemispheres, their subsequent propagation to the opposite hemisphere, and their interaction in the vicinity of the geomagnetic equator. These studies exploit temporally coincident observations, spanning all seasons, from similar ground-based facilities (Digisondes, HF Doppler systems, GNSS networks) located in Europe and Africa, i.e., in the same longitude sector.
User manualThe user manual will provide full guidance on the functionalities of the TechTIDE prototype, presenting specific examples, and summarising the answers to the questions most frequently received through the Users' Support Center.
Final users' requirements reportThe final users’ requirements will build on the initial users’ requirements (D1.1) and will be adjusted based on the project developments and interaction with the users. Specifically, D1.3 will exploit by results from Task 6.2 “Development of mitigation procedures”, and Task 7.4 “Networking with users and stakeholders”, and the compiled information will be documented in an updated Users’ Requirements report.
Initial users' requirement reportThe TechTIDE partners with good connections with the operations sector, will collect users’ requirements. The collected requirements will be categorised, prioritised, evaluated including their realism and feasibility and compiled into a report.
Exploitation resultsThe exploitation of TechTIDE results is based on the networking with the users and stakeholders. The report presents the stakeholders analysis, the results of SLAs negotiations and sustainability perspectives.
Report on TID algorithmsThe deliverable provides a description of the improved algorithms specified in D2.1, providing the test results for their credibility. The accuracy of each method will be defined.
Key Performance IndicatorsThe report specifies the key performance indictors to measure and monitor the impact of TechTIDE in all project’s phases.
Models for the specification of ionospheric backgroundThe precise identification of TIDs requires accurate determination of the background conditions that define the level of the ambient electron density. The report presents new algorithms for the calculation of the ambient electron density and the corresponding values of MUF, TEC and foF2 through systematic assessment of several state of the art methodologies.
Report on Operation of mitigation proceduresThe deliverable reports on the developed and implemented mitigation procedures executed to mitigate the effects TIDs in operational services, including results of preliminary tests used to update the mitigation procedures so they are ready to be included at operational level within the service provision scheme.
Warning system Requirements reportThe warning system requirements are driven by the users' initial requirements (D1.1 and by the community standards. In this report we will collect requirements based on the participants experience from the operation of ionospheric specification and Space Weather prediction systems (NOA/DIAS, NOA/NetTIDE, DLR/SWACI), from the development of Space Weather services for the ESA SSA Programme and the coordination of the Ionospheric Expert Service Center (DLR) and from the development of large e-infrastructure projects (NOA as a scientific manager of the ESPAS).
TechTIDE warning system specificationsThe report will provide the specifications of the TechTIDE warning system, driven from WP1 (users' requirements and system requirements), WP2 (design of algorithms development and upgrades), WP3 (Design of additional parameters required for the TID activity report). The system will be powered by open source software for OS, web sites, data interfaces, databases, registries and usage monitoring, while specific effort will be devoted to define the interoperability requirements between TechTIDE and the service and data providers.
Report on the final TechTIDE productsDriven by WP5 (Assessment of the TID impact on aerospace and ground systems) results, the TID identification codes will be adjusted to efficient support specific systems operations (such EGNOS, N-RTK, HF communication and geolocation) and the mitigation of the TID effects. The final TechTIDE products released after this adjustment, are described in this report.
Report on the design and specifications of the TID algorithms and productsThe deliverable will report on the design of the adjustments and upgrades required in order to develop the TID identification algorithms. The added value products that will result from the detection methods will be specified and designed. Each detection method developer will design a validation methodology that will lead to the definition of the confidence metrics.
This is the first release of TechTIDE warning system prototype that will provide results from the TID detection codes.
Second releaseThis is the second release of the TechTIDE prototype that will provide the TID activity metrics reports and the GUI functionality to support targeted query.
Final TechTIDE warning system and administration manualThe third release will include advanced tools to support users’ requirements for mitigation technologies (i.e. TID scaling, service degradation warnings), as well as administration, monitoring, security tools and documentation for management of the TechTIDE service operability.
This deliverable is the relational test database established with long-time series performance data gathered from system operators, which can be partners and stakeholders of TechTIDE. The database will also provide access to the TID detection results and TID drivers for the specific time intervals covered by the performance data.
The data management plan summarizes the handling of research data during and after the project; what data will be collected, processed and generated; which methodologies and standards will be applied; whether data will be shared and made open access; how data will be curated and preserved.
The deliverable provide access to all newsletter issues distributed within the lifetime of the TechTIDE project.
David Altadill, Antoni Segarra, Estefania Blanch, José Miguel Juan, Vadym V. Paznukhov, Dalia Buresova, Ivan Galkin, Bodo W. Reinisch, Anna Belehaki
Publié dans:
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Numéro 10, 2020, Page(s) 2, ISSN 2115-7251
Anna Belehaki, Ioanna Tsagouri, David Altadill, Estefania Blanch, Claudia Borries, Dalia Buresova, Jaroslav Chum, Ivan Galkin, José Miguel Juan, Antoni Segarra, Cristhian Camilo Timoté, Kostas Tziotziou, Tobias G. W. Verhulst, Jurgen Watermann
Publié dans:
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Numéro 10, 2020, Page(s) 42, ISSN 2115-7251
Cristhian Camilo Timoté, José Miguel Juan, Jaume Sanz, Guillermo González-Casado, Adrià Rovira-García, Miquel Escudero
Publié dans:
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Numéro 10, 2020, Page(s) 29, ISSN 2115-7251
Arthur Amaral Ferreira, Claudia Borries, Chao Xiong, Renato Alves Borges, Jens Mielich, Daniel Kouba
Publié dans:
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Numéro 10, 2020, Page(s) 32, ISSN 2115-7251
Juan José Curto, José Miguel Juan, Cristhian Camilo Timoté
Publié dans:
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Numéro 9, 2019, Page(s) A42, ISSN 2115-7251
Bodo Reinisch, Ivan Galkin, Anna Belehaki, Vadym Paznukhov, Xueqin Huang, David Altadill, Dalia Buresova, Jens Mielich, Tobias Verhulst, Stanimir Stankov, Estefania Blanch, Daniel Kouba, Ryan Hamel, Alexander Kozlov, Ioanna Tsagouri, Angelos Mouzakis, Mauro Messerotti, Murray Parkinson, Mamoru Ishii
Publié dans:
Radio Science, Numéro 53/3, 2018, Page(s) 365-378, ISSN 0048-6604
American Geophysical Union
Ioanna Tsagouri, Konstantinos Koutroumbas, Panagiotis Elias
Publié dans:
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Numéro 8, 2018, Page(s) A33, ISSN 2115-7251
Michael W. Liemohn, James P. McCollough, Vania K. Jordanova, Chigomezyo M. Ngwira, Steven K. Morley, Consuelo Cid, W. Kent Tobiska, Peter Wintoft, Natalia Yu. Ganushkina, Daniel T. Welling, Suzy Bingham, Michael A. Balikhin, Hermann J. Opgenoorth, Miles A. Engel, Robert S. Weigel, Howard J. Singer, Dalia Buresova, Sean Bruinsma, Irina S. Zhelavskaya, Yuri Y. Shprits, Ruggero Vasile
Publié dans:
Space Weather, Numéro 16/12, 2018, Page(s) 2079-2102, ISSN 1542-7390
American Geophysical Union
José Miguel Juan, Jaume Sanz, Adrià Rovira-Garcia, Guillermo González-Casado, D. Ibáñez, R. Orus Perez
Publié dans:
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Numéro 8, 2018, Page(s) A14, ISSN 2115-7251
Ioanna Tsagouri, Larisa Goncharenko, Ja Soon Shim, Anna Belehaki, Dalia Buresova, Maria M. Kuznetsova
Publié dans:
Space Weather, Numéro 16/12, 2018, Page(s) 1930-1945, ISSN 1542-7390
American Geophysical Union
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