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Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PEN-CP (Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners)

Período documentado: 2020-03-01 hasta 2021-08-31

PEN-CP, the Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners – EU Horizon 2020 funded Customs security practitioner project – acts as a European Customs innovation boosting network, powered by an innovation-management oriented online platform, and tailored innovation intermediary services. The project consortium consists of 13 Customs administrations - nine EU and four non-EU - supported by four research and administration partners PEN-CP focuses on accelerating innovation efforts across three core technical areas of customs interest: (i) Data and risk management; (ii) Detection technologies; and (iii) Laboratory equipment. We have a broad variety of innovation and knowledge instruments in use, including Prototype grants, Challenge competitions, Innovation awards, Annual studies and Expert reports. Our key innovation boosting principles include the following (i) User needs-driven; (ii) Seeking solutions to fill the gaps; (iii) Innovation up-scaling focused; (iv) and, following the 5 C-principles: Collaborative, Complementary, Connecting, Curious, and Creative. Our vision is to become a sustainable Customs practitioner network helping to accelerate both incremental and radical innovations for the direct benefit of Customs administrations in Europe and beyond. PEN-CP started in 2018, and with the current mandate will finish in 2024. More information at: ; or email to
By the end of P1, during the second reporting period the work performed consisted in:
1. Participation on PEN-CP Full consortium meeting, on 29.10.2020.
2. Participation on PEN-CP Full consortium on 29.10.2020.
3. Compiling the financial data for Technical and Financial Report part 1, on 04.12.2020.
4. Participation on PEN-DAY, on 08 February 2021.
5. Preparing the documents and subscription of the Financial Grant Agreement, on 01.03.2021.
6. Participation on PEN-DAY on 08 March 2021.
7. Scrutiny and evaluation with survey of PCIA-2020 Custom Innovation Award (Innovating ideas of Customs Partners on POP Archive Platform), on 11 March 2021.
8. Participation on PEN-DAY, on 12 April 2021.
9. Participation on PEN-DAY, on 10.05.2021.
10. Participation on the Introductory Webinar for the EU18+ Customs Administrations, on 14.6.2021.
11. Participation on "mini-Penday -July", on 12.07.2021 for discussing the "PEN-CP Exploitation Plan I" –survey.
12. Participation in Penday & General Assembly meeting, on 13 September 2021.
13. Fill-in the Exploitation plan survey and emailed back to on Wednesday 08.09.2021.
Progress so far consists in active participation in the Project meetings, developing ideas according to the objectives if the Project, continuing the research and work in the proper fields of action, ex. 2 main PETs, and developing the coordinates for achieving the predefined objectives.

Expected results:

PET I – Risk management & Big data:

-Building/purchase and implementation of a data warehouse on customs (administrative and criminal) offences and case management system
-Building/purchase and implementation of data mining software
-Updating the innovative methods about risk management on pre-arrival information for safety and security
-Update of IT system, to be able to process and analyze big data for risk purposes

PET III – Laboratory equipment:

- Implementing the three PUNIs (regarding Biodegradable Plastics, Alcohols and/or Solvents, and Lubricant Oils) for which we have given the contribution on the PUNI Database. This will serve the purpose of incrementing the variety of the number of the analysis done by the Customs Laboratory.

Potential impacts regard the health and environment safety, decreasing the fiscal evasion and fight against illicit trade.
PEN-CP logos and background