Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MSH (The one-stop-shop for urban and regional mobility)
Période du rapport: 2017-12-01 au 2018-03-31
MSH is a disruptive integral, neutral and non-discriminatory MaaS platform which enables all MaaS stakeholders to be integrated in one single point and offer to the traveller seamless door-to-door mobility solutions. MSH will access the European MaaS market where prior platforms fail at being neutral and non-discriminatory.
MSH has reached Technology Readyness Level (TRL) 6 stage of development. The aim of the phase 1 is to assess the feasibility of the project and its commercialisation. The overall aim of the project is to take it to TRL9 and to market launch by 2021.
Among the objectives achieved we can highlight: Development of a working plan for our showcase and implementation of MSH for phase 2. Evaluation of the commercial feasibility of MSH: analysis of the current MaaS EU market and in our targeted countries, key stakeholders analysis and roles in our ecosystem. A deeper knowledge of the market needs, enablers and the current alternatives within it; An IPR analysis and strategy. Our business plan to be followed to reach the market in the next 24 months.
Therefore, MSH contributes to achieve the EU H2020-targets related to: resource efficient transport that respects the environment by developing smart services and by improving transport and mobility in urban areas; better mobility, less traffic congestion; Establishment of an European multimodal transport information, management and payments system; implementation of an ITS solution that enables better connection of existing networks and fosters more extensive use of collective and soft transport modes.