Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EXTINCT (The interaction of environmental conditions and species traits as drivers of species extinctions and community homogenisation)
Período documentado: 2019-01-02 hasta 2021-01-01
The outcomes have a clear impact on the society and economy, since biodiversity loss impacts on ecosystem services. Besides, EXTINCT directly applies to policy makers taking decisions on habitat management actions. These actions are relevant for the conservation of butterfly and insect communities in general. This is in compliance with the Aichi 2020 conservation targets where Europe has a commitment via the Convention of Biological Diversity (UN). In addition, EXTINCT is a great example of how basic science can be applied effectively to solve problems that the European society demands, while making science closer to citizens.
Overall the project has improved generalisation on the patterns of species extinctions and community homogenisation in relation to climatic anomalies, and how species responses to these perturbations depend on their degree of local adaptation. Specifically, the project has:
RO1. Estimated species-specific local population trends and extirpations while assessing the effects of climate and the degree of local adaptation of ca. 140 species.
RO2. Estimated how local adaptation to the climatic conditions relates to species traits and their phylogeny.
RO3. Estimated and predicted differences in the species responses (population dynamics) to the climatic anomalies, including how they vary as per the location of the species population.
RO4. Estimated and predicted how the effects of climate on local population trends and extirpations vary in relation landscape heterogeneity, for the different responses types of the species as per their degree of local adaptation and their location in their range. Hence, providing more specific and reliable patterns of species responses to inform potential landscape management.
W1. Compiled the species data and selected the environmental data in terms of climatic variables (temperature, precipitation or aridity) and of landscape (e.g. altitude, slope) most relevant to each species’ population dynamics.
W2. Modelled population dynamics in relation to the best selected climatic anomalies and assessed the degree of local adaptation to of the species to the climatic events.
W3. Estimated if/how mobility, voltinism (i.e. number of reproductions per year), and phylogeny define the species degree of local adaptation. This has been done by modelling the degree of local adaptation against the species traits while accounting per the phylogenetic relationships.
W4. Modelled how the degree of local adaptation and the population location within their overall species specific distribution produce different population responses to the climatic anomalies.
W5. Assessed how landscape heterogeneity can buffer the negative of the species populations, accounting per the different population responses as per the species local adaptation and their location in their distribution (W4).
Contrary to expectations, the degree of local adaptation showed no associations with species mobility or reproductive rate; i.e. that a species was not better adapted to the local conditions in relation to these traits. However, we found a strong phylogenetic signal, which suggest a dominant effect of evolutionary constraints. We also observed highly locally adapted species respond similarly to climatic anomalies irrespectively of the location within their range, with maximum population growth tending to occur at the local average temperature. However, globally adapted species show different responses depending on their location within their range. As such, populations at the range center also show best performance at average temperatures. Yet, global adapted species at their margin show positive or negative responses to the increase of the anomalies of the climatic variable most affecting them. Overall, this means that for global adapted species there is no a unique response that explains their declines all over their range. Hence, management needs to account for the different responses of the populations of the species in relation to (a) their degree of local adaptation, and (b) the location of their populations within their distribution. Finally, while we tested the effect of topographic heterogeneity on population responses but this was not significant. Hence, altitude did not appear to significantly buffer species responses to the climatic anomalies. Further analyses related to habitat (vegetation) heterogeneity cold be perform to advance these results.
This is in agreement with current EU initiatives, seeking to address the problems of biological loss and community homogenisation in a comprehensive manner. Results from the project can be used by policy makers to develop locally tailored guidelines and to take informed conservation decisions. The project has overall provided better understanding of the interrelationships between the climate and changes in biodiversity, and has identified new patterns related to geographic range and local adaption, which will ultimately enable more effective species conservation policies across the EU.