Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INTERGLU (Dissecting mGlu5 receptor internalization pathways using genetic and pharmacological tools)
Reporting period: 2018-11-01 to 2020-10-31
The receptor internalization mechanism has been well-characterized for a few GPCRs and a generalized model has been developed. However, the receptor internalization pathway has not been studied for the majority of GPCRs and it remains unclear whether they follow the canonical pathway. In fact, there is an increasing number of studies suggesting that non-canonical receptor internalization is more prevalent than previously anticipated.
The overall objectives of the INTERGLU project (grant agreement number 797497) were: (1) to develop novel genetic and pharmacological tools to study GPCR internalization and (2) to apply them to dissect the internalization mechanisms of GPCRs and in particular the mGlu5 receptor.
We used cells with knockout of arrestins and G proteins and G protein inhibitors to study the internalization of mGlu5 and several other GPCRs. A manuscript describing these findings is currently in preparation. Related to this study, we wrote a review with focus on the arrestin-independent GPRC internalization pathways that is currently undergoing peer review.
The internalization pathways of mGlu5 (and other GPCRs) could depend on how it is activated, also called biased agonism. Ligands that bind to another site than the endogenous ligand, called allosteric modulators, likely have an increased potential of activating the receptor in a different way than ligands binding to the endogenous ligand binding site. In addition, they provide subtype selectivity. This is important for the metabotropic glutamate receptors, where 8 subtypes exist that in some cases have opposing functions. We studied how mGlu5 internalization and signaling was affected by nine allosteric modulators that have an inhibitory effect on ligands binding to the endogenous ligand binding site, called negative allosteric modulators (NAMs). All of the NAMs inhibited internalization and we identified inhibition biased towards or away from the internalization pathway for four of the NAMs. The results of the NAM study were published in Molecular Pharmacology (Arsova et al. Molecular Pharmacology, 2020. 98(1): 49-60). We also studied the effect of three positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) on mGlu5 internalization and signaling. This study is currently undergoing peer review.
As part of the studies of GPCR internalization in knockout cell lines and with pharmacological inhibitors of internalization, the researcher co-authored several publications where he contributed with knowledge of GPCR internalization (Leach et al. Pharmacological Reviews, 2020. 72(3): 558-604) and/or expertise in measuring GPCR internalization (Sundqvist et al., Journal of Immunology, 2019. 203(12): 3349-3360; Sundqvist et al., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Cell Research, 2020. 1867(12): 118849; Pedersen et al., Neuropharmacology, 2020. 166: 107718).
We expect our work with delineation of the arrestin and G protein dependence of GPCR internalization and the related review to lead to a re-examination of the canonical, arrestin-centric model of GPCR internalization and further studies of the alternative internalization pathways. In particular the arrestin-independent pathways, about which little is known.
The pharmacological characterization of the mGlu5 PAMs and NAMs is the first to include the internalization pathway and it could provide insights into future design of drugs modulating mGlu5 activity.