First, we exposed zebrafish embryos to different EDCs during early development. The selected compounds were: bisphenol A (BPA), tributyltin (TBT) and perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS). Then, we studied the effects of this compounds at the morphological levels and found that the three toxicants exerted distinct effects at the morphological level with BPA causing appearance of yolk sac malabsorption syndrome, TBT a general developmental delay (diapause-arrest effect) and PFOS muscle-skeletal alterations (Martinez et al., 2019; Later to characterize epigenetic markers regulated by EDC (Objective 1), we studied epigenetic mechanisms, particularly the involvement of miRNAs and DNA methylation, using two different approaches. Using a target approach, we found significant changes in response to PFAS for muscle-, liver- and pancreas specific miRNAs (Tu et al., 2019; Moreover, we studied the effects of BPA on the epigenome in genes related to the retinoic acid pathway and to estrogen synthesis and found that effects of BPA were gene-specific. Our results also suggested that these effects were cell specific and highlighted the need for further studies at the tissue and cellular level (unpublished results). Finally, and with the aim to fulfil Objective 2 we performed an untargeted approach to study whole-genome alterations of DNA methylation after exposure to TBT. First, we observed a clear dose-response relationship between DNA methylation levels and TBT concentrations. Our results also revealed that differentially methylated regions were predominantly located in regulatory regions, suggesting that these may be responsible for driving alterations at the transcriptomic level. When comparing the effects of TBT on the transcriptome (previously published by Martinez et al., 2020, and the methylome, we observed a group of 32 genes showing a significant correlation between mRNA levels and DNA methylation. This subset of genes was mainly related to the brain and eye development, metabolic functions, organelle function and ion transport. Therefore, our results suggest that at least regulation of transcription of genes involved in those functions is mediated by DNA methylation. In conclusion, in the EPISTOX project has allowed us to discover correlations between DNA methylation levels and mRNA levels in key genes when animals exposed to EDCs. Moreover, we have demonstrated that effects of BPA might be cell specific and also a clear dose-response effect of the methylome when exposed to TBT. Therefore, we highlight the importance to include dose-response experimental designs to better elucidate EDCs modes of action in the epigenome and the need to introduce analysis that encompass cell specific responses in environmental epigenomics and ecotoxicology.