Periodic Reporting for period 3 - NU-CLEUS (Exploring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with gram-scale cryogenic calorimeters)
Período documentado: 2022-04-01 hasta 2023-09-30
In the ERC project NU-CLEUS there is a strong focus on the development and commissioning of the NUCLEUS10g detector at TUM, which is expected to be installed at the nuclear power plant in CHOOZ, France, in 2023. Based on the successful ERC StG application we have built up an international collaboration consisting of about 50 members with significant additional resources for the project. PI Strauss is the spokesperson of the NUCLEUS collaboration. The significantly increased manpower allows to achieve the scientific goals in a competitive manner, such that the experiment is on track to be the first experiment observing CEvNS at reactors.
- Fully commissioning of the NUCLEUS10g detector in the NUCLEUS cryostat
- Installation and commissioning of all NUCLEUS components in the TUM underground laboratory.
- Verification of the detector performance and of the background level.
- Relocation of the full setup to the CHOOZ nuclear power plant.
- Measurement of the CEvNS cross-section with a precision of O(10%).
In parallel, the feasibility of a future upgrade of the detector mass to the kg scale will be investigated, as well as the suitability of the NUCLEUS detector technology for nuclear non-proliferation purposes.