Periodic Reporting for period 3 - NeuroDevo (Spontaneous and sensory-evoked activity shape neural circuits in the developing brain)
Período documentado: 2022-05-01 hasta 2023-10-31
Despite recent technological progress in the recording and manipulation of spontaneous activity in the developing brain, we know little about the structure of spontaneous activity and this activity’s capacity to instruct the organization of local and brain-wide neural circuits. Using experiment-driven theory and modeling, this project aims to understand how spontaneous activity is generated and used to drive circuit organization and computation through a diversity of mechanisms operating at multiple timescales and spatial scales. We focus on activity-dependent mechanisms governing this process in the sensory cortex due to the large amount of available data in this system. This combination of quantitative data analysis, theory and computational models enables us to test the adequacy of specific assumptions one at a time, to explain experimental data from different systems and recording techniques, and to propose hypotheses which can be tested experimentally. Knowing the timing and interaction of mechanisms during normal development, could have important implications for the understanding, treatment and prevention of brain disorders, including intellectual disabilities.
In Wosniack et al. (eLife, 2021), we studied biological plausible plasticity rules that modify synaptic connection strengths in recurrently connected networks based on activity correlations between individual neurons. We found that the low amplitude events drive topographic connectivity preserving the order in visual scenes, while the high amplitude events regulate overall synaptic strength ensuring that networks maintain activity in normal ranges. In Kirchner and Gjorgjieva (Nature Comms 2021), we investigated how organization can emerge at the subcellular level through mechanisms of synaptic plasticity driven by spontaneous activity. Our model could not only explain the developmental emergence of a local form of synaptic organization, called clustering, but also unify diverse experimental data sets from different species.
Going further along development, in Aim 3 we developed network models to investigate how neural circuits self-organize in the presence of early sensory experience. In Eckmann and Gjorgjieva (bioRxiv 2022), we proposed that inhibition and the plasticity at inhibitory synapses sets up the circuits into highly organized structures that can execute numerous computations previously studied one at a time in circuits with hand-tuned connectivity. In Montangie et al. (PLoS CB 2020), we developed novel mathematical techniques to study in a principled way how network structures such as assemblies emerge from biologically plausible plasticity rules. In Wu et al. (PNAS 2020) and in our ongoing work, we use these plasticity rules to investigate their individual contribution in restoring network function following sensory perturbation.
In our work on the emergence of subcellular organization of synaptic inputs on the dendritic branches of single neurons (Kirchner and Gjorgjieva, Nature Coms 2021), we were initially only guided by experimental data pertaining to development. Building a mathematical model enabled us to conceptualize the framework and make predictions for how the developmental organization relates to the organization of synapses according to their selectivity to specific stimulus features observed in adulthood of different species. While different laboratories had reported results on different species independently, our theoretical model unified the results into a single framework and generated predictions for other species for which these properties have not yet been measured.
In the next stages of the project, as outlined in Aim 1, we will extend our network models so that they can also generate spontaneous activity from interactions among the neurons. This is in contrast to current approaches where spontaneous activity is introduced into the model with properties measured experimentally without asking how the circuit can produce it on its own, as is the case in biology. We hypothesize that developing neural circuits can generate spontaneous activity due to immature inhibition and specific intrinsic properties of the single neurons. Hence, until the end of the project we expect to have realized a network model that can simultaneously generate spontaneous activity and use it to refine network connectivity. We are also currently analyzing spontaneous activity from a mouse model of autism, and will aim to identify aspects of circuit architecture that are modified in these dysfunctional networks.