Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SPEED-EU (Damping device to solve the pantograph-line capture problems, especially for the EU high-speed railways lines)
Reporting period: 2018-02-01 to 2018-07-31
The objectives of the overall innovation project are: 1) to perform a feasibility study focusing on the acquisition of knowledge about technical and market possibilities of the innovation, 2) to develop SPEED-EU, an innovative damping component to solve the pantograph-line capture problems, that will allow to increase the speed of trains to the new limits introduced by interoperability protocol of the European Commission, 3) to bring the innovation to the level of industrial readiness; 4) to introduce the innovation into the European market, and 4) to successfully commercialise the innovation by achieving at the least 10% share of our target market within 2022."
The full list of activities required to produce the individual items of the prototype device version 5 has been analysed in order to highlight the investment requirements to start-up the production.
Moreover, the detailed production costs for a single device has been estimated.
The analysis of the target market went through: 1) the study of the world railway market, to identify market volume and future forecasts, trends, market accessibility per geographies; and 2) the direct verification of the product with respect to the needs of the railway infrastructure managers, through the involvement of Mr. Eric Fontanel, the project coach assigned by EC, to reach and interview high level experts who are either active or retired head of technical departments of railway infrastructure managers from different countries.
The SPEED-EU innovation, not only will allow infrastructure managers to achieve the interoperability requirements but it also bring important economic advantages since they will save 90% of costs required for substituting wires and support structures, without considering the economic impact related to the necessary interruption of rail traffic and the inconvenience that this imply for the citizens.