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Osmotic Wearable Bolus Injector (oWBI) for viscous drug delivery

Description du projet

Dispositifs portables innovants pour l’administration sous-cutanée de médicaments

La tendance générale dans l’industrie pharmaceutique et le domaine des soins de santé, en général, est de passer de l’administration intraveineuse à une administration de médicaments par voie sous-cutanée (SC), plus pratique. Dans ces systèmes intégrés, les produits pharmaceutiques sont associés à des dispositifs d’administration, comme dans les injecteurs de bolus portables (WBI). Les WBI sont des dispositifs pré-remplis et jetables que le patient porte sur le corps pendant l’auto-administration SC d’une forte dose de médicament. La société danoise Subcuject ApS développe une nouvelle classe de WBI qui utilise la pression osmotique et est entièrement mécanique, constituant ainsi un dispositif flexible, fiable, peu coûteux et écologique. Le projet oWBI, financé par l’UE, entend achever le cycle de développement de la plateforme du dispositif et effectuer les tâches commerciales nécessaires à une mise sur le marché rapide et efficace.


With more drugs coming onto the market as combination products, i.e. drug products paired with delivery devices pharmaceutical companies are paying closer attention to integrated delivery systems. Due to: 1) the trend in the change in drug formulations, in order to migrate from intravenous to a more cost-effective and convenient subcutaneous (SC) drug administration; and 2) the trend in moving from synthetic derived drugs to biologically drugs that are more complex and have higher viscosity and therefore require delivery of larger doses; resulted in the need for a new class of injection devices - wearable bolus-injectors (WBIs). WBIs are prefilled, disposable devices that are worn on the body of a patient during the SC self-administration of a large dose of medication. The WBI market is estimated to grow in CAGR of 170% between 2015 – 2020 and achieve €6.9Bn by 2025, and pharmaceutical companies are actively seeking for reliable and cost-effective WBIs, providing optimal injection performance at an attractive unit cost and low cost of customization.

Subcuject ApS (SCJ) is a medical device company set to commercialize a new class of WBIs - Subcuject - that makes use of the simple, predictable and strong force of nature: osmotic pressure. Unlike the current WBIs, Subcuject is fully mechanical, bearing no electronic components, resulting in a more flexible, reliable and eco-friendly device at a remarkably lower cost than competitor’s (75 - 86% cost reduction).

SCJ business strategy is based on establishing multiple licensing deals (depending on the drug type, disease, region) with pharmaceutical companies. The Subcuject device is expected to significantly enhance SCJ’s profitability, with an expected accumulated profit of €97M, 5 years after project completion. Moreover, the successful achievement of the project objectives will assist SCJ to be a leading company in the WBI device segment in a market today dominated by U.S. companies.

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Régime de financement

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Danmark Hovedstaden Nordsjælland
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 71 429,00