The problem addressed in Twinning is that of low scientific cooperation between institutions from countries with high research and innovation (R&I) indicators and institutions from countries with below average R&I indicator. Twinning closes that gap. It pairs institutions from low R&I index with institutions from countries with high R&I index. For TImPANI the Electromagnetics and Novel Applications Lab (ENAL) of the University of Cyprus (UCY) is paired with two internationally leading research institutions, the Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wiseenschaften-ISAS-e.V Germany (ISAS) and University of Jaén (UJA) in Spain. The aim is to stimulate excellence and innovation capacity at UCY in Plasma science and applications. The objectives of TImPANI are i.) Enhance the quality of and increase the (R&I) output of ENAL (UCY) by strengthening its capabilities in human resources and infrastructure. The critical mass of researchers rigorously trained on the science and applications of plasma at UCY will lead to innovation, entrepreneurship and start-ups that will help reversing the poor R&I index of Cyprus. ii.)Support research and innovation (R&I) for Europe by creating synergy between academic and research institutions and industry from Cyprus, Spain and Germany. The researchers that will be trained under TImPANI will have a positive impact on R&I on Europe as a whole. iii) To strengthen significantly the reputation, attractiveness and networking capabilities of ENAL by introducing ENAL to key worldwide players and institutions (academic and industrial) allowing for the participation in scientific consortia for high-quality R&I proposals and projects. As an indirect result of the project, the collaboration of ENAL with top institutions such as ISAS and UJA will greatly improve its profile visibility and reputation making it a more attractive institution. This will also lead to many more networking opportunities. iv.)To significantly boost the participation and success rate in competitive research funding bids in the field submitted by the ENAL both as a coordinator and as a partner due to the expected increase in R&I capacity and international and national networking. v) To have long term infrastructure sharing that will benefit not only ENAL but also ISAS and UJA. It is envisioned that UJA and ISAS have access to numerical simulations (through ENAL) and ENAL will be able to conduct experiments and tests its ideas through UJA and ISAS. vi) To bridge the gap between academia-industry in Cyprus. vii) To strengthen the links to the MENA (Middle East North Africa) countries by taking advantage of the geographical position of Cyprus and the strong links of UCY with MENA. viii) To achieve a sustainable collaboration with UJA and ISAS that will lead among others to long-term knowledge exchange, joint research ventures, joint funding opportunities. ix) To increase awareness among the public through targeted communication and dissemination activities. The goal is to make the public aware of the use of the benefits and applications of plasma technology. TImPANI brings technical know-how from advanced institutions, which will strengthen the scientific capabilities of UCY and the Cypriot industry. For Europe it brings unity and cohesion among the European countries, it allows for the increase in innovation in a country that is under-performing and it helps educate future researchers and innovators. It also helps expand the European market and knowledge in the MENA region. Lastly, atmospheric pressure room temperature plasma is a new and exciting field with applications in industrial processing, analytical chemistry, bio sterilization, wound healing and even cancer treatment. TImPANI can help Europe become an innovator and world leader in this field.