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Microdata analysis for Policies for Productivity, Innovation, Growth and Inclusion

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Summary of Conference with main conclusions

An international conference gathering of world experts on business dynamics, national experts and policy makers, with a summary report of the main conclusions of the conference disseminated by month 36.

Business dynamism, productivity, diffusion and inclusion

The report will include an analysis of the links between firm dynamics, productivity and social inclusion, which will be delivered by month 32.

Report on trends in productivity

The first deliverable of the work package 6 will be a comprehensive report on trends in productivity distribution and misallocation using different methodologies, which will be delivered by month 21.

Megatrends, policy and framework conditions: their role for explaining productivity dispersion and performance

The report will be based on econometric analysis of the Multiprod database and of policy indicators collected from OECD and other sources, which will be delivered by month 30. It will provide also policy analysis and draw policy implications.

Report on trends in business dynamics

The first deliverable of the work package 5 will be a comprehensive report on trends in business dynamics delivered by month 20.

Megatrends, policy and framework conditions: their role for business dynamism

The report will be based on econometric analysis of the DynEmp database and of policy indicators collected from OECD and other sources, which will be delivered by month 26. It will provide also policy analysis and draw policy implications.

Metadata of sources for DynEmp and MultiProd

D1.4: A report of meta data sources for DynEmp and Multiprod will be delivered in month 34.

Country / policy notes

Country / policy notes will summarise the main descriptives and empirical findings at the country level as well as brief policy findings more suitable for high-level government officials. These will be delivered by month 30 for each available country. A number of these notes will be co-drafted by the OECD and the European Commission.

Country level indicators on Website Y3

All the indicators published in the reports and approved by the participating countries will be made publicly available on the website each year. these will be available by month 36 in the third year. The main micro-aggregates set out above will be publicly available. The level of aggregation of these indicators will at least be at the national and sectoral level.

Indicators webpage

The main indicators presented in the report will also be made available on the DynEmp website by month 20.

Country level indicators on Website Y2

All the indicators published in the reports and approved by the participating countries will be made publicly available on the website each year. These will be available by month 24 in the second year. The main micro-aggregates set out above will be publicly available. The level of aggregation of these indicators will at least be at the national and sectoral level.

Indicators webpage 2

The main indicators presented in the report will also be made available on the MultiProd website, delivered by month 21.

Country level indicators on Website Y1

All the indicators published in the reports and approved by the participating countries will be made publicly available on the website each year. For the first year, these will be available by month 12 (D10.1). The main micro-aggregates set out above will be publicly available. The level of aggregation of these indicators will at least be at the national and sectoral level.

DynEmp code documentation (companion Help files and Read-me files)

D2.2: Documentation of the DynEmp code, including Help File, Read-me file and other documentation, will be delivered in month 12.

MultiProd Stata code tailored to country needs and to specific policy questions

The MultiProd code will be adapted to different country data idiosyncrasies. The code will be tested in house via the creation of mock data that reflect the characteristics of the national data reported by experts. The code will also be extended to allow for the collection of specific information and moments of the distribution instrumental to the answer of specific policy questions. The code will be delivered by month 12.

EC/OECD workshop Y1

Participation in a set of workshops/seminars organised by the European Commission in Brussels. During the life of the project, a senior member of the project team will participate in a policy and/or methodological workshop per year presenting the results of the project. The first workshop/seminar will be before month 15.

International Conference

An international conference gathering of world experts on business dynamics, national experts and policy makers, which would take place by month 34

DynEmp Stata code tailored to country needs and to specific policy questions

The DynEmp code will be adapted to different country data idiosyncrasies. The code will be tested in house via the creation of mock data that reflect the characteristics of the national data reported by experts. The code will also be extended to allow for the collection of specific information and moments of the distribution instrumental to the answer of specific policy questions. The code will be delivered by month 12.

EC/OECD workshop Y2

Participation in a set of workshops/seminars organised by the European Commission in Brussels. During the life of the project, a senior member of the project team will participate in a policy and/or methodological workshop per year presenting the results of the project. The second workshop/seminar will be by month 27

MultiProd code documentation(companion Help files and Read-me files)

Documentation of the MultiProd code, including Help File, Read-me file and other documentation, will be delivered in month 12.


Coverage and representativeness of Orbis data

Auteurs: Matej Bajgar, Giuseppe Berlingieri, Sara Calligaris, Chiara Criscuolo, Jonathan Timmis
Publié dans: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, Numéro No. 2020/06, 2020
Éditeur: OECD Publishing
DOI: 10.1787/c7bdaa03-en

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