Resultado final
An updated system architecture will be delivered, considering updated information on the information flow (including extended standards, protocols and semantics’ information regarding the components’ interfacing and inter-communication) as the project evolves and RETs prototypes are on the phase of delivery. Success criteria: System architecture updated with necessary extensions to satisfy RETs’ prototypes ICT compatibility
Hybrid MAS-based ACEME topology v1This report will describe in detail the optimization algorithms and ACEME technology proposed in the project for autonomous decision making regarding optimum building energy flow Success criteria Successful delivery of algorithms that demonstrate ACEME contribution to a more efficient energy management 1st version of ACEME delivered considering selected RETbased technologies optimization
Data Management PlanThe DMP will outlines the Re-COGNITION practices for collecting, organizing, backing up, and storing the data the project will be generating. It will be regularly updated. The DPM will make publicly accessible the data beyond the life of the project.
Building-Users/ Owners and RE-Installers Needs Report v1This report will identify the human factor needs and requirements, regarding installation of RE-COGNITION RETs into the building environment. Success criteria: Human-factor related requirements reported.
Public Engagement Activities on raising awareness of RE-COGNITION projectThe document will report all the activities carried out in favour of the general public and will also include the level of awareness on the adoption of the proposed innovative actions and installationSuccess criteria high level of satisfaction measured among the general public
Building Energy Plant Planning Tool (BE-PLATO) v1This document will report a series of advanced analytics methods tools and optimization techniques for RES simulation and introduction with the aim to meet the expectations of the stakeholders in terms of the viability of investments and RES introduction impact Success Criteria Description of the techniques identified and processes implemented
Report on the operation and use of the RE-COGNITION solution during pilot testingThe monitoring of the Crossfunctional ICT Platform solution along with selected RETs integration and operation results in real building scenarios will be reported in this documentSuccess Criteria reallife validation of Crossfunctional ICT platform and selected RETs into various reallife conditions
Report on RE-COGNITION Full Framework validationThe monitoring of the completed RECOGNITION solutions framework integration and operation results in a real building environment POLITO will be reported in this documentSuccess Criteria Successful full framework validation report
Techno-economical and social barriers affecting the deployment of building-integrated RES v2Changes into the regulatory framework and other issues which could affect the RE-COGNITION RETs integration would be reported in this updated document. Success criteria: Identified changes during the 2nd year of the project reported.
Biogas-fuelled micro-CHP Prototype v1Report containing the description of activities needed to evolve the micro CHP system in order to be able to operate with Biogas. Success Criteria: the document should clearly describe the Adaptation of the fuel system, the adaptation of the combustor and the system control adaptation.
Techno-economical and social barriers affecting the deployment of building-integrated RES v1This report will deliver the main issues and barriers hindering the integration of RETs proposed in RE-COGNITION into residential and tertiary buildings. Regulatory, technical, social and economical barriers will be identified. Success criteria: Techno-economical and social barriers reported successfully.
RE-COGNITION Use cases and test scenarios definitionThe specifications and operating strategy for each pilot use case scenario will be specifically defined in this report, in order to prove pilot initiation readiness. Success Criteria: All needed specifications and strategy for pilots’ deployment defined
Pre-Pilot deployment and TestingThe deployment and testing activities of the smallscale RECOGNITION framework into the CERTHITIs Smart House facility will be described in detailSuccess Criteria Successful deployment and preliminary results on prepilot integration
Dissemination and Communication Plan v2Updated Report on the adopted dissemination and communication plan, including the definition of the communication kit and the adopted social media. Success Criteria: WEB Site keep updated and social media account promotion
Optimized Latent-Heat based Thermal Energy Storage technology v1Report containing the description of activities related the detailed design and realization of the thermal energy storage system. Success Criteria: the thermal energy storage should achieve low solidification and melting times with high energy density.
RE-COGNITION Common Information Model & Device ManagersThis report will contain the Common Information Model specifications, addressing the semantic representation for delivering the RE-COGNITION ICT framework functionalities. Success criteria: Delivery of the Common Information Model specifications
Colorized and lightweight BIPVs and Auxiliary Components v1Report containing the description of the development of colour elements integrated in module sandwich lightweight PV modules and Auxiliary componentsSuccess Criteria new film material and printing technique for BIPV modules designed and developed
RE-COGNITION System architecture v1The system architecture, correlated with the defined functional requirements, will be delivered. Information regarding related standards, protocols and semantics’ models correlated with the information flow will be reported. Success criteria: Delivery of system architecture and main technical specifications of sub-system components.
Innovative Solar Cooling system v1Report containing the description of activities related the design and development of optimized solarthermal driven dehumidification deviceSuccess Criteria the document should clearly describe the system design dynamic simulation the design engineering and optimisation the preliminary prototype realisation
Functional requirements, benchmarking indicators and evaluation framework definitionFunctional requirements of the developed solutions considering general capabilities of the already installed equipment will be identified and conclusions regarding the acceptance of low TRL technologies in urban environments will be made. Evaluation metrics regarding each scenario to be tested will be delivered as well. Success criteria: Definition of the functional requirements, KPIs to be tested for benchmarking purposes, along with potential shortcomings for guiding the evolution of low TRL developed technologies.
Building-Users/ Owners and RE-Installers Needs Report v2Updates on the human-factor related requirements will be reported in this document, reflecting the technologies prototypes’ design feedback. Success criteria: Changes and updates on human-related requirements based on design-stage feedback reported.
Visual Analytics Dashboard v1This report will describe the 1st working prototype version of the delivered webbased visual analytics toolkit and user interfaces of the RECOGNITION ICT PlatformSuccess Criteria Description of the visual analytics toolkit and user interfaces delivered
Lab Testing and Improvement at Test BedsThe extensive labscale testing activities regarding the integration of Crossfunctional RES Integration Platform components would be reported in detailSuccess Criteria Results on labscale tests for Crossfunctional RES Integration Platform components delivered
RE-COGNITION iGateway v1Starting from the analysis of available IoT standards and protocols for IoT and MachinetoMachine communication this deliverable will introduce the preliminary hardware and software stack architecture of the RECOGNITION iGateway based on the outcome of the requirements analysis selecting protocols that will be integrated within RECOGNITION for maximising the connected device support and interoperability and providing the preliminary specifications of RECOGNITION iGatewaySuccess Criteria Definition of the first version of the hardware and software RECOGNITION iGateway architecture and specifications
Report on preparation of test-bed related activitiesThe preliminary actions needed to prepare the test-bed activities will be reported in detail, along with the off-the-shelf components to be used for them. Success Criteria: Defined preliminary actions for test-bed activities preparation reported.
Dissemination and communication package - Second reporting periodRevised and updated report on the carried out dissemination and communication action including the list of presented papers published articles on scientific journals participation to external events workshops etc Success Criteria Reached target in terms of papers and articles published
VAWT building integration optimization in urban environments v1Report containing the description of activities in T2.1 related to prototyping a VAWT. Success Criteria: Urban Boundary Layer specific “building scale” optimisation, safety issues, power electronics and system integration addressed.
Report on activities for engaging and training pilot participants and related materialReport on the identification of pilot actors, activities for their engagement and their preliminary insights regarding successful pilot user acceptance. Success Criteria: Delivery of user engagement activities and successful involvement into pilot scenarios
Dissemination and communication package – First reporting periodReport on the carried out dissemination and communication action, including the list of presented papers, published articles on scientific journals, participation to external events, workshops, etc. Success Criteria: Number of presented papers and articles
Dissemination and Communication Plan v3Updated Report on the adopted dissemination and communication plan including the definition of the communication kit and the adopted social media Success Criteria WEB Site keep updated and social media account promotion
Dissemination and Communication Plan v1Report on the adopted dissemination and communication plan, including the definition of the communication kit and the adopted social media. Success Criteria: WEB Site opened and social media account established
Report on Integration Platform (interoperability mechanisms testing)This deliverable will report on the development of the interoperable mechanisms to standardise integration of data collection assuring security and seamless system deploymentSuccess Criteria Description of the development and testing of the interoperability mechanisms
RE-COGNITION System architecture v3The fully detailed system architecture will be delivered considering the finalized interfaces between all components included into the project framework RETs building installed equipment Integration platformSuccess criteria Fully detailed system architecture delivered
The deliverable will report the final version of the adopted RECOGNITION practices for collecting organizing backing up and storing the data generated inside the project The DPM will make publicly accessible the data beyond the life of the project
Giulia Manco, Elisa Guelpa, Vittorio Verda
Publicado en:
Energies, Edición 19961073, 2021, Página(s) 5528-5549, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Mihaela Crețu, Levente Czumbil, Bogdan Bârgăuan, Andrei Ceclan, Alexandru Berciu, Alexis Polycarpou, Renato Rizzo, Dan D. Micu
Publicado en:
IET Renewable Power Generation, Edición 14/15, 2020, Página(s) 2864-2875, ISSN 1752-1416
Institution of Engineering and Technology
Alessandro Colangelo, Elisa Guelpa, Andrea Lanzini, Giulia Mancò, Vittorio Verda
Publicado en:
Applied Sciences, Edición 10/24, 2020, Página(s) 8970, ISSN 2076-3417
G.Mancò, E.Guelpa, A.Colangelo, A.Virtuani, T.Morbiato,V.Verda
Publicado en:
Sustainability, Edición 20711050, 2021, Página(s) 1938-1963, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
D.I.Jurj, L.Czumbil, B.Bârgăuan, A.Ceclan, A.Polycarpou, D.D.Micu
Publicado en:
Sensors 2021, 21(9), Edición 14248220, 2021, Página(s) 2946-2973, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
F.Lisco, A.Virtuani, C.Ballif
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Edición 01608371, 2021, ISSN 0160-8371
T.Farkas, L.Czumbil, M.Cretu, L.Darabant, D.Stet, A.Ceclan, A.Polycarpou, D.D.Micu
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), 2021
A.C. Oliveira Martins, V. Chapuis, A. Virtuani, C. Ballif
Publicado en:
36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Edición one per year, 2019
JRC Press
Dacian I. Jurj, Dan D. Micu, Levente Czumbil, Alexandru G. Berciu, Mircea Lancrajan, Denisa M. Barar
Publicado en:
2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Edición one per year, 2020, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-1078-3
Lisco Fabiana; Virtuani Alessandro; Balif Christoph
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 20th Swiss National Photovoltaic Conference, 2022
20th Swiss National Photovoltaic Conference Publisher
Colangelo Alessandro; Guelpa Elisa; Lanzini Andrea; Verda Vittorio
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 34rth International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2021
34th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems
Colangelo Alessandro; Guelpa Elisa; Lanzini Andrea; Verda Vittorio
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2022
35th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems Publisher
F. Lisco, A. Virtuani, C. Ballif
Publicado en:
37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Edición one per year, 2020, Página(s) 777-783, ISBN 3-936338-73-6
JRC Press
D.I.Jurj, A.Polycarpou, L.Czumbil, A.G.Berciu, M.Lancrajan, D.Barar, D.D.Micu
Publicado en:
The 12th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2020), 2020, ISBN 978-1-83953-524-6
The 12th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2020)
F. Lisco, A.C. Oliveira Martins, A. Virtuani, C. Ballif
Publicado en:
37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Edición one per year, 2020, Página(s) 1108 - 1111, ISBN 3-936338-73-6
JRC Press
A. Virtuani, A. Fairbrother, F. Lisco, L.-E. Perret Aebi, N. Wyrsch, C. Ballif
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2021, Página(s) 1608 - 1611, ISBN 3-936338-78-7
38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
M.Cretu; LDarabant; L.Czumbil; A.Ceclan; D.Stet; D.D.Micu
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), 2021
Elisa Guelpa, Giulia Manco, Vittorio Verda
Publicado en:
Proceedings of The First World Energies Forum—Current and Future Energy Edicións, Edición 25043900, 2020, Página(s) 35-46, ISSN 2504-3900
T.Farkas, P.Unguresan, M.Cretu, D.Stet, L.Czumbil, A.Ceclan, C.Muresan, A.Polycarpou, D.D.Micu
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2022
the 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference Publisher
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