Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PANDA (The Game Changer of Physiotherapy towards Arthrosis Prevention)
Reporting period: 2018-06-01 to 2018-09-30
Our product is a smart self-learning technology in supporting the rehabilitation process for knee injuries, & prevents relapses. The product is a smart knee brace linked via BLE with a mobile application offering a quick diagnosis tool & faster adjustments of rehabilitation process.
- Technical feasibility: we analyzed the User Interface (UI) of the application, durability of the knee brace & self-learning algorithms. We improved UI usability, & added extra features to the knee brace.
- Commercial feasibility: we analyzed target markets & competition through bibliographic & field research. We concluded first pre-series sales.
- Financial feasibility: realized a 3-year forecast of revenues and costs, together a willingness-to-pay analysis. Improving also our go-to-market strategy.
The economic impact is twofold:
- The price, as a flat fee, is small (350 Euros TTC), allowing higher usage. In France, there will be the possibility for patients to be reimbursed for the device.
-By increasing the usage of the knee brace, it can also be an increase in the number of patients (& revenues) per physiotherapist.
The social impact stands from the increase in rehabilitated patients &, through the preventive care feature, currently in development, a decrease in the number of relapses.