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CB1-18 Chatbot tool for automatic job interview

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CB1-18 (CB1-18 Chatbot tool for automatic job interview)

Période du rapport: 2018-04-01 au 2018-09-30

Before hiring an applicant for a specific job position, an organization needs to undergo a set of phases and processes to bring in talented professionals. From the initial screening to the final decision, recruiters spend a lot of time and money in the selection processes. There is actually no company able to analyse all the applications received and job applicants run the risk of being rejected even before having their CVs or resumes read. The objective is to create a software, which can help the employability through the optimization and automatization of the recruitment and the selection processes. Indeed, CB1-18 is a computer program able to conduct a job interview automatically via auditory video and textual methods; consequently, it can potentially change the way that staffing industry works. The main goal of this project is that of providing both companies and candidates with a better and improved recruitment. CB1-18 can automatically analyse 100% of CVs instead of just 5% currently detected on the market as well as of reduce time and costs related to the selection processes thanks to Artificial Intelligence. Besides, the Chatbot increases the employability of qualified people facing difficulties in accessing the labour market due to discriminatory factors.
To successfully implement CB1-18, Arca24 defined a work plan consisting of:
It was aimed at determining the current HRM demands and at defining the market’s boundaries in which Arca24 operates, thanks to a survey and a competitive analysis.
A technical requirements report has been written following an implementation test that has been made to receive a first feedback from those people whose core business is exactly human resources.
Arca24 wrote a content report and developed a proper business scouting strategy to identify beta testers and stakeholders to cooperate with to improve the results of the Chatbot with additional tools or features.
A ready-to-market business strategy report has been written with the channel, the distribution and the partnership definition and it has been determined a stakeholders scenery particularly broad and diversified.
Arca24 developed a 5-years business plan report for CB1-18 based on the sales revenue, the staff growth, the ROI and costs analysis resulting in an overall substantial growth.
The results of the work plan showed the attractiveness and feasibility of the project, which has great economic and social impact. CB1-18 is such an innovative tool that it will significantly influence not only Arca24 itself, but also and mainly the whole HR market, by completely changing how recruitment and selection processes work. In the long term, Arca24 would like to develop the software in many additional languages in order to expand worldwide with no boundaries.