Periodic Reporting for period 3 - CORKtheCAMBIA (Thickening of plant organs by nested stem cells)
Período documentado: 2022-09-01 hasta 2024-02-29
To identify the origin of stem cells of cork cambium, we will first combine lineage tracing with a detailed molecular marker analysis. To deduce the cell dynamics of cork cambium, we will secondly follow regeneration of the stem cells after ablation of this meristem. These ablation experiments will reveal the role of each tissue types in stem cell maintenance. To discover the molecular factors regulating the stem cell specification of cork cambium, in the third approach, we will utilize molecular genetics and a novel method (inducible CRISPR/Cas9 mutant targeting) developed in my lab to conditionally knockout target genes in tissue specific manner. Since the lateral growth is orchestrated by two adjacent, nested meristems, cork and vascular cambia, the growth process must be tightly co-regulated. Thus, in the final approach, we will develop in silico model of the intertwined growth process. By combining modelling with experimentation, we will uncover mechanistically how cork and vascular cambium coordinate lateral growth. Understanding the coordination of growth by the two meristems will be critical to comprehend the lateral growth as whole, and tissue mechanics during growth in general. Storage organs, such as carrot or sweet potato roots, are produced by a variant of vascular cambium.
CORKtheCAMBIA will thus provide long-awaited insight into the regulatory mechanisms specifying the stem cells of lateral meristem as whole, lay the foundation for studies on radial thickening and facilitate rational manipulation of lateral meristems of crop plants and trees.