Periodic Reporting for period 3 - GRRIP (Grounding RRI practices in research performing organisations)
Período documentado: 2021-07-01 hasta 2022-12-31
GRRIP project had six main objectives and the following is a description how GRRIP completed each objective:
Objective 1: Co-develop, implement and evaluate self-tailored RRI Action Plans (AP) to enable institutional and cultural change processes for the 5 Marine and Maritime (M&M) research performing organisations and research funding organisation (RPOs&RFO) to embed RRI in their governance frameworks, structures and cultures.
GRRIP completed RRI APs for each pilot site based on a detailed Audit of each RPOs&RFO, determining the current RRI maturity level and the barriers identified. RRI dimensions were incorporated into the AP Note: GRRIP RPOs&RFO for the purposes of this project, are purely research institutions, and conduct no teaching of students.
Objective 2: Establish structures to facilitate, promote and maximise real sustainable engagement with, and input from, the Quadruple Helix (QH) (industry, societal actors (often referred to as citizens, public, society, civil society organisations), policy and other RPO&RFOs).
GRRIP paid particular attention to the QH and societal actors throughout the entire project and within each RPO&RFO R&I process interventions. A dedicated WP4 was actioned to ensure both the cataloguing of the QH, in addition to organising their engagement in cocreation of the RRI process, and involve di the overall Mutual learning.
Objective 3: Establish indicators and methodology for impartial Monitoring, Reflection and Evaluation cycles.
GRRIP via WP7&8 completed formative and summative Evaluations of the implementation of the APs and interventions. The results produced Cross-Fertilisation and Trans-disciplinary foresight. Objective 3 ensured that the high impact provision of evidence of societal, democratic, economic and scientific impacts of institutional changes was achieved.
Objective 4: Develop a Mutual Learning process across the M&M RPOs&RFO both during the institutional and cultural change project and the ongoing evaluation feedback loop cycles, using participatory methods.
GRRIP implemented multiple Mutual Learning steps throughout project, implemented at strategic stages to maximise feedback. QH participation in this process was critical for success.
Objective 5: Legacy: To enable more M&M RPO&RFOs to ground RRI practices through institutional and cultural changes.
GRRIP succeed in implementing 2 Legacy actions 1) created a practical user-friendly RRI AP framework template and guidelines, and 2) launched a M&M RRI community at the Closing Summit.
Objective 6: Examine how an RFO can positively influence and encourage an RPO towards RRI via its funding policy and interaction.
This action was successfully implemented in WP7, via a case study pilot in ECN/IUML. Interventions for increased RRI dimensions was inserted into the funding calls with positive results.
1. Deliverables: covering the Audit results, final APs of the sites, and the M&E results after implementation. All 24 Deliverables are available Open Access on GRRIP website
2. D&C material: GRRIP D&C workpackage produced fact sheets, flyers, etc
3. GRRIP main Exploitables:
3.a CNR has prepared a easy to use web based tool for RPO/RFO to conducts its RRI audit. The tool cleverly calculates the RPO/RFO baseline, using an algorithm created by CNR (open access). The tool creates a series of Spider graphs for easy viewing and comprehension
Link :
3.b. WP6 : List of 72 Interventions in RRI for Institutional Change
The 72 interventions are divided between the following heading:
3.c. WP6: GRRIP Action plan Framework Final - Exploitable
The Action Plan template created by DMU with assistance of DCU and EUR, that the GRRIP partners used has been refined to produce a final Action Plan template for RPO/RFO to create their plans. The template has easy to use step by step process whereby the Intervention is developed by a series of logical questions leading to a final plan.
3.d. WP7 GRRIP RRI Intervention and Indicator Dashboard -template Exploitable
Created by DMU with assistance of DCO and EUR. This is an excel. It allows the input of the Interventions, milestones and targets dates from the WP6action plan, and enables the regular updating of the progress.
3.e: D9.1 Synthesis and Guidelines of the GRRIP knowledge and experience to implement a RPO/RFO institutional change management process.
3.f. The GRRIP Community hosted in the Marina Website:
Objective 1 Impact - The RRI dimensions were embedded in 5 M&M RPOs&RFO through the implementation of self-tailored Action Plans. This resulted in a significant number of impactful and sustainable institutional changes in the RPO&RFOs which were measured and evaluated (Obj 3) during the project against targets and KPIs. The interventions in the APs covered all aspects of R&I cycles to include in particular the QH in agenda setting in research and innovation programmes, co-production of research and innovation content, citizen science, and co-evaluation of proposals, activities or other R&I funding decisions.
Objective 2 Impact - QH platform was established in WP4 and embedded in the GRRIP Community during WP7. QH participants were trained to facilitate and promote real and meaningful QH engagement. This will ensure real sustainable engagement with the QH and civil society in particular, resulting in successful alignment of R&I and societal needs.
Objective 3 Impact – Each pilot site case study successfully implemented between 25-30 Interventions for institutional changes, including their quality and sustainability in partner organisations. The APs created in WP6 implemented self-tailored interventions to action institutional and cultural changes in each of the 5 RPO&RFOs. The quality of the interventions will be driven by Mutual learning and reflection cycles throughout project:
The sustainability of the institutional changes were supported by the promotion of parallel cultural change, communication and education activities.
Objective 4 Impact: M&M RRI community and sector specific AP template and guidelines will enable to reach more RPOs&RFO and QH representatives. This will be achieved by GRRIP now belonging to the wider MARINA platform community. Thus GRRIP RRI institutional change process will be directly communicate and available to a wide M&M community,
Objective 5 Impact: GRRIP implemented a evidence based quantified indicators and targets of impact approach, namely:
• RRI APs implemented in 5 RPO&RFOs.
• 5 QH platforms established, one for each RPO&RFO
• 4 planned workshops between the RPO&RFO and QH during the project.
• A mutual learning platform for the 5 RPO&RFOs with 4 planned workshops including the QH