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Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Professional training plan of BIM for renovation

The training plan will be prepared addressing all main stakeholders in the renovation market ie real estate clients public authorities and professionals from all disciplines architects structural and HVAC engineers construction firms involving both white and blue collar workers This plan will be implemented in the Continuous Professional Development to be carried out until the end of the project and beyond

BIM Execution Plan for residential deep renovation

This deliverable will describe a generic execution plan of BIMbased housing renovation projects The deliverable consists of 2 main parts the first part addressing procurement and Integrated Project Delivery lead developer PB40 and the second part focusing on operational coordination between the design and construction actors including Health Safety and Environment management during renovation for the construction workers and inhabitants lead developer MOW

Practical framework for BIM-based acoustic, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality assessment in renovation projects

This deliverable proposes a standardised method for the implementation of BIM for IEQ analysis in renovation projects and the interoperability solutions between the analytical tools and the BIMSPEED Platform It also includes the analysis outcomes of the selected real demonstration cases in conjunction with WP8 as an input to for lowdisturbance renovation strategies in WP7T72

Practical framework for BIM-based lighting and visual comfort assessment in renovation projects

This deliverable proposes a standardised method for the implementation of BIM for lighting and visual comfort and the interoperability solutions between the analytical tools and the BIMSPEED Platform It also includes the analysis outcomes of the selected real demonstration cases in conjunction with WP8 as an input for optimal renovation solutions in WP7T71

Strategies for user acceptance, collaboration support, and BIM data maintenance

This deliverable presents the results of the user surveys and the recommendations to be implemented in the continuous development of the BIM platform It also encapsulates the requirements to be fulfilled and mechanisms to be developed to ensure futureproof BIM data maintenance and usability for futureproof data BIM data maintenance

Machine-learning for As-Built diagnostics and enrichment of design rules for deep renovation

This report will describe the potentials constraints and viable solutions of the use of machinelearning artificial intelligence approaches at the design stage of deep renovation projects

Evaluation and recommendations of BIM data security, privacy, social and ethical aspects

This deliverable presents an initial PIA Privacy Impact Assessment evaluation and recommendations with regards to the BIM data security privacy social and ethical concerns aligned with the deployment of the BIMSPEED platform and tools and in relation to the exploitation plans

Guidelines for BIM-based procurement, collaboration protocols and IPD for renovation projects

This deliverable identifies the actual of BIM legal aspects for procurement and collaboration at national and EU level and provides guidance to develop procurement and collaboration strategies for BIM implementation in renovation projects

EU BIM guidelines, best practices and market uptake roadmap for renovation of residential buildings

This deliverable consist of three parts Part 1 Practical implementation guidelines of BIM for EEB renovation projects for real estate clients architects HVAC firms and construction firms Part 2 Best practices of renovation of residential buildings in Europe and Part 3 Roadmap for accelerated market uptake in all disciplines at national and EU level The updated drafts of this deliverable will be published yearly for review by with the Community of Practice and Advisory Board

Methods for architectural, structural, thermal 3D data acquisition of existing buildings

The guidelines include recommended hardware and software tools and methods for data acquisition of architectural structural thermal aspects of the existing buildings guidance to understand the acquired data to diagnose the existing building statuscondition IT architecture interface design for coupling the acquired data to BIM

Synthesis report on demonstration cases of BIM for renovation projects

This deliverable presents a report of the preparation elaboration execution and evaluation of all demonstration cases including the contributions from the EU BIM for Renovation Competition The updated drafts of this deliverable will be published yearly and presented to the Community of Practice and Advisory Board

Methods for integration of environmental and GIS data to BEM

This deliverable analyses the importance of GIS and environmental data climateweather information of surrounding areas underground infrastructures and energy networks for energy modelling It presents practical solutions for enriching BEM with such environmental data through coupling between GIS BIM and BEM

BIM Family ontologies for materials, components, HVAC equipment in renovation projects

This deliverable will describe the ontologies for materials components and HVAC equipment in detail and will illustrate the use of the ontologies classes using a set of specific use cases from the demonstration projects

Methods for surveying and diagnostics of HVAC systems in the existing buildings

The guidelines include recommended hardware and software tools and methods for data acquisition of HVAC systems in the existing buildings datadrivendatamining approach for recognition of the technical specs of HVAC systems in relation with the BIM Family Object Library and guidance to understand the acquired data to diagnose the existing HVAC performancecondition IT architecture interface design for coupling the acquired data to BIM

Analysis of BIM-to-BEM critical parameters and recommendations to solve the current bottlenecks

This deliverable presents the outcome of an analytical review of the current BIMtoBEM processes in renovation projects It recommends practical solutions to the existing bottlenecks with a special attention on openinteroperability of the BEM tools

Dissemination and communication plan

The draft Dissemination and Communication Plan described in section 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 will be elaborated, finalised and implemented by the whole consortium to perform the dissemination and communication activities throughout the project. The updated results will be registered in the Continuous Reporting Module in the EC Participant Portal.

Baseline and Use Cases for BIM-based renovation projects and KPIs for EEB renovation

The first part of this deliverable consists of the Baseline and Use Cases for BIMbased renovation which serve as an objective reference to elaborate execute and validate the real demonstration cases The second part of this deliverable consolidates the KPIs for EEB renovations referred to actual practice as well as recent EC studies addressing EEB KPIs

Report on cooperation activities with standardisation bodies and recommendations on BIM for renovation

This deliverable presents a report of the cooperation with standardisation bodies consolidated recommendations for implementation of the latest BIM standards in EEB renovation projects and proposed improvements The updated drafts of this deliverable will be published yearly and socialised through the network of experts actively involved in standardisation bodies

Guidelines for as-built BIM modelling of existing buildings

The guidelines describe the practical steps and requirements for BIM modelling of the existing buildings addressing the various sources of asbuilt information eg 3D scanning HVAC survey drawings and documents inhabitants input depending on the relevant data acquisition solutions in collaboration with WP1

Established internal and external communication channels

Public website, project management online collaboration site (Microsoft SharePoint or similar), recognisable project’s identity and graphic design, social media groups, and other relevant channels as indicated in section 2.2.2 will be set up, launched and maintained throughout the project and at least 2 years after the project’s completion.

Establishment and management of Community of Practice and Advisory Board

This core of this deliverable is the real establishment of the CoP and AB which gather the stakeholders of BIM-SPEED. The format of this deliverable is an online platform (e.g. dedicated part of the BIM-SPEED website, social media group, internet forum) for managing and facilitating the stakeholders gathered in the CoP and AB. The online platform also contains the programme of activities, reports, and results of the BIM Maturity Scan for Renovation among the stakeholders. The online platform also links to the communication channels for live streaming and recorded webinars of the Annual BIM-SPEED Industry Day. The online platform will be updated continuously even beyond the BIM-SPEED project as part of the long-term exploitation.

Synthesis multimedia presentation of the EU BIM for Renovation Competition

This deliverable presents the programme contributions and results of the BIM competition including Call for Participation to the competition promotion channels criteria selection for winners submitted contributions award list followup plans and promotion materials of the results of the competition

Semantic design rules and tool for deep renovation design

This deliverable presents a set of semantic design rules for deep renovation lead developer LKS which are implemented in a BIMbased design configurator tool that builds further upon the similar BIM tool in the FP7 STREAMER project lead developer DMO

Full version of the BIM-SPEED cloud platform, services and interfaces

This deliverable is the final version of the BIM platform incorporating all technical developments and content developed during the BIM-SPEED project, and ready for long-term exploitation after the BIM-SPEED project. The final version of the BIM platform is capable of integration of various BIM tools to support the renovation process following the interoperability and standardisation mechanisms developed in WP5.

Life-Cycle Cost and asset management tool

This deliverable will provide a support tool to analyse LCC and asset management aspects of the BIM-based renovation design proposals.

Multi-criteria decision making method and tool for housing renovation projects

This deliverable will provide a detailed description of the developed multicriteria decisionmaking method and the supporting tool for the stakeholders and inhabitants This deliverable will also discuss how the deep renovation objectives can be transformed into quantifiable criteria The result will be implemented in all demonstration cases

Applications for crowdsourcing of inhabitants input

This deliverable presents a userfriendly web and mobile applications for crowdsourcing of the inhabitants input at building renovation projects verification of the compliance with information security privacy and ethics rules in conjunction with WP6 a setup and deployed repository for the obtained data the APIs to couple the data with the BIM Could Platform WP6 and decisionsupport tool WP7 and solutions for Big Data Analytics

A set of BIM Passports of the existing building stock

This deliverable presents: the guidelines to establish BIM Passports of the existing building stock as well as the preliminary set of BIM Passports based on the real demonstration cases in BIM-SPEED and the contributions from the EU BIM for Renovation Competition (in collaboration with WP8); and the storage of the BIM Passports either on BIM-SPEED Platform (WP6) or a common repository at EU level (availability and accessibility to be investigated).

A set of support tools and standardised procedures for BEM creation

This deliverable consists of several tools that facilitate an automated process for BIMtoBEM for different target groups simple box tools for building professionals and full BIMtoBEM tools for energy experts as well as standardised procedures to solve the bottlenecks in renovation projects as identified in the previous task T31

IT solutions to couple environmental, surroundings and weather data to BIM

This deliverable presents the IT architecture recommended protocols and standardisation for retrieving and storing external data of GIS weather information and information of energy water and transportation networks a setup and deployed repository and the APIs to couple the data with the BIM Could Platform WP6 and BEM BIMbased analytical tools WP3

Methods and tools for rule-based model checking and data validation

This deliverable presents the methods and tools for rulebased model checking and data validation according to the defined ETL processes and the outcomes of model checking and data validation of the selected real demonstration cases in conjunction with WP8 to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of the data to be uploaded to the BIMSPEED Platform WP6

Launch version of the BIM-SPEED cloud platform, services and interfaces

This core of deliverable is the BIM platform itself which will be available from the start of the project This deliverable includes the description of the launch version of the BIM platform the user manuals and practical recommendations for implementation The launch version of the BIM platform includes the core BIM functionalities main document management collaborative functionalities and the first set of BIM services available for real and virtual demonstrations

BIM Object Library and Product LCA for renovation projects

This deliverable presents the IT architecture recommended protocols and standardisation for loading renovation product information from BIM Object Libraries from various providers construction firms and the APIs to couple the data with the BIM Could Platform WP6 and relevant BIM tools to design analyse and decide the renovation solutions and strategies

Real demonstration results of BEM performance simulation using BIM-SPEED Toolset

This deliverable presents the results of BEM performance simulation of the real demonstration cases (in conjunction with WP8, based on the created BEM from WP3) along with the applied simulation models, processes and tools.

BIM Connectors for interoperability between different BIM tools and with the BIM-SPEED Platform

This deliverable presents the ETL processes to enable information exchange in EEB renovation projects the IDM Information Delivery Manuals for the identified ETL processes the reference pivot model to share data and the operable BIM Connectors and associated APIs concerning the utilised BIM tools in BIMSPEED This deliverable will be ready at M24 yet the implemented solutions will be continuously improved during the project

Method and online tool for defining the feasibility and scope of BIM implementation for renovation projects

This deliverable presents a set of guidelines for BIM implementation in renovation projects taking into account the building typologies scale of renovation stakeholders formal BIM requirements from the local authorities etc The guidelines will be presented integrated with an online questionnaire for feasibilityBIM maturity assessment at the initiation stage of renovation

A set of calibrated BEM for real demonstration cases and proposed standardisation

This deliverable presents the results of BEM calibration from the demonstration cases for the purpose of simulation and further analysis. The BEMs will be produced and improved continuously from M13 to M36. The deliverable also includes the lessons-learned from BEM calibration as input for standardisation in WP5/Task 5.1.

BIM-based procedures and tool for holistic performance assessment of renovation design options

This deliverable presents the validated procedures and the utilised tool –connected with BIM-SPEED Platform and the 10D Toolset– to sum up the results of the multifaceted building performance simulations (energy, acoustic, lighting, etc.) and an overall performance dashboard to assess the proposed renovation design options.

VR/AR demonstrators of deep renovation scenarios

This deliverable will demonstrate the ability to use AR/VR to engineer and plan the installations of deep renovation products. A number of VR/AR demonstrators will be set-up addressing the planned on-site execution of the real demonstration projects.


The cultural heritage of Varna and the Black Sea region. The so-called Varna

Author(s): Uvaliev, N.
Published in: Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. The Cultural Heritage of Varna and the Black Sea Region, 2021, ISSN 2738-7372
Publisher: Journal of the Union of Scientists
DOI: 10.14748/isuvknv.v0i0.6588

Reno-Inst: An ontology to support renovation projects planning and renovation products installation

Author(s): Jerson Alexis Pinzon Amorocho, Timo Hartmann
Published in: Advanced Engineering Informatics, Issue 50, 2021, Page(s) 101415, ISSN 1474-0346
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2021.101415

A multi-criteria decision-making framework for residential building renovation using pairwise comparison and TOPSIS methods

Author(s): Pinzon, J.; Hartmann, T.
Published in: Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, ISSN 2352-7102
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104596

Machine Learning for the Improvement of Deep Renovation Building Projects Using As-Built BIM Models

Author(s): Sofía Mulero-Palencia, Sonia Álvarez-Díaz, Manuel Andrés-Chicote
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 13/12, 2021, Page(s) 6576, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13126576

An ontology to represent geospatial data to support building renovation

Author(s): Daneshfar, Maryam; Hartmann, Timo; Rabe, Jochen
Published in: Advanced Engineering Informatics, Issue Volume 52, 2022, ISSN 1474-0346
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.14279/depositonce-15912

Investigating the Conditions of Emerging Requirements of Advanced Technologies for BIM-SPEED Platform

Author(s): Redmond, A.; Álvarez-Díaz, S.; Pastorelly, N.
Published in: ICNS 2023, 2022, ISBN 978-1-68558-021-6
Publisher: ICNS

IoT infrared sensor for continuous monitoring of building envelope thermal performances

Author(s): S. Serroni; M. Arnesano; G. Pandarese; M. Martarelli; G. Marco Revel
Published in: 2021 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), 2021
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/splitech52315.2021.9566448

Innovative measurements for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) assessment in residential buildings

Author(s): Gianmarco Battista; Serena Serroni; Milena Martarelli; Marco Arnesano; Gian Marco Revel
Published in: 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEn), 2022
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/metrolivenv54405.2022.9826982

Decision-Making Process to Select Energy Efficient Renovation Alternatives for Residential Buildings: Two Case Studies

Author(s): Pinzon Amorocho, Jerson Alexis; Hartmann, Timo
Published in: Proceedings of the 36th Annual ARCOM Conference, Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: ARCOM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5841559

A BIM object library for buildings energy efficiency renovation

Author(s): Maria Chiara Caruso Alberto Zinno Valeria Di Paola,
Published in: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of CIB W78, 2021, Page(s) 578-585, ISSN 2706-6568
Publisher: ITC Digital library

Reno-DM A Knowledge model to support the decision-making process in the context of residential building renovation projects

Author(s): Amorocho, J. A. P.; Hartmann, T
Published in: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Publisher: IOPScience
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1078/1/012018

A GIS-based Ontology for Representing the Surrounding Environment of Buildings to Support Building Renovation

Author(s): Maryam Daneshfar Timo Hartmann Jochen Rabe
Published in: Proceedings of the 8th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop, 2020

BIM-SPEED Inhabitant’s App: A BIM-Based Application for Crowdsourcing of Inhabitants’ Input in Renovation Projects

Author(s): Samaneh Rezvani Maurijn Neumann Jos Noordzij Mija Sušnik Mohamed Elagiry Jason Pridmore
Published in: Environmental Sciences Proceedings, Issue 11, 2021
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2021011028

A BIM object library for buildings energy efficiency renovation

Author(s): Caruso, Maria Chiara; Zinno, Alberto; Di Paola, Valeria
Published in: Issue 1, 2021
Publisher: NA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5841621

Application of an IoT infrared sensor for thermal transmittance measurement in building renovation

Author(s): S.Serroni, M. Arnesano, M.Martarelli, G.M. Revel
Published in: 2022 7th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), 2022
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/splitech55088.2022.9854241

Reno-Inst: An ontology to support renovation projects planning and renovation products installation

Author(s): Jerson Alexis Pinzon Amorocho; Timo Hartmann
Published in: EG-ICE 2020 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: TUBerlin
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5604213

Sensitivity analysis of building energy models due to the shading effect of surrounding buildings to support building renovation

Author(s): Daneshfar, M., Hartmann, T., & Rabe, J.
Published in: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Publisher: IOPScience
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1078/1/012126

3D modelling of existing asset based on point clouds: A comparison of Scan2BIM approaches

Author(s): Sonia Álvarez-Díaz; Javier Román-Cembranos; Agnieszka Łukaszewska; Piotr Dymarski
Published in: 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEn), 2022
Publisher: IEEE

BIM-SPEED training dataset for HVAC detection using Deep Learning

Author(s): Llamas, J.
Published in: TU Berlin Repository, 2022
Publisher: TU Berlin
DOI: 10.14279/depositonce-15559

The role of communication networks in adoption of sustainable innovations: the case of BIM

Author(s): Gonçalves, João; Pereira Campos, Jorge; Pridmore, Jason; Wang, Yijing
Published in: 2022
Publisher: Erasmus University Rotterdam
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7465464

Promoting reflexivity amongst smart city intermediaries: A speculative approach

Author(s): Jorge Pereira Campos; João Gonçalves; Jason Pridmore
Published in: Speculative Design Methods for Citizen Engagement in Smart Cities Research, 2021, ISBN 9789083162126
Publisher: Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7465510

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