CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Report which provides clear recommendations for a SMART concise and robust list of indicators that will provide an overview of circularity at a city building and material level Associated guidance on the type of indicators that can be used depending on the data availability their purpose how they can be measured monitored and reported and whom by and the benefits of using them task 32
Recommendations: EU-guideline on pre-demolition auditEvaluation of how to apply the guideline on public and private demolition projects, based on experience from applying the guideline in practice in WP4 and available information from member states.
Threefold ROI assessment of building concepts and threefold ROI of urban planReport documenting ROI analysis of each building system as well as analysing potentials on an urban scale.
Report on set up of Circularity HubReport that describes the dependencies, functionalities and interactions of all applications in the Circularity Hub, as well as the architecture of the platform. This includes documentation of existing and reusable software and methodologies across the consortium, a testing and development paradigm for continuous improvement of the Circularity Hub and the setup of the Circularity Wiki (tasks 8.1, 8.2 and 8.6).
Public final reportWill include key findings and recommendations from WP 3 8 tailored to industry professionals with and without prior circular economy knowledge as were presented at the final event as well as business cases derived from the 36 demonstrator projects
Report on the establishment of the Circularity DashboardReport that describes the development of the Urban Mining Index the Lifespan Index and the Circularity Index as well as presents the Circularity Dashboard and its links to WP3 task 85
Report on using 3D for citizen engagementReport on use cases of citizen engagement activities including the usage of 3D visualization for improving involvement and feedback task 87
Guide for case selection via the mapping of transformable neighbourhoods/buildingsThis guide explains the methods explored in the project for the systematic identification of transformation targets from a larger mass of buildings The document lists the basic premises data requirements use procedures expectable results as well as benefits and possible shortcomings of the different approaches demonstrating and illustrating these issues with the help of the practical case studies performed in the four consortium cities The document is mainly targeted at municipal authorities urban planners and real estate portfolio managers
Developing and applying replicable design strategies and principlesThis is a handson documentation that walks the reader through the replicable design strategies and principles developed in the project and gives practical instructions how to apply those strategies and principles in other similarenough contexts demonstrating and illustrating this with the casespecific designs created in the project The document also explains the premises for creating such strategies and principles for other contexts covering methods and data requirements cocreation collaboration practices as well as potential benefits and shortcomings of the approaches The guideline is mainly targeted at architects and planners
Circular economy in urban planning and building permits - possibilities and limitationsAnalysis of the possibilities to implement circular construction within the four cities policy instruments and procedures Identify room for manoeuvre for including requirements on the three innovative solutions Identify how the four cities can move forward and implement circular construction
Finalised framework of data attributes and analytics for the pilotsReport capturing the finalised framework of data attributes and analytics needed to support, monitor, measure and assess the piloting and demonstration activities contained within WPs 4, 5 and 6. (task 3.4).
Guidance and recommendations: How to exploit the framework and data at city levelThis report will consolidate the findings from WP3, and aligned work packages, about the use of data to support public sector decision making and policy compliance. (task 3.5).
Business case for database and marketing strategyReport detailing the further exploitation opportunities of the centralised database created in WP3 on the arising stock and flow of materials A business case will be produced covering how the database can be used and continue to be updated along with a marketing strategy to enable uptake task 33
Feedback: CIRCuIT City Network and wider industry networkThis task will develop a network of cities to disseminate experience impacts and outcomes of the project as well as gather information from them in a twoway information exchange It will also look to exploit existing global city network groups and industry networks to share project learning
Public report on business model for the Circularity HubReport that describes for the possible transfer opportunities of each application within the Circularity Hub. This includes possible business models (scalability, profits and maintenance costs) and recommendations for the best possible ownership of the applications (task 8.8).
Implementation of Circular approaches into city planningRoadmaps for the four cities to implement at least one of the recommendations on circular construction.
Documentation of Citizen Engagement PortalReport presenting an evaluation of the portal, has it performed as intended and how can it be improved.
Recommendation for improving the use of recycled materials and reusable elementsRecommendation for procurement guidelines, funding schemes and fee structures to support the reuse and recycling of building materials and the reuse of building elements.
Achieved reuse, refurbishment and recycling quota energy and resource balances and cost analyses for the demonstrator casesAchieved reuse, refurbishment and recycling quota energy and resource balances and cost analyses for the demonstrator cases.
Decision-Maker ForumReport that identify key potentials and barriers for flexible construction across the participant cities derived from interviews and workshops with identified key stakeholders
Recommendation for improving capture material flow data in the built environmentReport which summarises existing data and the methods of collection, format, validation and application in each city and reports on the gaps. Recommendations for improving data capture within the practices and constraints of each city will be provided. (task 3.1).
Four City Case Roadmaps for implementationReports outlining specific implementation roadmaps and prospects within the four cities.
Report on Assessed ROI for Circular conceptsThe second report on Return on Investment for flexible designs. First part described the suggested methodology of a Return On Investment (ROI)assessment for flexible designs. The second part will report on the actual assessments conducted of ROI on demonstrations in Workpackage 6.
Template business cases for built environmentTemplates for decision makers in the city administrations and councils Based on TCO or LCC
Policy brief and business case of building transformationIn practice, buildings’ survival depends on decisions made in urban planning as well as by the owner. Therefore, a combined policy brief and business case document is developed in order to inform both worlds of the other’s perspective in a single document. The document takes into account embedding information on environmental impacts of different transformation scenarios in GIS to inform planners (the policy brief aspect) in addition to elaborating on the different transformation alternatives’ life-cycle economic implications and multi-criteria decision-making that embeds environmental and cultural values into the return-on-investment considerations (the business case aspect). The deliverable is mainly targeted at municipal authorities, urban planners and building owners.
Documentation with audit result, inventory and demolition guide for executionEvaluation of the eight predemolition audits and guide with design protocols and checklists
State of the art on material flow data in the built environmentReport to capture the current best practices and state of the art knowledge and capability in mapping and understanding material flows in the built environment. Latest innovation in facilitating material based mass scanning of the existing building stock will also be examined. (task 3.1)
Circular building concepts for concrete, hybrid concrete-wood, and volume constructionDesign report for 12 (3 for each city) demonstrators that exemplify flexible and adaptable building systems.
Recommendations: Criteria for public tenders on constructionSet of criteria for implementing circular construction in public tenders, with a description of the expected environmental impact of the criteria and evaluation procedures.
Recommendations: Instruments for the dialogues with developersDevelop set of recommendations for an improved dialogue between the city administration and developers The partner cities will identify which of the recommendations they will commit to use
Feedback: annual networking events and hackathonsReport presenting the outcomes of annual networking events and hackathons curate a programme of city specific networking events and hackathons to support the project
Project HandbookProject Handbook with detailed project plan and yearly updates (M3, M15, M27 and M39) (task 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
Space Monitoring Service is applied to the Circularity Hub and the City Circularity Atlas is showcasing city wide data from the mass scanning datasets provided in WP3 task 84
Communication and dissemination packageSuite of materials for communication and dissemination including a project logo flyer and project document template
Four e-learning modules at Circularity HubLearning and case studies from WP4-7 will be captured and shared through the CIRCuIT Academy and developed into training materials that can be used to run sessions with relevant professionals in each city.
Materials Exchange Portal functioningUsers can use the Materials Exchange Portal to either offer reusable materials to other companies and/or conduct inquiries for materials for their own projects (task 8.3).
Construction and exhibition of 12 (3 for each city) demonstrators constructed for local regulatory environment with local partners.
Data Management Plan (first draft to be updated regularly) (M6) (task 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
Malin Moisio, Emmi Salmio, Tapio Kaasalainen, Satu Huuhka, Aapo Räsänen, Jukka Lahdensivu, Minna Leppänen, Pirjo Kuula
Publicado en:
Buildings & Cities, Edición 5, 2024, Página(s) 581-600, ISSN 2632-6655
Ubiquity Press
Tapio Kaasalainen, Mario Kolkwitz, Bahareh Nasiri, Satu Huuhka, Mark Hughes
Publicado en:
Data in Brief, Edición 50, 2023, Página(s) 109502, ISSN 2352-3409
Elsevier BV
Jyrki Tarpio; Satu Huuhka
Publicado en:
Buildings and Cities, Edición 3(1), 2022, Página(s) 93-110, ISSN 2632-6655
Ubiquity Press
Mario Kolkwitz; Elina Luotonen; Satu Huuhka
Publicado en:
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Edición 23998083, 2022, ISSN 2399-8083
Malin Moisio, Satu Huuhka, Emmi Salmio, Tapio Kaasalainen, Jukka Lahdensivu
Publicado en:
Journal of Architectural Conservation, 2024, ISSN 2326-6384
Taylor & Francis
Aapo Räsänen; Satu Huuhka; Toni Pakkala; Jukka Lahdensivu
Publicado en:
Case Studies in Construction Materials, Edición 22145095, 2022, Página(s) e01504, ISSN 2214-5095
Elsevier BV
Jyrki Tarpio; Satu Huuhka; Inge Vestergaard
Publicado en:
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2021, ISSN 1566-4910
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Satu Huuhka, Malin Moisio, Matthias Arnould
Publicado en:
Buildings and Cities, Edición 5(1), 2024, Página(s) 150-161, ISSN 2632-6655
Ubiquity Press
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