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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Advanced Lightweight and Flexible Array with Mechanical Architecture

Description du projet

Des photovoltaïques pionniers amplifient la puissance des satellites sans en augmenter la masse ou les coûts

La technologie photovoltaïque a connu un essor incroyable depuis la démonstration de la première cellule solaire au silicium en 1954. De nos jours, le photovoltaïque alimente les maisons, les entreprises, l’éclairage public et, plus récemment, les satellites. L’augmentation de la puissance de propulsion électrique solaire donnera un coup d’accélérateur à l’exploration spatiale humaine ainsi qu’aux applications satellites liées à l’espace. Le maintien de la masse et des coûts des satellites à des niveaux bas n’est possible qu’à grand renfort d’innovation. Le projet ALFAMA, financé par l’UE, répond à ce besoin avec sa technologie pionnière qui permettra d’accroître le rapport puissance/masse des satellites de plus de 50 % et de plus que quadrupler la densité de puissance, et ce, à un coût inférieur à celui des systèmes actuels grâce à un assemblage à haut débit.


More and more missions require power supply > 25 kW such as solar electrical propulsion, high throughput satellites. However, the restricted volume between the fairing and the spacecraft sidewall limits the number & the dimension of rigid solar panels during launch. Therefore, the answer for this growing power demand lies neither in stacking more rigid solar arrays, nor by marginal efficiency improvements on III-V multi-junction solar cells, but rather in innovative/disruptive photovoltaic solutions. More solar cells per unit of volume are needed in stowed configuration, and flexible solar arrays are the only answer for this high-power challenge.

In this context, ALFAMA project brings answers for the mass, cost & power challenge, with ambitions at each level of the solar array:
- The mechanical architecture, with a modular & retractable deployment system
- The photovoltaic assembly fabrication process, with printed harness & lamination for easier integration, manufacturing and high voltage protection
- The PVA structure, with thin flexible layers for high power/mass & power/volume ratio, adapted to epitaxial lift-off
- The solar cells, with the development of highly efficient & lightweight III-V IMM lift-off cells.

ALFAMA brings together a team of 8 partners, leaders in their field, from 3 EU-member states, who will join their efforts towards the realization of a disruptive solar array technology (end TRL 4-5), with the following key performances:
1/ Power/mass ratio increased by ≥ 50% with III-V lift-off solar cells
2/ Cost reduction with high throughput assembly process
3/ Power density increased more than 4 times with compact stowed configuration
4/ Relevant roadmaps for space & non-space applications

ALFAMA's drastic improvements will enhance the EU space sector competitiveness, enable new missions and build synergies between space and non-space activities.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 904 728,10
2333 CS Leiden

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West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 904 728,10

Participants (7)