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Resultado final
eLENS DEMO EO services will be constructed to validate EO-Toolset’s capabilities and at the same time provide EO services to be used in USE CASE implementation. eLENS DEMO EO services, as designed in WP2, will be constructed using standard EO-Toolset’s interfaces and then validated against results obtained with standard image processing tools. Prerequisites : - Learning EO data set (part of D 3.5) - DEMO USE-CASE Design (D 7.2) - EO-Toolset components (D5.3)
7.5 eLENS DemonstratorBoth domain partners (IUCN and DLA PIPER) will produce eLENS demonstrator by chainning eLENS services into their process chains, thus providing an environment for final validation = construction of ShowCase examples. Prerequisites: - working eLENS DEMO EO services (D 7.3) - EO data (D 3.5) and non-EO data (D 3.6) demonstration sets in place - eLENS Portal (with all its components; D6.7) in operation
4.5 eLENS MinerJSI’s opensource code repository (QMiner) will be used to construct/programe eLENS Miner source code – a final operational product, that will use the knowledge gathered in knowledge extraction components to provide semantic services to eLENS system. Preliminary evaluation of semantic completeness and correctness will be performed using independent legislative data-set (not used in learning phase). With the finalisation of this task eLENS Miner will be ready to enter into integration phase.
6.7 eLENS PortaleLENS Portal will be constructed by integrated all eLENS services (D6.5 and D6.6) with eLENS Miner and EO-Toolset components. Comprehensive testing, first integration and later functional testing will be performed to deliver final version of eLENS Portal.
2.3 eLENS DEMO EO services designProcessing chains for demonstration USE-CASEs, as they should be implemented in EO-Toolset and exposed to be used by eLENS Portal, will be designed in this deliverable. Processing chains design will be constructed using EO-Toolset’s pre-processing products: either Essential variables or Biophysical variables, combining them to together to form an EO processing workflow as it will be later implemented using EO-Toolsets EO processing capabilities. The design of resulting processing chains will be used in WP7 when implementing eLENS DEMO EO services with EO-Toolbox as part of validation activities.
7.4 IUCN use case(s)IUCN use case(s) will deliver a real-life USE-CASE ecosystem, based on the problems (USE-CASE) as defined and accepted by all parties in D 7.1 and developed in D7.2. IUCN will construct eLENS DEMO EO services using full set of eLENS Portal‘s capabilities (alarming, monitoring, evidence, citizen watch) backup-ed by functionalities of eLENS Miner and EO-Toolset. Prerequisites: - EO data (D 3.5) and non-EO data (D 3.6) demonstration sets in place - eLENS Portal (with all its components; D6.7) in operation
eLENS services will be developed following agile approach, using iterative cycling to build a system with step-by-step adding of functionalities (components/services). Five development iteration cycles (not taking into the account first iteration = D 6.5), followed by integration are planned: - ITERATION 1 (2 months) will result in services that do not require interaction with WP4 and WP5: Citizen info service, Citizen watch service and brokerage service. - ITERATION 2 (2 months) will result in services that can be implemented with the usage of existent EO -Toolset’s service capabilities standard publishment and consummation of EO services: Alarming, monitoring and EO discovery services. - ITERATION 3 (2 months) will result in services based on simple semantic integration and advanced functionalities over EO services: Showcase discovery, legislation discovery and historic services. - ITERATION 4 (2 months). will result in advanced eLENS services: Evidence service and EO Composer service. - ITERATION 5 (2 months). Outcome of last iteration will deliver management and integrative components: Subscription services and Integration services.
First (draft) version of the deliverable containing a list of selected Essential Variables (EV) It will be compiled on the basis of: - current capabilities of EO-Toolset and the perspective of available sensors to be added during the project - already available pre-processing capabilities – already implemented biophysical variables - expertise on EVs based on previous AUTH projects and as described in scientific publications. - user requirements developed from the perspective of EO processing. Finally EV list will be finalised based on the estimation of required work and availability of external OPEN SOURCE components and will be delivered in M23.
8.2 Dissemination and communication planIn order to raise awareness about the project and promote eLENS services and its added value, specific tasks will be devoted to promotional activities - each of partners contributing in its own way and addressing their part of user community. Dissemination and communication plan will focus on activities to reach potential users groups with the goal to (1) increase project visibility, (2) provide evidence about eLENS added value, (3) demonstrate capabilities of eLENS through real-life implementation and finally to (4) provide a smooth transition into the market. The main EnviroLENS’s dissemination partner is International union for conservation of nature – IUCN, providing EnviroLENS with just incredible reach, which could by itself satisfy the most optimistic dissemination requirements. IUCN provides public, private and non-governmental organizations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together. IUCN has evolved into the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network of over 1.300 Member organizations (212 state and governmental agencies, 1.100+ non-governmental organisations) in over 160 countries and the input of over 15.000 experts, with this project becoming distinguished EnviroLENS audience.
Data Management Plan (DMP) will be defined in order to ensure high level of data quality and accessibility for users and stakeholders. DMP will address: - data sharing policies; Following principles will apply: (1) data generated through project research activities will be openly available, (2) all the data which is available free of cost (for instance SENTINEL data) will be available at the same terms also through eLENS and (3) all of other data will be available on the terms set by data owner. The only exception of this rule is represented in EnviroLENS’s DEMO REGION, where we will provide ALL data free-of-charge (following special agreements with data owners). The described principles will assure that all data, required to VALIDATE project deliveries, will be openly available. - Data format of both the EO and SEMANTIC data - Data exchange protocols - Structure of Catalogue data - metadata on all available data - Management of Legislation and judicial data - Management of Showcase repository will consists of showcases demonstrating practical usage of eLENS services - Archiving and preservation rules
All of the consortium dissemination and communication activities will lead towards establishment of Initial eLENS community, which will provide a push, required to successfully enter the market after the project completion. Many potential members were approached already during project preparation however the biggest push is expected through the employment of IUCN's Network.
8.1 Project WEB portalProject WEB portal will organised to provide a general public with the insight into project goals, deliveries and added-value. Project WEB portal will be designed as a promotion window, linking all of the interested users directly to eLENS services demonstrators (USE-CASEs), inviting them to enjoy hands-on experience by themselves.
8.4 Dissemination actionsDissemination actions will be executed as they will be planned and managed in Dissemination and communication plan (D8.2).
7.6 eLENS ShowCases(s)eLENS ShowCases(s) will provide a mean for a final validation of eLENS added value. eLENS ShowCases(s) will be delivered in a form of application of USE-CASEs for a particular environmental problem (for instance: deforestation alarming USE-CASE being employed in specific Romania region = Romania Showcase). Two types of showcase validations are planned: - validation on historical data (for instance: providing EO evidence for historic judicial procedure) and - validation through implementation in current environmental issue (for instance: current deforestation monitoring of specific region). Current list of ShowCase candidates includes: - Deforestation and habitat destruction/alteration: identification of court cases of major incidents to demonstrate landmark cases where EO could be used effectively. At the same time, identify publicly less exposed yet equally worrying cases of land degradation and use the EO system to support changes in policy and legislation and recommendations for forest restoration efforts. - Wetland encroachment: similar approach will be taken as above. Prerequisites: - eLENS Portal (with all its components; D6.7) in operation
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