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MOdular Spacecraft Assembly and Reconfiguration

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MOSAR (MOdular Spacecraft Assembly and Reconfiguration)

Période du rapport: 2019-03-01 au 2021-06-30

The concept of modular and reconfigurable spacecraft is a possible track to answer the future challenges of the space industry and exploration, that includes, space sustainability, economical profitability, system reliability and large structure assemblies. This concept is strongly associated with the development of autonomous robotic solutions, re-usable components and standardization of designs. This will lead to the emergence of more affordable and reliable components, also opening new possibilities for future space missions, like life-time extension or missions reconfigurations.

MOSAR is a space oriented research project of the European Commission proposing a new paradigm for the on-orbit assembly, operations and servicing of spacecraft. MOSAR shall elaborate and refine the concept of Modular Spacecraft, identify and recommend standards and design the ground and space infrastructure elements that will enable its realization and sustain its progressive deployment and economical exploitation. One of the main objectives of MOSAR is to develop a sound technology demonstrator of on-orbit modular satellite reconfiguration relying on robotic capabilities and exploiting the outcomes of OG1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 building blocks.

More specifically, the project aims at the development/update of the following technologies:
• Extension and integration of the ESROCOS, ERGO, INFUSE, I3DS and HOTDOCK building blocks into a technological demonstrator of an on-orbit modular satellite reconfiguration system
• Development of a repositionable robotic manipulation system allowing the capture, accurate and safe motion and placement, and release of Spacecraft Modules as required to assemble or reconfigure modular satellites.
• Development of a modular Spacecraft Modules ecosystem, consisting of
o Standardized functional modules
o Suitable power and data buses technologies allowing flexible, hot-reconfiguration
o Functional Engineering Simulation (FES) environment offering assistance to users in several manners: for the design of modular satellites, for the verification of obtained designs (multi-physics simulation), and for the motion planning and rehearsal of assembly / reconfiguration operations.
MOSAR succeeded to demonstrate, in laboratory conditions, the concept of assembly and reconfigurable spacecraft, as well highlighting typical operations around modular satellite architecture as power, data, thermal and software management. On top of that, vision based detection is a promising feature to support future autonomous system.

The final demonstration illustrated successfully the following scenarios, representative of the preparation and operations of modular spacecraft:
1. Assembly and re-configuration of modular spacecraft
2. Thermal transfer between two modules, through their SI
3. Automatic CLT networking re-configuration
4. Software re-configuration
5. Power re-configuration and automatic recovery
6. Visual detection of module configuration and anomalies

Beside the achievement of the integrated system, we can also highlight that MOSAR enabled the development of several highly relevant technologies for future European Space activities and related industries. This is including the further development of all the SRC building blocks (ESROCOS, ERGO, InFUSE, I3DS), HOTDOCK, the Walking Manipulator, the Design and Simulation tools (FES), the Spacecraft Modules and the Thermal Management system. Several of these technologies are already applied in on-going projects.

On top of that, special and more attention has been brought to the MOSAR exploitation analysis than initially planned. It addresses more deeply how the proposed concept could be used, in which mission it could be the most profitable, and the way to develop and achieve the change of paradigm proposed by the project.

We strongly believe that the technologies developed in MOSAR and their related (integrated) demonstration have a very high plus-value for the follow up of the SRC activities, with the 3rd on-going call and the next phases up to the IOD mission
Through all the MOSAR activity a lot of space relevant technologies have been further developed, matured and demonstrated in an integrated system. On a short term (next 2-3years), this will have a direct positive impact on the on-going and new space robotic projects, through their re-use or adaption, both in the institutional (e.g. ESA, next OGs) and industrial context. We also expect the upcoming IOD call of the Space Robotics Technologies SRC (likely in 2021) to be the opportunity to increase the TRL level and to of a flight demonstration for MOSAR technologies, as mean to pave the way toward concrete exploitation.

Several of the MOSAR technologies target a standardization of their design. This is mainly including the SRC building blocks, HOTDOCK and the spacecraft modules. The expected benefits of the standardization of these technologies are the cost effectiveness of their implementation, the reduction of development, production and integration time, the setup of common robotics technological framework. We can highlight, already that several technologies, like ESROCOS, ERGO, HOTDOCK, were used in different SRC projects of the second call, creating the foundation of such standardization, at least on the European level.
The implementation of MOSAR technologies like the ERGO, the simulator, HOTDOCK SI, the walking manipulator will definitively favour the development of autonomous space systems that can have an important influence for future space missions and creating new opportunities for space industry. Autonomous solution will also favour the development of servicing missions that will improve space mission sustainability and cost effectiveness.

On a longer term, MOSAR is proposing a fundamental shift of paradigm in the design and operation of spacecraft. There is clearly an increase of interest for the On-Orbit servicing topic, which is the first step towards the final solution promoted by MOSAR. The exploitation review and analysis has highlighted the most relevant missions as well as the possible development and exploitation roadmap to facilitate this transition.

The successful performance of the final MOSAR demonstrator, with the full satellite assembly and re-configuration, is a wonderful vitrine to promote the topic of on-orbit servicing and further spacecraft modularity to the industry. It shows, at some level, the feasibility of this proposition as well as the good performances of the components. This should enhance the collaboration with MOSAR partners and possibly the innovation around these topics, with the final goal to enable new business cases not yet envisaged today.

As described in the exploitation plan, most of the MOSAR technologies have a possible synergy with terrestrial applications. We can highlight the robotic manipulator, which has been fully operated in 1g conditions. It is offering a fully integrated solution (with embedded controller) and very high performance in terms of lifting to weight ratio, opening a lot of possibilities.

Finally, the performance of the demonstration and the diffusion of the MOSAR videos (introductive video, demonstration, final review) on social media channels (e.g. Youtube) should promote the scientific activities and more specifically space robotics towards young people and increase their desire to get involved in scientific domains.