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Creative Industries Cultural Economy Production Network


Sector analysis: architecture

Analysis of casestudies related to the architecture sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

EU policy brief 1

Providing feedback on policies related to CCIs on the basis of the projects inbetween findings

Sector analysis: archives, libraries & cultural heritage

Analysis of casestudies related to the archives libraries and cultural heritage sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

Selection of case studies

This report will identify the case studies – 2-4 for each sector. Each of these case studies will be focussing on sector-specific ‘production network typologies’ and their respective footprints (where and at which functional and geographical points do these ‘touch down’). Subsequently, these production network typologies will be categorized, after which specific research questions will be formulated for each of these categories in order to guide A) an exploration of governance structures (specifically the issue of power in the value production and appropriation), working conditions, knowledge productions and distribution, and tensions and conflicts; and B) an analysis of mechanisms and conditions (i.e. institutional frameworks, public policies, common goods) that allow specific CCI sector networks to combine strategically with the local context in order to produce positive economic and social outcomes.

Policy frameworks for GPN in CCI: international perspective

The report contains comprehensive pictures of which EUwide conditions notably in the policy regulatory and governance domain create opportunities for which GPN and value chain phases in the selected CCIs with a particular focus on space of flows and policy development needs across place that is policy based on the GPN approach These syntheses thus involve linking the findings of the research in the previous WPs with the overall institutional environmentInformation will be drawn from inputs from previous work packages 2 3 and 5 thus including discussions with stakeholders and practitioners in WP5 obtained through focus group and Delphi panels This deliverable thus reports the findings in Task 61 and aim at proposing new andor refined policy measures in a tentative policy framework These will later be tested in Task 62

Generic industrial policy versus specific policies for the CCI

This deliverable reports the final conclusions of WP 6 and considers the whole research process in Task 613 and previous WPs thus including stakeholder interaction The aim is to present a grounded policy framework that consider the space of flows and policy development needs across place for the CCIproduction networks The framework will thus include the embeddedness of production and networks with an analyses of generic industrial policy versus specific policies for the CCI The report thus contains the formulation of better informed and more relevant policy advice to the various actors in the field These policy recommendations will target different levels of policymaking and deal with more generic as well as sectorspecific policies

Policy frameworks for GPN in CCI at regional and local spatial scales

Based on the previous tasks 612 this deliverable will advance the draft of the policyframework which is the aim of WP 6 The framework will thus be grounded in the findings of the research in the previous tasks and WPs including perceptions of the stakeholders The deliverable will argue and motivate the suggested framework from a GPNapproach thus including value chains and appropriations policy across place and space of flows embeddedness at various levels and for different actors within the networks and places

Synoptic mapping production networks

Synoptic mapping of Production networks and indicative scale of flows for goods finance and people This report has 8 subchapters D351 to D358 for each of the CCI sectors studied corresponding to D21D28 in WP2 The synoptic task will be to integrate D31D34

Data briefing paper

This deliverables will provide: 1) A critical guide to CCI sources (a meta-review with a focus on definitions, comparability, spatial, temporal and sample limitations, and methodologies) 2) A critical guide to the gaps and limitations of existing data sources (quantitative and qualitative) for research on CE production networks

Sector analysis: festivals, performing and visual arts

Analysis of casestudies related to the festivals and performing and visual arts sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

Report on incentives

As noted above, there is a wide scope for tax, regulatory support and financial aid (subsidies) in the cultural sector. These apply at European, national, regional and local scales. It is anticipated that it might be difficult to disaggregate this data. Cities and regions also have their own incentives to encourage (cultural) investment: e.g. production subsidies, reduced property costs, and labour and training subsidies. This report will collate the range of incentives that are applied to support different CCIs, and which parts of the production network they apply to, and at which scales they operate.

State of the art

Synthesis of GPN & CCI theory and literature

Sector analysis: design

Analysis of casestudies related to the design sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

EU policy brief 2

Providing feedback on policies related to CCIs on the basis of the projects findings

Background report on a first approximation of EU global production networks

Background report on a first approximation of EU global production networks in CCI in aglobal context Based on the evidence collated in D35 this report will seek to identify A the unique industry governance across particular industry chains and B align this with incentive structures and C regulatory and tariffs The objective is to make a suggestive SWOT analysis by industry that will inform future policy making at EU national and regional scales

Sector analysis: music

Analysis of casestudies related to the music sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

Overview of CCI research gaps

Overview of shortcomings of CCI research and delineation of gaps

Report on tariffs and trade barriers

Many of the trade transactions in relation to the CCI fall outside of WTO rules. They are governed by what is known as the ‘cultural exception’ set out in Annex XX of GATT 1994, and Annex XIV of GATS 1994. Moreover, as culture has been a function delegated to nation states within the EU, each country has unique rules to protect local culture and its diversity. This report will enumerate which tariffs and barriers exist for particular CCIs, and which sections of the production chain they relate to. This relates to movement with and outside the EU. The scope covers: A) Intellectual property rights, B) taxation, C) licensing, D) domestic content requirements, E) limitations of foreign investment and ownership, and F) market access restrictions.

Report on regulations

This section examines the general context of the operation of the CCI and the regulatory environment Particular attention will be paid to both the regulation of monopolies and overlaps with D31 content regulation and the deregulation of independent freelance workers production quotas and access to digital distribution systems Technological convergence has to potential to tip the balance of power across production systems and regulation is a dynamic tool It is expected that this report will focus on the particular balance that regulators seek to manage

Best practice briefing paper (on data)

This deliverable provides recommendations on best practice methodologies and highlighting practical ongoing challenges to data collection and analysis quantitative and qualitative in the field of the CCI especially the CCI production networks

Sector analysis: publishing

Analysis of casestudies related to the publishing sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

Policy frameworks for GPN in CCI: at industry/sector level

This deliverable analyses the results of testing the synthesis of Task 61 D61 The aim is to refine the synthesis and proposed policy measures What would be according to stakeholders a supportive policy framework when considering production in CCIs as networked in the 8 selected sectors across place The report thus juxtaposes and compare the synthesis in D61 with the perception of stakeholders discussing especially policy development needs across place in networked and embedded production conditions The report will point out argue and discuss differences and similarities between the view of stakeholders and that of the tentative framework in D61

Report on organisational structures

The objective is to provide evidence on the B2B relations in the production chain tocharacterise interactions between various operators in the value chain from the act of creation to consumption of CCI goods and services

Data sets guide

Drawing on D42 and D43 this deliverable provides a comprehensive evaluative overview to the data sets on CCI and source of availabilityaccess with a particular focus on measurement of CCI production networks

Sector analysis: audiovisual and radio

Analysis of casestudies related to the audiovisual and radio sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

Sector analysis: artistic crafts

Analysis of casestudies related to the artistic crafts sector See the general description for all WP2related deliverables above for more information on what this analysis entails

Website and twitter account management

This deliverable involves the construction, maintenance and management of a CICERONE website and Twitter account.

Cultural Economy Observatory

The observatory will consist of a portal which provides easy access to data, relevant literature, sites and key organisations related to CCIs in EU member states. Moreover, it will also will offer visualisations of key relationships and flows regarding CCIs and facilitate interactive use to enable users to build their own specific package. The observatory will:A) Provide a tool for researchers (a portal to access data and methods) of the wider field of the CCI, but particularly on CCI production networks.B) Dissemination and repository for project findings (which has two components 1 -Internal project password access, and 2 - External-facing project findings in the form of project reports and publications).Along with the observatory, a database of users, practitioners and experts in this field will be developed. The purpose of this database is the creation of an interactive forum for the circulation of current best practice and sectorial needs, and prospective demands. The precise form of this forum is open and will be defined in discussion with users. The minimal status will be an online network.The ambition is also to explore the possibilities for a legacy Observatory with continuity functionality beyond the project’s lifespan (see D7.1 “communication, dissemination and exploitation plan”).


Recapturing creative space in architectural design unravelling the production network of a young, innovative architectural practice in Rotterdam

Auteurs: Robert C. Kloosterman, Milja Vriesema
Publié dans: Creative Industries Journal, Numéro 15(1), 2022, Page(s) 1-18, ISSN 1751-0694
Éditeur: Taylor and Francis Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/17510694.2022.2030102

Global Production Networks and Audiovisual Industry

Auteurs: Bilyana Tomova
Publié dans: Postmodernism Problems, Numéro 11/1, 2021, Page(s) 85-98, ISSN 1314-3700
DOI: 10.46324/pmp2101085

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