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Connected worlds: the Caribbean, origin of modern world

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ConnecCaribbean (Connected worlds: the Caribbean, origin of modern world)

Período documentado: 2019-01-01 hasta 2021-09-30

The project is a research and action plan. It therefore has two focuses. The first is closely linked to the generation of knowledge.
We face several challenges:
-The first would be the advancement of knowledge.
Followed by others such as
-Encouraging networking, both within and outside academia, improving the researcher's access to global knowledge, expertise and key scientists in the field or other relevant actors.
The third challenge is:
To promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, social, artistic or cultural developments within a knowledge-based society.
The Caribbean as a meeting place is a favourable scenario to analyse the arrival, generation and dissemination of ideas, economic and commercial systems, individuals, practices and identities. What makes the area different is the transnationality or trans-colonialism. Where formal European and African cultural aspects could be found; as well as other lesser represented but still important ones such as ethnic Asian, indigenous population and so on, within a transcultural process that generated its own identities. The Caribbean region is a fragmented geographical space, and our team of researchers aims at taking this RISE project opportunity to revive and organize the Caribbean research networks, and draw stronger links between French Caribbean territories and Latin American territories, among others. This project is not a random research project on Caribbean history; it represents a genuine opportunity to gather Caribbean universities and partners around the topics of slavery and post-slavery societies. Beyond its existence on a map, the Caribbean region must build structures and specialized research networks, which will allow a more thorough exploration of regional issues that take into account the historical and socio-political context of the wider Caribbean. The project’s results may be useful for: 1. Designing public policies to combat the stigmatization of, and racism against, non-white populations in Europe, Latin American, the Caribbean region and other parts of the world; 2. Formulate possible policies or action plans in the Caribbean region; 3. Develop economic growth strategies based on the knowledge of local and regional successes and failures in the past; 4. Protection and rescue of the historical memory. Promotion of cultural expressions, traditions and tangible and intangible heritage. .
The overall objectives are the following:
1-To review the Caribbean from the concept of "historical region".
2-To study the transatlantic slavery: slave trade, enslaved, agents, factors, companies, prices and destinations in the Caribbean region.
3- To examine the pro- and anti-slavery discourses and images that justified slavery and the enslavement, and stigmatization of black people.
4-To analyse the transatlantic flow of people, images, ideas and knowledge.
5- To examine the models of socio-economic development in the Caribbean region.
6- To valorate the processes of cultural dialogue in the Caribbean region.
7-Analysis of Caribbean city and urban evolution.
The research projects, academic exchange and discussion activities, as well as the dissemination activities of the ConnecCaribbean have brought new aspects to Caribbean/Caribbean studies especially in three fields: 1) the analysis of the Caribbean/Caribbean from multi and transdisciplinary approaches beyond the traditional historiography based mainly on political, social and economic history: the study of cultures, artistic productions (literature, cinema, visual arts, music, architecture), cultural and political thought, forms and networks of communication, among other aspects, makes possible a more comprehensive knowledge of the region; 2) the study of relations between the insular Caribbean and the rest of the Caribbean region from a transnational and transareal perspective that contributes to overcoming the history of invisibilisation and mutual exclusion that has dominated nation-state building projects, both in their liberal and conservative variants; 3) the rescue and study of Afro-Caribbean communities, cultures and productions, with particular interest in gender issues, which contribute to a deeper historical knowledge of the societies of the isthmus.
The main results achieved are the following:
1-International seminar on slavery, race, gender and memory in America and Europe.
2- Education Toolkit.
3-Articles on the literature of comparative literature and the circulation of knowledge in the Atlantic World.
4- Book of Caribbean cities (Panamá).
5- Seminar on society, economic and urban development of the Caribbean region.
6- Some seminars on slavery and identity inthe Caribbean socities.
7-Some books and articles on Atlantic Slavery.
8-Articles of the processes of cultural dialogue in the Caribbean region.
9- Book and articles of cultural relations between Caribbean and Spanish intelectuals.
10- Books on indigenous peoples of Colombia.
11-Book of Antillean migrants in the Caribbean region, 19th and 20th centuries.
12- Exhibition: Slavery and the African cultural legacy in the Caribbean.
13- Video and Documentary of the Exhibition
14- Some videos of different topics: Puerto Rican identity; indigenous peoples of Colombia.
Each of the objectives will contribute to a global and transversal knowledge of Caribbean societies and cultures.
Objectives 1, 4 and 6. The Caribbean, as a privileged space of knowledge circulation and cultural dialogue, will provide useful tools for understanding the region's cultural richness, both the similarities and differences. This knowledge will be used to empower the CARICOM, which includes more countries of the area. Some of the results will include working out common projects to enhance the economic and cultural value of the area, and lead to a more equitable wealth distribution, setting up social welfare policies and designing strategies to deal with those outside the area. Strengthening CARICOM would give them more bargaining power with the European Union.
Objectives 2, 3 and 4. The slave system and race study will help understanding of how race is a cultural construction that went on to become the key element in explaining political, economic, cultural and social aspects. Its deconstruction will be a key element for creating societies that are more inclusive and mindful of the still prevailing biases in relation to individuals' origin and their supposed "race". Racial inclusion indicator systems may be made from these studies, so that Caribbean region and European Governments can develop public policies to combat stigmatization and racism.
Objective 5 deals with one of the big problems in the Caribbean region: violence. Studying its causes contributes to finding peaceful resolutions to armed conflict. Often, the studies need to be linked the region's economic and social models. Some of these models, mainly the plantations, are a legacy of economic systems from earlier Centuries. Knowing that the crises and models sometimes fail to get them out of trouble is the bases on which to develop new strategies in the region.
Objective 7. Historical knowledge of the Caribbean cities' urban development will have a positive influence on heritage management, especially in city restoration projects. R