CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable is the final output of Task 75 and includes policy recommendations coming from practical CIVITAS experiences with the final aim to improve policy making and policy planning in the future and support future CIVITAStype actions The recommendations are formulated at two levels i on local level for policy makers and practitioners in cities and regions across Europe and ii on EU level to inform the policy making by the Commission and the European Institutions The deliverable relates to Task 75
Concise report of the CIVITAS urban mobility conference 2022This deliverable will provide a report on the activities of the conference including brief proceedings of the event The deliverable relates to Task 55 The deliverable relates to Task 55
Review and evaluation of the latest CIVITAS achievementsThis deliverable includes a review and evaluation of the latest achievements of the CIVITAS Initiative It consolidate the existing knowledge building on selected results from MG13 RIAs the ongoing or recently finished CIVITAS RIA projects the CIVITAS 2020 living labs and the living labs from previous CIVITAS editions with a particular focus on CIVITAS Plus 20082012 and CIVITAS Plus II 20122016 The deliverable relates to Task 62
CIVITAS Success Story bookletThis deliverable will tell the story of the first host of the regional city exchange workshops It will give a deep dive into the selected city and outline the information conveyed during the workshops whilst providing insights of the people from the city integral to the success of its mobility measures This deliverable relates to Task 58
‘Fresh brains': Review reportThis deliverable contains all the freshbrains activities performed in ELEVATE using students as multipliers for knowledge The deliverable relates to Task 44
Business cases for capacity building: Summary reportThis deliverable describes potential business cases to exploit ELEVATEs capacity building results after the project lifetime One business case aimed to explore if ELEVATEs capacity building results could be adapted by universities throughout Europe One business case to explore if and how ELEVATEs capacity building results could be used in education and trainings for professionals The deliverable refers to Task 73
CIVINET Activity Fund: Summary reportThis deliverable follows the closure of the CIVINET granting rounds and is a summary report on all CIVINET Activity Fund activities and outcomes This report will summarise the extent to which i the Activity Fund has encouraged new measures in cities or been key to recruiting new cities in educating or raising awareness ii the Activity Fund has been crucial to the networks survival and the measures most successfully deployed pertaining to ensuring network viability beyond the Funds lifetime iii the CIVINETS have been able to provide input to CIVITAS from nationallocal perspectives in order to enrich and deepen European level discussions iv the CIVINETs have supported the CIVITAS Initiatives main assets and v EC priorities have been addressed as stipulated in the call text Information on Issues Arising including keys and barriers to success will round out the evaluation The deliverable relates to Task 72
Exploitation StrategyThis deliverable will outline the steps for the transfer uptake promotion and multiplication of CIVITAS project results beyond their and ELEVATEs lifetime This deliverable relates to Task 74
Strategy for Evaluation and Advancing KnowledgeThis deliverable describes a detailed methodology to review the results, impacts, drivers, and barriers of the recent actions piloted and implemented within CIVITAS. It is a strategy to distill relevant data and experiences from CIVITAS’ legacy and to summarise them by means of insights and visual data. The deliverable relates to Task 1.5.
CIVITAS PAC activity report 1This deliverable will describe the activities undertaken by the PAC in the reporting period including meetings held decisions made statements prepared if applicable etc The deliverable relates to Task 25
CIVITAS results replication packThis deliverable will compile the most replicable solutions identified from projects in a replication pack These examples will examine what was achieved how it was done the financial impact and replication potential This deliverable relates to Task 74
Concise report of the CIVITAS urban mobility conference 2021This deliverable will provide a report on the activities of the conference including brief proceedings of the event The deliverable relates to Task 55 The deliverable relates to Task 55
Strategy for Incubation and CIVINETsThis deliverable specifies how the incubation and support for CIVINETs is managed, including a division of responsibilities, timeline and implementation procedures. The deliverable relates to Task 1.2.
Strategy for Liaison and Steward SystemThis deliverable will present the Liaison and Steward System methodology for facilitating the integration of all CIVITAS projects as well as the respective action-plan and definition of the role / responsibilities of the ELEVATE ‘Stewards’. This deliverable relates to Task 1.1.
(R)IA results publication 1This deliverable will demonstrate key results and best practice from RIA projects over the first two years of ELEVATE The topics and findings covered in the publication will be decided together between TRT ICLEI and the RIA projects This deliverable relates to Task 52
Concise report of the CIVITAS urban mobility conference 2020This deliverable will provide a report on the activities of the conference, including brief proceedings of the event. The deliverable relates to Task 5.5. The deliverable relates to Task 5.5.
Strategy for OutreachThis deliverable outlines the outreach activities (i.e. communication and dissemination) that are planned over the course of ELEVATE's lifetime. It will integrate a messaging matrix and set out the proposed target audiences for the detailed activities, key messages for each target group, tools, methods, and channels. The deliverable relates to Task 1.4.
Capacity building activities: Summary reportThis deliverable summarises the capacity building activities including number events and participants The report includes recommendations for CIVITAS capacity building activities after ELEVATEs project life time The deliverable relates to Task 42
Strategy for Capacity BuildingThis deliverable describes ELEVATE’s strategy for capacity building to support the deployment of innovations developed in the CIVITAS (R)IAs and CIVITAS 2020 projects. The report acts as compass for the design, development and implementation of capacity building activities in WP4. The deliverable relates to Task 1.3.
Publication ScheduleThis deliverable creates a publications schedule outlining what (e.g. reports and booklets) are to be produced and when, including information on partner involvement.The deliverable relates to Task 1.4.
‘CIVINext Toolkit' to ensure CIVINET networks' long-term viabilityThis deliverable maps a definitive toolkit for ensuring longterm viability that will help the networks to shape and implement their future strategies defined as business plans under Task 23 It will be developed by ELEVATE together with the CIVINETs The CIVINext Generation Toolkit will be compiled based on D72 particularly responses to question ii on the CIVINET measures most successfully deployed pertaining to ensuring network viability beyond the Funds lifetime alongside the keys and barriers to success lessons learned and good practice in successfully developing selfsustaining network operations It will be discussed during the CIVINext Generation Exploitation and Legacy workshop to be organized for the benefit of all CIVINET secretariats after which it will be subsequently finetuned and delivered as a PowerPoint to all networks EC and future CSA that it can continue to be updated beyond ELEVATE The deliverable relates to Task 72
A guide to the educational network in EuropeThis deliverable contains an overview of educational institutes in Europe that pay serious attention to urban mobility education in the curriculum The deliverable relates to Task 43
CIVITAS study guideThis deliverable is a guide (booklet), comprising an overview of upcoming capacity building activities. The guide includes brief summaries of e-courses, trainings and summer courses and is intended to inform those potentially interested to enrol in ELEVATE’s activities. The deliverable relates to Task 4.1.
(R)IA results publication 2This deliverable will demonstrate key results and best practice from RIA projects in ELEVATEs third year The topics and findings covered in the publication will be decided together between TRT ICLEI and the RIA projects This deliverable relates to Task 52
(R)IA results publication 3This deliverable will demonstrate key results and best practice from RIA projects in ELEVATEs final year The topics and findings covered in the publication will be decided together between TRT ICLEI and the RIA projects This deliverable relates to Task 74
Tools for self-supportive mobility interventions: A handbookThis deliverable contains an overview of do’s and don’ts regarding the development of appropriate business cases for mobility interventions. Examples are lean and business model canvas. The deliverable relates to Task 3.2.
CIVITAS PAC activity report 2This deliverable will describe the activities undertaken by the PAC in the reporting period including meetings held decisions made statements prepared if applicable etc The deliverable relates to Task 25
This deliverable catalogues all CIVITAS Forum Network cities as well as providing contact details for a representative in each of them The deliverable relates to Task 21
Enhanced communications kit for RIA projects and CIVINETsThis deliverable provides new communication material that will be created for CIVITAS ELEVATE These include a promotional booklet and poster template to introduce the RIA projects In addition a new CIVINET flyer will be prepared alongside a CIVINET Event Kit consisting of a popup stand two rollups and two portable shelves This deliverable relates to Task 53
Borgato, Holve, Bosetti, Franchois, Godin, de Kinderen, Motloung, Kotler
Published in:
Borgato, Chiffi, Holve, Bosetti, Maffii
Published in:
Holve, Borgato, Bosetti
Published in:
Borgato, Holve, Kotler
Published in:
Lerche, Spape, Nesterova
Published in:
Kotler, Langweg, Costard, Franchois, Dotter, Bamps, Franzen, Brenner, Scholtes, Hess-Akens, Braun, Müller, Schröter
Published in:
Kotler, Klimova, Brezovska, Bajgart, Roreckova, Franchois, Dotter
Published in:
Kotler, Borgato
Published in:
Uzunova, Nesterova, van Herpen
Published in:
Holve, Maffii, Bosetti
Published in:
Uzunova, Westerweele, Nesterova
Published in:
Borgato, Bosetti, Maffii
Published in:
Kotler, Bamps, Pavic-Rogosic, Kalanj, Brlek
Published in:
Uzunova, Nesterova
Published in:
Borgato, Holve, Kotler
Published in:
Lerche, Nesterova
Published in:
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