Project description
Expanding the CIVITAS support activities
Dedicated to clean and efficient transport in Europe and beyond, CIVITAS is a network of cities launched by the European Commission in 2002. It has tested and implemented hundreds of urban transport solutions in more than 80 living lab cities. EU-funded CIVITAS ELEVATE advances the CIVITAS community to a higher level of knowledge and sustainability by increasing the Europe-wide impact of research and innovation actions on urban mobility policymaking. The project deepens the relationship between all involved actors, enriches the current CIVITAS generation and involves the next generation of transport professionals. Key aims include harmonising evaluation activities and advancing the knowledge that CIVITAS has built to improve urban mobility policymaking and planning.
CIVITAS ELEVATE expands the CIVITAS support activities with a dedicated offer to the current and forthcoming CIVITAS 2020 Innovation Actions (IA), the Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and the CIVINETs. The mission of CIVITAS ELEVATE is to increase the Europe-wide impact of the CIVITAS (R)IA’s on urban mobility policy making and thereby advancing the CIVITAS community to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, impact and sustainability, while guaranteeing essential high-quality support. ELEVATE is committed to reaching the following objectives: i) Developing the CIVITAS knowledge base and transferring new knowledge; ii) Enriching the current CIVITAS generation and feeding future EU initiatives and CIVITAS-type actions; iii) Building a European mobility community able to navigate transition; and iv) Representing CIVITAS on the international stage. ELEVATE will implement a Liaison System and identifying Stewards alongside, and support the RIAs and IAs with engaging meetings and networking events. ELEVATE will create and maintain a comprehensive communication and dissemination framework that will enable the (R)IA projects and CIVINETs to portray their work with maximum effect to an international audience. ELEVATE will also increase the impact of the CIVITAS programme and the CIVINETs through its Mobility Match sessions, an Incubator and the CIVINET Support and Investment Centre and by training and capacity building through its Learning Centre and Educational Network. Supporting the stakeholders involved in the (R)IA projects and from across CIVITAS 2020, and advancing the CIVITAS knowledge, are further key aims of ELEVATE. ELEVATE will also ensure the sustainability of its outcomes, not only continuing the financing of the CIVINETs through the CIVINET Activity Fund but by developing CIVINET Business Models and by involving the next generation of transport professionals in the CIVITAS community.
Funding Scheme
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinator
3000 Leuven
The organization defined itself as SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) at the time the Grant Agreement was signed.