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CORDIS - EU research results

Open ScienCe Aeronautic & Air Transport Research


Tools for Open Science

Identification and adaption of suitable tools to facilitate Open Science application in AAT research.

Exchange with other projects addressing Open Science

Exchange with projects like BEOPEN is necessary to identify synergies and to avoid duplication of efforts. D6.6 describes the results of this exchange.

Analysis of established Consortium Agreement models with respect to Open Science related issues

The currently existing CA models like IMG (industry led projects) and DESCA (research led projects) and other models do not yet take up the developments of the Open Science discussion. The deliverable shall describe gaps between current CA models and the potential implementation of OS into CA models.

Modified Consortium Agreement models

The simulated implementation of the OSCAR CoC in selected pilot cases will affect the Consor-tium Agreements in place. D4.4 describes the impact on most relevant CA models, giving feed-back to the improvement of the OSCAR CoC.

Identification of the spectrum of stakeholders and set-up of communication channels

Detailed map of the aeronautical research sector in Europe considering important stakeholders from IND and SME, HES, RTO, PUB and OTH. The deliverable focuses on identifying these stakeholders, and to start communication with them about Open Science in aeronautics

Report of the organization of one event

D3.2 describes an event involving stakeholders throughout Europe (and – if possible – beyond) aiming at exchange of views on OS. The event shall start at the AAT research landscape and today's constraints, opening the discussion to benefits and risks

Preliminary assessment of pilot cases

Receiving the pilot cases selected in WP4, D5.1 summarizes the first practical experiences gathered in the simulated application of the OSCAR CoC in the pilot cases.

OSCAR Networking, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

Definition of strategies and actions for dissemination, exploitation and networking

Recommendations for modifications in the developed Code of Conduct

Basing on D5.1, recommendations for the OSCAR CoC are derived in order to develop a doc-ument, which can be used in practise to implement Open Science in projects.

Analysis of survey results (WP2) and forum (WP3)

D4.1 compiles the interim feedback gathered in WP2 and WP3 in terms of stakeholders, prac-tises, the current legal and contractual framework, and OS tools (WP2). WP3 provides the view of Forum members and adds the link to BEOPEN as second CSA on Open Science.

Final Communication Pack

Description of the project performed activities and project outcomes, aimed at assessing the extent of communication

Final assessment of pilot cases

D5.3 describes the simulated implementation of the improved OSCAR CoC in pilot cases.

Roadmap to Code of Conduct (including maintenance workflow)

On basis of D4.1, D4.2 describes steps towards a Code of Conduct and the practical imple-mentation of Open Science. The roadmap considers the fact, that WP2 and WP3 will provide further input to WP4.

Pilot case version of the OSCAR CoC

A first version of the OSCAR CoC is prepared, which allows simulation in the environment of projects.

Final version of the OSCAR CoC

D4.5 provides the result of the iterative development of the OSCAR CoC, taking the experience of WP5 into account.

Report of the organization of several events (forums, workshops)

Starting from the first event (as desceribed in D3.2), the discussion shall continue in further events of different formats, taking up and disseminating the progress achieved so far and pushing the discussion forward to a mature assessment of OS, its implementation and a guidance for implementing OS in practise.

Open Science in aeronautics: Survey on the existing practices and expectations

Overview of the current state of implementation of Open Science in the area of aviation research. To which extent is Open Science already in an implementation process, how does it look like, and what are the expectations?

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