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Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Dissemination and communication strategy

Report detailing the dissemination and communication strategy.

The medium term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated cars

A report detailing the analysis of the medium term impact costand benefits of cooperative and automated passenger cars

Workshop findings to define short, medium and long term future of freight transport

A report summarising the results of a workshop held to gather opinions on what is coming for future freight transport.

The long term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated urban transport

A report detailing the results of the analysis of the long term impact cost and benefits of cooperative and automated urban transport

The long term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated freight transport

A report detailing the results of the analysis of the long term impact cost andbenefits of cooperative and automated freight transport

Methods for forecasting the impacts of connected and automated vehicles

A report detailing the methods used for forecasting the impacts aof connected and automated vehicles.

Workshop findings to define short, medium and long term future of passenger car transport

A report summarising the results of a workshop held to gather opinions on what is coming for connected and automated passenger cars.

The medium term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated urban transport

A report detailing the results of the analysis of the medium term impact costand benefits of cooperative and automated urban transport

Initial Exploitation Plan

A report exploring how the results can be best exploited.

The medium term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated freight transport

A report summarising the results of the analysis of the medium term impact costand benefits of cooperative and automated freight transport

Workshop findings to define short, medium and long term future of urban transport

A report detailing the results of a stakeholder consultation to gather expert opinions about what is coming for connected and automated urban transport, and provide related evidence. The workshop shall be conducted using a ‘Future Enquiry’26 in which a groupprocess builds on existing methods to produce insights that are grounded in the experience of stakeholders, reflecting the reality of everyday life, and identifying existing strengths as well as needs. This will provide context for the subsequent WP5 tasks.

Policy Recommendations brochure

A report summarising the policy recommendations that the project results have highlighted

Application of the decision support tool on selected use cases

Analysis of the impacts of cooperative connected and automated transport systems on a set of use cases Presentation of results

The short term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated freight transport

A report detailing the results of the analysis of the short term impact cost andbenefits of cooperative and automated freight transport

Policy recommendations

Report on the implications for policy of the increasing adoption of cooperative and connected and automated transport systems

Guidelines and recommendations for future policy of cooperative and automated urban transport

A report detailing the Guidelines and recommendations for future policy of cooperative and automated urban transport

Project leaflet

A leaflet will be produced introducing the scope, activities and contact details of the project. The leaflet will be distributed at relevant European transport events.

The short term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated urban transport

A report detailing the results of the assessment of the short term impact cost and benefits of connected and automated urban transport

The short term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated cars

A report detailing the results of the assessment of the short term impact cost and benefits of connected and automated passenger cars

Methods for cost -benefit analysis to support decision making

A method for performing costbenefit analyses of a wide range of policy options and scenarios will be developed as an integrated part of the Levitate policy support tool The method will bring together the monetary valuations of all impacts of connected and automated vehicles and define basic parameters for costbenefit analysis This report will detail the method developed

The long term impact, cost and benefits of cooperative and automated cars

A report detailing the results of the analysis of the long term impact cost and benefits of cooperative and automated passenger cars

Intermediate exploitation plan

Report looking at how results can be exploited.

Definition of desirable scenarios

A report detailing the desired scenarios following filtering of the high-level targets by stakeholders.

Converting impacts of connected and automated vehicles to monetary terms

The project plans to state all impacts in numerical terms. This report will detail the methods used to derive the numerical values.

Guidelines and recommendations for future policy of cooperative and automated freight transport

A report detailing the Guidelines and recommendations for future policy of cooperative and automated freight transport

Guidelines and recommendations for future policy of cooperative and automated passenger cars

A report detailing the Guidelines and recommendations for future policy of cooperative and automated passenger cars

Definition of quantified policy goals

The report will detail the results of the mapping of different stakeholders to guarantee inputs in all areas of the study, i.e. safety, environment, mobility etc. as well as inputs at all levels (cities, regions, nations, EU).

A taxonomy of potential impacts of connected and automated vehicles at different levels of implementation

The first task is to identify potential impacts of connected and automated vehicles. This task will be based on a literature review and consultation with stakeholders. Impacts will be categorised: (1) First order impacts, which occur in the transport system, on a trip-by-trip basis (2) Second order impacts, which involve system-wide changes in the transport system. (3) Third order impacts, which are wider societal impacts.

PST User Guide

Levitate will issue an audiovisual user guide for thePST highlighting how to access the PST and providing a series of quick start video tutorials as well as a detailed description of the content of the system and links to further information

Detailed list of forecast scenarios, applicable forecasting methodologies and necessary output variables

A report detailing the scenarios to use to study the impacts of interventions on safety, mobility, environment, social, resource, infrastructure and economics and the necessary outcomes of the forecasting models.

Integration of outputs of WP4-7

The report will make a synthesis and integration of the methods and outputs of the analysis WPs 47 and will propose an overall framework for the assessment of impacts benefits and costs of CATS

Feasible paths of interventions

A report specifying the possible interventions, ranging from policy interventions, via infrastructure interventions to soft measures like awareness raising.

Development of a decision support tool for the assessment of the impacts of CATS

Report describing the background and underpinning methodology of the Decision Support Tool


Summary of systemic impacts of cooperative, connected and automated mobility technologies, Impact-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Chaudhry, A., Sha, H., Haouari, R., Singh, M., Thomas, P., Hu, B.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Road-use pricing for passenger cars. Sub-Use Case Definition and Documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Richter, Gerald; Zach, M.; Sha, H., Papazikou, E.; Mons, C., De Zwart, R.;
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) - passenger cars. Levitate Sub-Use Case Definition and Documentation

Autores: Chaudhry, A., Papazikou, E., Haouari, R., Sha, H., Singh, M.K., Quigley, C., Quddus, M., Thomas, P., Morris, A., Gebhard, S., Mons, C., Weijermars, W., Roussou, J.,
Publicado en: Levitate Workinbg Paper, 2022

Synopsis of wider impacts of cooperative, connected, and automated mobility, Impact-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Papazikou, E., Chaudhry, A., Sha, H., Haouari R., Singh, M., Roussou, J., Hu, B., Zach, M., Gebhard, S., Weijermars, W., Thomas, P., Quddus, M., Morris, A.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Social contagion when driving among automated vehicles - a driving simulator study. Working paper of the road safety working group of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: De Zwart, R., Kamphuis, K. & Cleij, D.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

The Delphi Method, Method-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Roussou, J., Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M., Yannis, G., Chaudhry, A., Sha, H., Haouari, R., Singh, M., Thomas, P., Hu, B.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Parking behaviour through parking price policies–passenger cars. Sub-Use Case Definition and Documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Singh, Mohit Kumar; Quigley, Claire; Haouari, Rajae; Hua, Sha; Papazikou, Evita; Chaudhry, Amna; Quddus, Mohammed; Thomas, Pete, Morris, Andrew Gebhard, S., Zwart, R.d., Mons, C., Weijermars, W., Roussou, J., Zach, M., Hula, A.,
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Microscopic simulation, Method-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Oikonomou, M., Vlahogianni, E., Roussou, J., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Chaudhry, A., Sha, H., Haouari, R., Singh, M., Thomas, P., Hu, B
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Transferability of Results within the Levitate Project, Transferability Working Group Working Paper of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Sha, H., Haouari, R., Singh, M. K., Tympakianaki, A., Hu, B., Zach, M., Oikonomou, M., Chaudhry, A., Thomas, P., Quddus, M., Morris, A.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Truck Platooning on urban highway bridges, SUC-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Ralbovsky, M., Kwapisz, M., Vorwagner, A., Hu, B. (
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Point-to-point Automated Urban Shuttle Service in a Large-scale Network, SUC-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Vlahogianni, E., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Gebhard, S., Mons, C, Zwart, R.d., Weijermars, W.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

System Dynamics, Method-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Zach, M., Chaudhry, A., Bijleveld, F.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Automated urban shuttle services – Last mile shuttles Vienna, Case study documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Müller J.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Freight Transport, Use case bibliography documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Hu, B., Zwart, R.d., Boghani, H.C., Papazikou, E., Filtness, A., Papadoulis, A.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Operations Research, Method-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Hu, B., Brandstätter, G.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Provision of Dedicated Lanes for CAVs on Urban Highways – passenger cars. Sub-Use Case Definition and Documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Sha, H., Quigley, C. Singh, M., Chaudhry, A., Haouari, R., Papazikou, E., Thomas, P., Quddus, M., Morris, A. Gebhard, S., Zwart, R.d., Mons, C., Weijermars, W.,
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Automated ride-sharing service. Case Definition and Documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Haouari R., Sha H., Singh M. K., Papazikou E., Chaudhry A., Quddus M., Quigley C., Thomas P., Morris A.,
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

On demand Automated Urban Shuttle Service, SUC-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Oikonomou, M., Roussou, J., Mourtakos, V., Vlahogianni, E., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Gebhard, S., Mons, C, Zwart, R.d., Weijermars, W., Müller, J., Zach, M.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Behavioural Parameters for Connected and Automated Vehicles within the LEVITATE Project. Working Paper of the Microsimulation Working Group of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Chaudhry, A., Sha, H., Boghani, H., Thomas, P., Quddus, M., Brackstone, M., Tympakianaki, A., Bin, H., Glaser, S., Papazikou, E., Haouari, R., Singh, M., Morris, A.
Publicado en: Levitate Working paper, 2021

Road safety impacts, Impact-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Weijermars, W.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Parking space regulation through replacing on-street parking with driving lanes, cycle lanes, public places and pick-up/drop-off points -passenger cars. Sub-Use Case Definition and Documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Sha, H., Haouari, R., Singh, M., Quigley, C, Papazikou, E., Chaudhry, A., Thomas, P., Quddus, M., Morris, A. Gebhard, S., Zwart, R.d., Mons, C., Weijermars, W., Zach, M., Roussou, J.,
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Mesoscopic agent-based simulation, Method-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Richter, G., Müller, J. (
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

A framework for assessing network performance impacts of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Networks, Project-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Tympakianaki, A., Nogues L., Casas, J., Brackstone, M. (
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory. Case Definition and Documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Singh M. K., Haouari R., Sha H., Papazikou E., Chaudhry A., Quddus M., Quigley C., Thomas P., Morris A., (
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Truck Platooning on Urban Highway Bridges, Case study documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Ralbovsky, M., Vorwagner, A.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Point-to-point Automated Urban Shuttle Service Connecting Two Modes, SUC-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Oikonomou, M., Roussou, J., Vlahogianni, E., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Gebhard, S., Mons, C, Zwart, R.d., Weijermars, W.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Automated Delivery and Automated Consolidation, Case study documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Hu, B., Brandstätter, Chaudhry, A., Sha, S., Haouari, R., Thomas, P., Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Zwart, R.d., Mons, C., Weijermars, W., Veisten, K., Hartveite, K.J.L. (
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

and Automated Mobility, Project-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Roussou, J., Yannis, G., Elvik, R., Meyer, S. F., Quddus, M., Papadoulis, A., Boghani, H., Cleij, D., Weijermars, W., Millonig, A., Vorwagner, A., Hu, B., Nitsche, P., Hu, B., Ralboysky, M., Vorwagner, A.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Automated ride-sharing – passenger cars, SUC-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Haouari, R, Papazikou, E., Singh, M. K., Sha, H., Quigley, C., Chaudhry, A., Quddus, M., Thomas, P., Morris, A., Gebhard, S., Zwart, R.d., Mons, C., Weijermars, W., Roussou, J., Zach, M., Hula, A., Hu, B.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Cost-benefit analysis, Method-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Hartveit, K.J.L., Veisten, K
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Summary of direct impacts of cooperative, connected and automated mobility technologies, Impact-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Hu, B., Papazikou, E., Chaudhry, A., Sha, H., Haouari R., Singh, M., Roussou, J., Zach, M., Gebhard, S., Weijermars, W., Thomas, P., Quddus, M., Morris, A.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

CBA Module – Monetised Impacts, Impact-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Hartveit, K.J.L., Veisten, K.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Urban Transport, Use case bibliography documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Papazikou, E., Boghani, H.C., Gebhard, S., Mons, C, Zwart, R.d., Weijermars, W., Hu, B.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Hub-to-Hub Automated Transport, SUC-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Hu, B., Brandstätter, Chaudhry, A., Sha, S., Haouari, R., Thomas, P., Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Zwart, R.d., Mons, C., Weijermars, W., Veisten, K., Hartveite, K.J.L.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Automated Urban Delivery and Automated Consolidation SUC-level documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Hu, B., Brandstätter, Chaudhry, A., Sha, S., Haouari, R., Thomas, P., Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Zwart, R.d., Mons, C., Weijermars, W., Veisten, K., Hartveite, K.J.L.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Passenger Car Transport, Use case bibliography documentation of the H2020 project LEVITATE.

Autores: Roussou, J., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Boghani, H.C., Papazikou, E., Filtness, A., Papadoulis, A., Chaudhry, A., Sha, H., Thomas, P., Zwart, R.d., Hu, B.
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Road-use pricing, model implementation Vienna Case Study for passenger cars. As part of the H2020 project LEVITATE

Autores: Richter, G.; Müller, J.; Papazikou, E. ,
Publicado en: Levitate Working Paper, 2022

Operational Design Domain of Automated Vehicles at Freeway Entrance Terminals

Autores: Xinchen Ye, Xuesong Wang
Publicado en: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición 00014575, 2022, ISSN 0001-4575
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106776

First steps towards a holistic impact assessment methodology for connected and automated vehicles

Autores: Diane Cleij; Wendy Weijermars; Rune Elvik
Publicado en: Open Research Europe, Edición 4, 2022, ISSN 2732-5121
Editor: European Commision
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.13870.2

Operational Design Domain of Automated Vehicles for Crossing Maneuvers at Two-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections

Autores: Dingming Qin, Xuesong Wang, Omar Hassanin, Salvatore Cafiso, Xiangbin Wu
Publicado en: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición 00014575, 2022, ISSN 0001-4575
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106575

Towards Human-Like Speed Control in Autonomous Vehicles: A Mountainous Freeway Case

Autores: Zhigui Chen, Xuesong Wang, Qiming Guo, Andrew Tarko
Publicado en: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición 00014575, 2022, ISSN 0001-4575
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106566

Operational Design Domain of Autonomous Vehicles at Skewed Intersection

Autores: Xuesong Wang, Dingming Qin, Salvatore Cafiso, Kyle Kangzhi Liang, Xiaolei Zhu
Publicado en: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición 00014575, 2021, ISSN 0001-4575
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106241

Calibration and Evaluation of Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS) in Automated Vehicle Performance during Cut-in Scenarios

Autores: Shuang Liu, Xuesong Wang, Omar Hassanin, Xiaoyan Xu, Minming Yang, David Hurwitz, Xiangbin Wu
Publicado en: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Edición 0968090X, 2021, ISSN 0968-090X
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2021.103037

Efficiency Performance and Safety Evaluation of the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety in Freeway Car-Following Scenarios using Automated Longitudinal Controls

Autores: Omar Hassanin, Xuesong Wang, Xiangbin Wu, Xiaoyan Xu
Publicado en: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición 18792057, 2022, ISSN 1879-2057
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106799

The demand for automated vehicles: A synthesis of willingness-to-pay surveys

Autores: Rune Elvik
Publicado en: Economics of Transportation, Edición 23, 2020, Página(s) 100179, ISSN 2212-0122
Editor: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecotra.2020.100179

Calibration and Evaluation of the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety Model of Autonomous Car-Following Maneuvers using Naturalistic Driving Study Data

Autores: Xiaoyan Xu, Xuesong Wang, Xiangbin Wu, Omar Hassanin, Chen Chai
Publicado en: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Edición 0968090X, 2021, ISSN 0968-090X
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2021.102988

Quantifying the implementation impacts of a point to point automated urban shuttle service in a large-scale network

Autores: Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Maria G. Oikonomou, Eleni I. Vlahogianni, George Yannis
Publicado en: Transport Policy, Edición 0967070X, 2021, ISSN 0967-070X
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.10.006

Feasibility Study of Highway Alignment Design Controls for Autonomous Vehicles

Autores: Xinchen Ye, Xuesong Wang, Shuang Liu, Andrew P. Tarko
Publicado en: Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición 00014575, 2021, ISSN 0001-4575
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106252

Can the impacts of connected and automated vehicles be predicted?

Autores: Rune Elvik
Publicado en: Danish Journal of Transportation Research, 2021, ISSN 2596-9196
Editor: Section for Infrastructure, Water Engineering and Environmental Technology, AAU BUILD
DOI: 10.5278/ojs.djtr.v3i1.6113

How truck-platooning changes the extreme values of load-effects in single-span bridges

Autores: Marian Ralbovsky, Alois Vorwagner, Maciej Kwapisz
Publicado en: IABSE Symposium 2022, 2022
Editor: IABSE Symposium 2022

The LEVITATE Policy Support Tool of Connected and Automated Transport Systems

Autores: Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Julia Roussou, Amna Chaudhry, Bin Hu, Martin Zach, Maria Oikonomou, Knut Veisten, Knut Johannes Liland Hartveit, Mark Brackstone, Eleni Vlahogianni, Pete Thomas, George Yannis
Publicado en: Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2022 Conference Procedia, Edición 23521465, 2022, ISSN 2352-1465

Forecasting impacts of Connected and Automated Transport Systems within the LEVITATE project

Autores: Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Julia Roussou, Hitesh Boghani, Bin Hu, Martin Zach, Knut Veisten, Knut Johannes Liland Hartveit, Maria Oikonomou, Eleni Vlahogianni, Pete Thomas, George Yannis
Publicado en: International Congress on Transportation Research, 2021
Editor: International Congress on Transportation Research

The impacts of automated urban delivery and consolidation

Autores: Bin Hu, Wolfgang Ponweiser, Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Julia Roussou, Amna Chaudhry, Maria Oikonomou, Sarah Gebhard, Rins de Zwart, Charles Goldenbeld, Govert Schermers, Wendy Weijermars, Knut Veisten, Knut J. L. Hartveit, Mark Brackstone, Pete Thomas, George Yannis
Publicado en: Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2022 Conference Procedia, 2022
Editor: 2352-1465

Methodological framework of creating the Levitate Policy Support Tool for Connected and Automated Transport Systems

Autores: Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Julia Roussou, Amna Chaudhry, Hitesh Boghani, Bin Hu, Martin Zach, Maria Oikonomou, Knut Veisten, Knut Johannes Liland Hartveit, Eleni Vlahogianni, Pete Thomas, George Yannis
Publicado en: Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, 2022
Editor: Road Safety and Simulation International Conference

Developing a Policy Support Tool for Connected and Automated Transport Systems

Autores: Anastasions Dragomanovits, George Yannis, Julia Roussou, Rune Elvik, Bin Hu, Alexandra Millonig, Ashleigh Filtness, Pete Thomas
Publicado en: Transport Research Arena 2020, Edición 803, 04/2020, 2020
Editor: TRA2020

A Review on Societal Impacts of the Future Connected and Automated Transport Systems

Autores: Julia Roussou, George Yannis, Evita Papazikou, Bin Hu, Hitesh Boghani, Ashleigh Filtness, Pete Thomas
Publicado en: Transport Research Arena 2020, Edición 444, 04/2020, 2020
Editor: TRA2020

Predicting impacts of connected and automated vehicles

Autores: Rune Elvik, George Yannis, Pete Thomas
Publicado en: Transport Research Arena 2020, Edición 276, 04/2020, 2020
Editor: Transport Research Arena

Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Housing Market – implications for land use and housing

Autores: Hitesh Boghani
Publicado en: System Dynamics Society Transportation SIG, 2020
Editor: System Dynamics Society Transportation SIG

A Statistics and Reaction Time based Framework for Impact Prediction of Automated Vehicles on Road Safety of Vulnerable Road Users

Autores: Andreas Hula, Rins de Zwart, Celina Mons, Wendy Weijermars, Hitesh Boghani, Pete Thomas
Publicado en: Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, 2022, Página(s) 1-5
Editor: RSS 2022

Impacts of autonomous transit services on urban networks: The case of Athens, Greece

Autores: Maria G. Oikonomou, Vasileios Mourtakos, Julia Roussou, Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Eleni I. Vlahogianni, George Yannis
Publicado en: International Congress on Transportation Research, 2021
Editor: International Congress on Transportation Research

Analysing the Impacts of Parking Price Policies with the Introduction of Connected and Automated Vehicles

Autores: Mohit Kumar Singh, Rajae Haouari, Evita Papazikou, Hua Sha, Amna Chaudhry, Mohammed Quddus, Pete Thomas, Andrew Morris
Publicado en: Transportation Research Procedia, 2022
Editor: Elsevier

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