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Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production from H2S in a Regenerative Scrubber

Descripción del proyecto

De aguas residuales a hidrógeno y otros productos químicos valiosos, alimentado de forma sostenible por el sol

El tratamiento de aguas residuales incluye la eliminación del sulfuro de hidrógeno (H2S), frecuentemente por lavado cáustico, una técnica que se ha utilizado durante años. Esta técnica genera sulfhidrato de sodio (NaHS), un producto valioso para las fábricas de papel, pero la mayor parte se desperdicia por una serie de razones. El equipo del proyecto PECREGEN, financiado con fondos europeos, ha desarrollado una forma sostenible de generar gas hidrógeno (H2) y otros productos químicos valiosos a partir de todo ese NaHS. Una celda fotoelectroquímica que aprovecha la luz solar disocia el NaHS para producir H2 y azufre comercializable al tiempo que regenera el hidróxido de sodio utilizado para la adsorción de H2S. Es más, la producción de H2 utilizará aproximadamente un tercio de la energía que necesitan las tecnologías de disociación del agua actuales.


Commercialization of photoelectrochemical cells for solar hydrogen production from water is challenging due to the competitive low cost of hydrogen derived from natural gas. Renewable (solar-derived) hydrogen from alternative sources with more favorable economics is therefore being explored. Currently, caustic scrubbers for H2S abatement from sour gas and wastewater produce NaHS, a hazardous commodity chemical that is produced in the Kraft process, to produce wood pulp from wood for the production of paper, tissues, cardboard, and similar end products. However, due to large transport distances between H2S sources and paper mills, oversupply of NaHS, or impurities in the NaHS, there are many scrubbers that produce a large excess of waste NaHS. To address this economic pain point, we have invented a regenerator system that uses a photoelectrochemical cell to split NaHS, producing saleable high-value commodity sulfur and renewably-derived hydrogen gas, while regenerating the NaOH so that it can be re-used for H2S adsorption. Our photoelectrochemical regeneration system uses sunlight to produce hydrogen from waste H2S using less than a third the energy that is required for H2O splitting, while simultaneously removing a hazardous caustic waste stream from the environment. For this project, we will build a proof-of-concept regenerator system that can be integrated into a regenerative scrubber prototype. This will accomplish three goals: Production of renewable hydrogen potentially using 1/3rd the energy of water splitting; Reduce the need for caustic scrubbers to continue to buy NaOH by regenerating it from NaHS; Eliminate waste NaHS economically by turning it into hydrogen fuel and non-hazardous sulfur. Intellectual property will be developed, and an analysis of end-user pain points and product-market fit will be accomplished by combining data from customer interviews, technical reports, and economic forecasts.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-POC - Proof of Concept Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 150 000,00
32000 Haifa

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Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 150 000,00

Beneficiarios (1)