Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PROMETHEUS (Pulsed Rapid ultra-short laser surface texturing for Manufacture of FlexiblE and CusTomisEd ProdUctS)
Reporting period: 2023-01-01 to 2023-06-30
With the investigation conducted it is possible to conclude that DLIP enables the processing of materials to achieve advanced properties (and functionalities) such as non-stick, low wear/friction, oleophobic or hydrophobic. The surface texturing speeds reached 0,9 m2/min enabling high resolution features to be produced with minimal heat impact on work pieces. These were tested on real use cases from automotive (Maier & CRF), medical (JJVC) and white goods sectors (Arçelik).
The conclusions of the action are the following:
- Surfaces textured enabling the desired functionalities for the end-user applications
- Improved accuracy, power, and control over existing technologies
- Faster materials processing when compared to current laser techniques
- Minimization of the heat impact on sensitive materials
- Product customization was increased
- Flexible and modular machine available for commercialisation
- Sub-systems available individually for sale and integration in other laser sources
The partners responsible for the sub-systems will promote the PROMETHEUS sub-systems also as part of their own marketing strategies, i.e. using their media, participating in trade fairs and events that they regularly use to publicise their products and services (training, consultancy, or technical support).
The routes to follow have been stablished among partners – PROMETHEUS will rely on a dedicated one but also on individual partners routes.
The exploitation strategy for the PROMETHEUS project focus on two main outcomes: (1) PROMETHEUS’ overall completed system, & (2) PROMETHEUS’ sub-systems. This is due to the nature of the PROMETHEUS’s project, that addressed the development of different technologies, that may also be channelled to other types of systems (not only laser texturing) that may be used in different applications and/or fields.
The sub-systems are available as standalone products and when purchasing the PROMETHEUS system, it is up to the client to customise it adding the needed sub-systems. Below a list of the main system as respective sub systems available for integration.
Machine – provided by PRIMA
Laser source – provided by EdgeWave
Optics – provided by Holo/OR
Fibre – provided by PHOT
Direct Laser Interference Pattering (DLIP) – provided by Fraunhofer IWS
Monitoring Systems:
o Scatterometry based – provided by AIMEN
o Diffractometry based – provided by IRIS
The cost structure of the system is around 850k€ for the PROMETHEUS system (not including the monitoring systems, if one is added, an additional 50k€ are sum up to the 850k€ value, of both monitoring solutions are incorporated, the final price will be 950k€).
For the exploitation of the results, two agreements were defined among partners: (1) Licence Agreement to encompass all terms and conditions regarding the exploitation of the overall PROMETHEUS System; and (2) Service Agreement focusing on the partners that provide knowledge and services to provide to clients. Both Agreements are available as annexes of D9.8.
Despite the focus of the exploitation activities to be around the PROMETHEUS final system, partners believe it is crucial for the successful exploitation, to assess other exploitation routes for the different sub-systems developed during the project, since this presents a great opportunity to widen the range of possible commercialisation routes to the products and/or services.
Apart from the overall exploitation plan for the machine, since the project brought to live more outcomes, individual exploitation plans were also developed and are summarised hereafter. Moreover, it is important to highlight that some partners already identified alternative routes to exploit results, not initially foreseen on the Grant Agreement.
In overall, the project results have several ways of exploitation, through the project as a whole or by each individual partner. Different sectors were identified as the ones where PROMETHEUS can cause a major impact as well as the major competitors. The overall cost estimation for the PROMETHEUS System is in line with the initial target.
- Lasers from EW with pulse duration <10 ns, power > 600 W and pulse repetition rates above 500 Hz
- DLIP System from IWS
- Laser beam manipulation by HOLO-OR – A novel M2 transformation beam shaping method based on diffractive optics – m2 beam quality <5 or spatial coherence >15% and coherence length 3 mm
- Process monitoring and control from AIMEN and IRIS – development of new tool compatible with the unique set-up of DLIP
- Fibre delivery by PHOT – industrial fibres to transmit high peak power densities
- M2 Transformation DLIP Module
- Diffractometry & Scatterometry Monitoring Solutions
- Texture Functionalities
- Design of hollow core antiresonant fibre for high power delivery
Project Results:
– Testing methodologies
– High-speed Laser Texturing
– Texturized demonstrators
PROMETHEUS, from its beginning expects to support employment. As the employees from the organisations participating in the project expect to increase after the end of the project – and this corresponds only to the direct jobs coming out of the project, the implementation of the project also supports the increase of the number of indirect jobs. Adding to this, through training activities, the PROMETHEUS supported the training of manufacturing professionals in using this technology and by doing so supporting employment.
An analysis of the potential markets to extend the utilisation of PROMETHEUS results was made, leading to the identification of renewable energy sector, aeronautic & aerospace, and Oil & Gas as potential routes of exploitation. This expects to generate a positive environmental impact in what concerns the possibility of:
– Replacing chemical etching processes (used in wind blades) resulting in reduced harmful chemical usage – this is a potential use for the renewable energy sector
– Laser surface texturing is an attractive technology to prevent ice accumulation in aircraft surfaces
– Reduction of drag and friction in turbomachinery parts in Oil & Gas sector
The environmental impacts of PROMETHEUS implementation into the end user case studies were assessed. Some of the cases investigated does not show potential to reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing process, however the results obtained for the CRF Engine Cylinder Liner, show savings up to 99% in the three domains analysed: Abiotic depletion; Abiotic depletion of fossil fuels and Global warming.