Periodic Reporting for period 4 - ESCALON (European-Latin American network for the assessment of biomarkers to predict and diagnose hepatobiliary malignancies and characterization of risk factors for cancer development)
Reporting period: 2023-01-01 to 2023-12-31
The ESCALON project determined the clinical characteristics patients of patients with HCC, CCA and GBC, as well as of patients that are considered to be at-risk of developing these cancers, such as cirrhotic patients (for HCC), primary sclerosing cholangitis patients (for CCA) and individuals with gallstones (for GBC). Important differences were noted between Latin American and European patients. Risk factors for HCC such as aflatoxin exposure, and co-infections with hepatitis D and hepatitis E have been determined.
The consortium has optimized and validated numerous assays for the HCC and GBC part of the project. These include the measurement of multiple immune markers, and tumor markers in serum, microRNAs, gene polymorphisms and markers in extracellular vesicles. Distinctive serum biomarker panels, including immune proteins and tumor-derived proteins, have been identified that distinguish HCC and GBC from their respective at-risk groups. These panels that could be used to screen for liver cancer in a simple and affordable manner. Importantly, it became evident that the etiology associated with the liver disease as well as the presence or absence of cirrhosis were important determinants of the biomarker panels. For CCA, several candidate biomarkers have been identified with high diagnostic capacity for the early diagnosis of CCA in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) compared to control groups. In addition, potential common protein biomarkers were investigated in serum extracellular vesicles for the diagnosis of the different types of CCA (independently of the risk factor associated). Analysis of risk factors as well as predictive and diagnostic blood biomarkers for the various cancers has been conducted. Differences between results of Latin American and European samples and data were an important aspect of the analysis.
Dissemination of the data generated by the ESCALON consortium takes place via the ESCALON website and social media accounts. On the ESCALON website ( an extensive list of scientific publications can be found that were published since the start of the project. These publications describe in detail the findings of the project. In addition, symposia and lectures for professionals, students and patients were organized, as well as scientific seminars with invited speakers on topics relevant for the objectives of ESCALON.