Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ETIP PV - SEC II (Support to all stakeholders from the Photovoltaic sector and related sectors to contribute to the SET-Plan)
Reporting period: 2020-04-01 to 2022-06-30
ETIP PV is an independent organization of solar energy experts and professionals with a full coverage of relevant backgrounds. It develops joint European strategies and plans in the fields of research & innovation as well as market development. It also serves as the recognised point of reference for key decision and policy makers and provides high quality analyses and background documents on photovoltaic technology, economics, applications, system integration and other aspects that are important for the development of a competitive industry sector and growing markets. ETIP PV recognises the paramount importance and potential impact of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) and contributes to its activities.
The work of the ETIP PV is organized in accordance to its Terms of Reference from May 2016. The Steering Committee is the permanent decision-making body of the ETIP PV. The work of the ETIP PV takes the form of ad hoc working groups (WGs) which are proposed for specific tasks by the Steering Committee. The Working Groups of the ETIP PV presently cover the areas of:
1. PV LCOE competitiveness
2. Digital PV and power grids
3. Industrial policy
4. Integrated Photovoltaics
5. PV Quality and Reliability
Operation on all levels runs on a voluntary basis with personal capacity of experts and with the professional support from the ETIP PV SEC – II Secretariat.
The main responsibilities of the Secretariat are:
• Organisational and operational support to the ETIP PV Members
• Organization of the platform meetings as well as the Annual ETIP PV Conference and ETIP PV workshops
• Coordination of the flow of information within the platform and between the platform and its target audience
• Perform editing and graphic-design work on the ETIP PV’s written output
• Publish and publicise the main outputs of the WGs and the platform
The Secretariat partners WIP, EUREC and SOLARUNITED have run this project to provide these services, fulfil other aspects of the mission of ETIP PV and ensure that the ETIP PV was running according to its Terms of Reference, as adopted by its Steering Committee.
1. Re-definition and promotion of the ETIP PV Vision ‘Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Big and Beyond - Sustainable energy to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees’
In November 2018, ETIP PV finalized and published the document ‘Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Big and Beyond - Sustainable energy to reach the 1.5 degrees climate target’, timely in line with the discussions at the COP24 intergovernmental climate conference in Katowice.
The Vision was translated to eight national languages (English, German, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Slovenian, Spanish and Greek). They are available for download on the ETIP PV homepage (
The Vision has been strongly promoted and distributed at the most relevant PV events in 2019 including the ETIP PV annual conference, the EU PVSEC, and several IEA PVPS and IRENA workshops. It was presented to the SET Plan Secretariat at the SET Plan Implementation Working Groups workshop in Bucharest on 11 June 2019. It was also presented to the ETIP SNET in one of their Governing Board meetings. Other channels, such as press releases, website announcements, newsletters and social media have also been exploited.
2 .Support to the realization of the Implementation Plan to achieve the targets of the SET-Plan Declaration of Intent (i.e SET-Plan Declaration on Strategic Targets in the context of an Initiative for Global Leadership in Photovoltaics ).
The Secretariat keeps the Steering Committee informed about the progress of the Implementation Working Group (IWG PV) and coordinates the flow of information between the two. Our main role entails in:
• Mobilising private actors and industry
• Liaising with Chair, EC and SET Plan countries for identification of concrete projects, including co-fund activities in line with the implementation plans
• Coordinating synergies between the Implementation Plan (IP) and ETIP activities.
The Secretariat also invites other H2020 projects in support of the Implementation Plan such as PV IMPACT and SMARTSPEND into the ETIP PV discussions in order to exploit and maximize synergies.
3. Support to the European PV Manufacturing and R&D industry
ETIP PV ambitions to continue promoting the very idea that Europe can and must be a manufacturing centre for one of the key technologies of this century, driving investments in the hundreds of billions of EUR range in the coming years. The PV industry has a bright future ahead in Europe, thanks to the world-class research-centres, equipment manufacturers and producers.
4. Raise public awareness about the role of Photovoltaic Solar Energy in the energy system with publications by the working groups and the organization of workshops
ETIP PV prepares recommendations in the form of published reports (they cover: Integrated Photovoltaics (IPV), Photovoltaics Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE), digitalization of PV and industrial policy). The Secretariat has helped the Working Groups to produce these reports and to spread knowledge of them.
In total project period the working groups have published several reports.
ETIP PV also organizes a public conference every year with the aim of fostering cohesion of the stakeholders involved in the PV sector and to inform the general public. In this project, the Secretariat coordinated the organisation of the one on-site and three online conference (4).
The Secretariat has additionally facilitated the organization of events cultivating the links to other key European and international initiatives.
The Secretariat also informs and assists the Steering Committee to respond to public consultations and/or drafting Open Letters and Position Papers.
• Increased cohesion of the stakeholders in the PV sector to reach agreements on concrete priorities and strategies for the large-scale deployment of photovoltaic solar energy technologies in the context of the SET-Plan
• Support to the realisation of the Implementation Plan to achieve the targets of the SET-Plan Declaration of Intent
• Support to the European PV Manufacturing and R&D industry
• To conclude, the pandemic situation in the last two years did not prevent the ETIP PV SEC-II Secretariat from implementing the project actions successfully in different formats like using video conferences and other online tools
• The secretariat worked in a very effective way to support the platform members including the Executive Committee, the Steering Committee (SC) and the ad hoc Working Groups (WG) of the ETIP PV, to prepare and organize the meetings and four public conferences.
• The ETIP PV with the different organizations and experts of the field also worked on the growth of PV industry in Europe by launching several events together to bring back the GW production of the whole value chain to Europe.