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CORDIS - EU research results

Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PIPPI (Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation)

Reporting period: 2021-12-01 to 2022-05-31

Digital transformation of healthcare requires collaboration between stakeholders from both the public and private sector to co-design and co-create digital solutions that meet the clinical demands. However, public-private collaborations in the EU appear often to be reactive to the needs of the healthcare sector rather than pro-active in defining needs and setting specifications. As such, the added value of these partnerships often isn’t 100% connected with the real needs of the healthcare providers.

Innovation procurement instruments such as PCP that recently were introduced by the European Commission for R&D and procurement of cross-border innovative solutions have not been as successful as anticipated due to lack of know-how and expertise and the fact that the end-users and future buyers are often not in the lead. From the supply side, a finding has been that there is a need for trusted demand: i.e. if a solution meets (unmet) demand, there needs to be a belief that the solution will be procured. SME's in particular, do not always have the time and resources (e.g. tender or business development team) and existing procurement processes do not really take this into account. Having university hospitals in the leading position will drive innovation from the demand side, enabling faster (digital) transformations in healthcare, whilst also developing trust with the supply side actors.

The PIPPI project aims to overcome these challenges by creating a cross-border Community of Practice (CoP) of major European university hospitals, bringing together experts from the demand side to identify common clinical needs for digital healthcare solutions, and prepare a cross-border PCP for a selected clinical need whilst also offering tailored assistance on procurement to other hospitals within and outside the CoP. By coming together through a cross-border Community of Practice (CoP) the project will focus on generating ideas, identifying, aligning and addressing the needs for innovation.

This novel approach will improve the operations of university hospitals, as well as assist in facilitating access and promoting collaboration with industry stakeholders across the EU. Whilst also creating a network that will identify other potential synergy effects in health & care research and innovation ecosystems.

The overall aim of the PIPPI project is aligned with the objective of the call: Digital health and care services – support for 1) strategy and (early) 2) adoption, namely to support the University hospitals in the creation of a common strategy and toolbox rrlated to improved care, related to digital care. Whilst also creating a network that will identify other potential synergy effects in health & care research and innovation ecosystems. To enable this outcome, a key focus in the PIPPI project will be to describe the value framework/proposition from different perspectives: patients, payers, clinician, society. It is also important to include into the framework a simple “business case” to exemplify for the stakeholders what the value for them is. In this way, any strategy developed will cover all relevant parameters (such as collection, use / exploitation, ownership, payment models etc.).
During the period covered by this report (June 2020-November 2021) the PiPPi project has accelerated towards achieving the end-goal of creating and establishing a well-functioning Community of Practice.

With the first period of the project focused on identifying shared practices and commonalities amongst the project partners, this second period has focused on how to identify common challenges and how to best engage external stakeholders from various groups. i.e payers, healthcare providers, patients and citizens, etc. The idea being to create a process for how to identify shared challenges, as well as a suitable toolbox of services and methodologies that can be used to address them, depending on the stakeholder group.

The PIPPi platform has during the period been developed and launched in a beta-version on October 21st, 2021. The outcomes from the extensive work done on gathering stakeholders and identifying unmet needs, were implemented into the platform. and made available to the CoP members. This work has now already resulted in a number of topics and related challenges now been open for engagement via the PiPPi web platform:

Furthermore, there is now also a vibrant and growing network of stakeholders working together through the PiPPi Community of Practice. With an agreement that the idea of working together means that they can identify common unmet clinical needs and advance the development of innovative digital health and care services, and also prepare for procurement of innovation. The project also initiated an Open call for recruitment of the Patient/Citizen Advisory Group (PCAG). In the end 21 applications were received to the call, from 10 different European countries. The final selection was then done in April 2021, which recruited 12 members. Two general meetings have now been held with members of the PCAG to introduce them to the project and work is ongoing to further engage with them.

To further secure the long-term engagement of the COP community, a comprehensive COP charter is now under development, covering aspects ranging from the business need the COP will cover, to the quantitative and qualitative metrics used to measure decided outcomes. A business and operating model, as well as en exploitation plan is also in place, being further optimised until the end of the project, May 2022.

The work done in the project during period 2 has thus ensured that there is a process in place after the project, for an open and inclusive collaboration that can empower faster digital transformations, boost knowledge sharing, increase trust between stakeholders and lower risk aversion to public procurement of innovation as a driving force behind development of EU healthcare.
The overall aim of the PIPPI project is to support the University hospitals in the creation of a common strategy and toolbox related to digital care. Whilst also creating a network that will identify other potential synergy effects in health & care research and innovation ecosystems. The outcome being a increased readiness to work with PCP/PPI as tools to solve unmet needs.

To enable this outcome, a key focus in the PIPPI project is to describe the value framework/proposition from different perspectives: patients, payers, clinician, society. In addition, a “business case” is to be created to exemplify for the stakeholders what the value for them is. In this way, any strategy developed will cover all relevant parameters (such as collection, use / exploitation, ownership, payment models etc.

A benchmark study conducted before the project indicated that there is clear lack of suitable examples to learn from, in terms of similar portals and networks targeting procurers and innovators. This means that the PiPPi CoP is a clear step beyond state of the art, offering a unique opportunity for stakeholders to engage in definining and solving unmet needs through PCP/PPI.

After now completing period 2, the project has developed a functioning CoP and related, comprehensive CoP charter as well as validated operating model, business and exploitation plan. The idea being to ensure the longevity of the PiPPi CoP.
PIPPI team meeting