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PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HyTunnel-CS (PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces)

Período documentado: 2020-09-01 hasta 2022-07-31

The aim of the HyTunnel-CS project is to perform pre-normative research for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces (FCH-04-1-2018). The main ambition is to facilitate hydrogen vehicles entering underground traffic systems at risk below or the same as for fossil fuel transport. The specific objectives are: critical analysis of effectiveness of conventional safety measures for hydrogen incidents; generation of unique experimental data using the best European hydrogen safety research facilities and three real tunnels; understanding of relevant physics to underpin the advancement of hydrogen safety engineering; innovative explosion and fire prevention and mitigation strategies; new validated CFD and FE models for consequences analysis; new engineering correlations for novel quantitative risk assessment methodology tailored for tunnels and underground parking; harmonised recommendations for intervention strategies and tactics for first responders; recommendations for inherently safer use of hydrogen vehicles in underground transportation systems; recommendations for RCS.
The project achieved all its objectives and milestones.

WP1 “The state-of-the-art in safety provisions for underground transportation systems and accident scenarios prioritisation” completed its work in the first reporting period achieving all its public deliverables D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 and D1.4 which formulated problems and prepared field for pre-normative research in WP2-WP5.
Analytical, numerical and experimental pre-normative research in WP2-WP4 started with development of detailed research plans reported in deliverables D2.1 D3.1 and D4.1. The work performed in WP2-WP4 from the beginning of the project to its end (30 July 2020) was reported in deliverables D2.3 D3.3 and D4.3 “Final report on analytical, numerical and experimental studies” in respective workpackages. Most analytical and numerical research plans are fulfilled timely and sometimes ahead of the schedule (e.g. engineering tools in D4.2). The experimental studies were affected by COVID-19 pandemic and were mostly recovered during the granted 5 months extension period. Experimental work at HSE suffered off-design test conditions at large-scale tunnel facility and was completed in December 2022.

All deliverables in WP5 “First responders' intervention strategies and tactics for hydrogen accidents in underground transportation systems and risk assessment” – D5.1 D5.2 D5.3 D5.4 – has been achieved on time and publicly available at the project website. “Stakeholders workshop” (milestone M6.2) and “International workshop of emergency services” (milestone M5.2 and deliverable 5.2) were rearranged from face-to-face to online event due to COVID-19 pandemic.

WP6 “Synthesis, outreach and dissemination” was responsible for the two principle project outcomes - D6.9 “Recommendations for inherently safer use of hydrogen vehicles in underground traffic systems” and D6.10 “Recommendations for RCS”. National Networks and Stakeholders Advisory Board were formed and operated within WP6, the Board meeting minutes are reported in D6.2 D6.4 D.6 D6.7 D6.8 D6.13. The list of publications was compiled and maintained in D6.12.

The developed in the project safety strategies, closed knowledge gaps and the main public outcomes (D5.4 D6.10 and D.10) were presented at the dissemination conference (deliverable 6.12) organised as a face-to-face event 14-15 July 2022 at “The Hotel” (Brussels, Belgium).
The major progress beyond the state-of-the-art achieved during the project and contributed to the principle public outcomes D6.9 D6.10 and D5.4 is:
- Developed criteria for fast hydrogen flame acceleration and transition to detonation tailored for realistic hydrogen-air mixtures and tunnel systems.
- Investigated effect of mitigation systems on hydrogen fires and blast wave attenuation.
- Performed research on concreate spalling caused by traditional heat exposure and hydrogen jet flames.
- Created safety strategies to exclude tank rupture in a fire: (a) engineering models and tools to design tank-TPRD as a system; (b) the breakthrough leak-no-burst (LNB) technology was further tested in the project.
- Designed universal correlation for blast wave decay following rupture of high-pressure hydrogen storage tank in a tunnel of any length and cross section.
- Performed unique release, jet fire and tank rupture experiments in real tunnels and large-scale facilities. The experimental data was used for CFD and engineering models correlations, e.g. the developed at UU universal correlation for blast wave decay in a tunnel, models for ignited and unignited pressure peaking phenomena, proof of contribution of hydrogen combustion to blast wave strength (previously observed only in numerical simulations).
- Developed and implemented novel engineering tools including engineering correlation for assessment of overpressure during spurious hydrogen release, analytical model for non-adiabatic blowdown from hydrogen tank, correlation for blast wave attenuation in a tunnel, tool for prevention of composite hydrogen storage tank explosion in a fire, etc. The tools and correlations are aimed at implementation in e-Laboratory of Hydrogen Safety ( to ensure continuity and longevity of project achievements.
- Developed coupled CFD/FEM models for analysis of hydrogen fires and tank rupture effect on tunnels structural integrity.
- Optimisation of release direction and orifice was performed for unignited and ignited hydrogen jets. Parametric simulations were performed in various environments (e.g. tunnel with and without slope, real car park geometry, etc.).
HyTunnel-CS project fulfilled the expected impacts listed in the FCH 2 JU work plan including:
Unique experimental data is available on completion of experimental research in the best facilities for hydrogen studies including large-scale real tunnels via public deliverables D2.3 D3.3 D4.3; open data access (see scientific publications (publications list maintained at final dissemination conference ( etc.
Reduction of over-conservatism, increased efficiency of safety equipment and costs reduction is achieved through implemented in the project “system level” approach: mitigation of hazards and reduction of risks is achieved considering vehicle and tunnel as a single system. QRA methodology tailored for tunnel and underground systems was developed and presented in D5.3 “Report of quantitative risk assessment methodology”.
Intervention strategies and tactics for first responders were developed and the impact culminated in the public D5.4 “Harmonised recommendations on response to hydrogen accidents”.
Impact “Commonly agreed, scientifically based recommendations for the update of relevant RCS …” was achieved via the public deliverable D6.10 “Recommendations for RCS”.
Impact “Recommendations for … inherently safer use of hydrogen vehicles and safer transport of hydrogen in tunnels” was achieved via preparation and making available public deliverable D6.9 “Recommendations for inherently safer use of hydrogen vehicles in underground traffic systems”.
HyTunnel-CS project logo
Coupled CFD/FEM simulation of vehicle deformation and dislocation
HyTunnel-CS partners visit to Modane tunnel, February 2020
HyTunnel-CS project partners, kick-off meeting, March 2019