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Emergency response made easy. Expansion to EU.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - InCaseIT in EU (Emergency response made easy. Expansion to EU.)

Reporting period: 2018-09-01 to 2018-12-31

The business world is experiencing increasing expectations from all stakeholders to demonstrate adequate ability to handle unwanted incidents. The risks are increasing, and the consequences are graver.
The tools to be prepared have traditionally been paper based procedures often lacking updates and proper distribution. Pilotech with its SaaS based crisis management system InCaseIT can change this.

It is important for the society that the consequences of an unwanted incident are minimized. InCaseIT will reduce lead time, enhance handling and collaboration and thereby secure residual values of tangible assets and negative impact on intangible assets. The result is higher resilience and reduced consequences for jobs and economy.

Pilotech has an ambition to expand its Emergency Response business into EU. In order to do this, we need to gather market knowledge and product requirements in EU.
How to approach the international market (EU), where to focus, finance requirements and aligning the value proposition to the customer profiles. These are the key points for the feasibility study.
The following headlines have been carried out during the project. In total we have used more hours than expected. More than 1000 hours logged.
Project management inkl. EU portal
Feasibility study creation
Coaching incl. preparations
Pestel Analysis
Competitor analysis
Market analysis
Valuepropositions and persona definitions
Risk evaluation
Organisation development
Financials incl. sensitivity analysis.

The main results are a feasibility study and an expanded version which has become Pilotech's strategic plan to expand into EU.
The FS is reported to EU, and the Strategic plan is validated by the board of Pilotech and will become a vital instrument in both the governance of Pilotech's growth but more important in the way we approach the new markets.
Pilotech AS has developed, is marketing and selling the Software as a Service (SaaS) tool InCaseITtm. InCaseITtm is an Emergency Response tool which also provides support for Business Continuity processes. InCaseITtm is an important component in organizations´ risk management activities. InCaseITtm empowers all enterprises to address the residual risks. It is a modern collaboration and information sharing tool when handling an unwanted incident.

Pilotech´s plan for expansion:
Pilotech has executed the following studies: Pestel study, Industry sector study, Country/market profiles: size, risk, for relevant markets, Customer review, Customer value proposition, Competitor analysis, Partner screening study, Interviews with Emergency Response and Business Continuity (ER/BC) market participants.
The conclusion from the studies is that a deployment of Pilotech services into other markets in Northern Europe is a viable strategy. The position of Pilotech's crisis management tool InCaseITtm is towards the high end in functionality while having a low base cost structure. There are no really low hanging fruits, and the sales cycle tend to be long also in the targeted markets.
Pilotech has developed a totally new marketing plan by adopting a new approach based on the use of “Persona focus” and marketing of SaaS tools in other areas. The marketing plan will include geographical aspects as well as various segments aspects.
A sales process has also been formalized taking a more conscious approach to which customers will make a profit for the company. Various limiting factors have been analyzed and addressed in the plan.

Impact for Pilotech:
The market opportunities for InCaseIT in Norway is limited. The trend is positive, but many companies and organizations are slow to employ digital support for emergency response and business continuity processes. Pilotech has executed a feasibility study in order to evaluate the possibility to expand into other geographical markets.

Impact for society:
It is important for the society that the consequences of an unwanted incident are minimized. InCaseIT will reduce lead time, enhance handling and collaboration and thereby secure residual values of tangible assets and negative impact on intangible assets. The result is higher resilience and reduced consequences for jobs and economy.

Pilotech will seek to start to execute the expansion plan in 2019.
Front page InCaseIT in EU project