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Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ in Horizon 2020

Description du projet

Tirer parti d’Horizon 2020 pour produire une énergie plus sûre, propre et efficace

Les points de contact nationaux (PCN) ont besoin d’une expertise appropriée pour fournir des informations pratiques, une assistance personnalisée et des conseils sur tous les aspects concernant la participation à Horizon 2020 dans les appels d’offres énergétiques. Le projet C-Energy 2020 V2, financé par l’UE, entend combler ces lacunes en matière de connaissances et de compétences par le biais de webinaires, de formations, d’un séminaire, de jumelages et de manifestations de courtage. Il permettra d’améliorer les connaissances et les compétences des PCN énergétiques et de renforcer le niveau général de soutien aux candidats à Horizon 2020. En apportant son soutien à la prestation de services professionnels de premier plan pour les PCN énergétiques dans le cadre d’Horizon 2020, il simplifiera l’accès aux appels d’offres pour les néophytes et les candidats des pays participants, dont la liste continue de s’allonger. Le projet facilitera également la coopération transnationale entre les différents PCN énergétiques.


C-ENERGY 2020 V2 is a 18 months Coordination and Support Action having the specific objectives: 1. to improve the knowledge and skills of the Energy NCPs, particularly of NCPs in those countries that have been participating at low levels in the programme up to now;
2. to raise the general standard of support to programme applicants and simplify access to Horizon 2020 calls for newcomers and applicants from widening countries by supporting the provision of a high quality, professional Energy NCP services for Horizon 2020; 3. to facilitate transnational cooperation amongst Energy NCPs including non-beneficiaries. C-ENERGY 2020 V2 will capitalise on relevant activities of the previous NCP network project in the Energy sector (C-ENERGY 2020) and those of the NCP Academy. C-ENERGY 2020 V2 will be carried out by a consortium of 18 beneficiaries, 16 of which are from EU Member States and 2 from Associate Countries to Horizon 2020. Several widening countries are partners of the project (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and Portugal). C-ENERGY 2020 V2 will organise at least 4 webinars, 2 trainings, 1 Masterclass and 1 twinning . The applicants will benefit of at least 2 brokerage events and 3 training for stakeholders. The project will also take special care of outreaching activities by extending the collaboration with other NCP thematic networks and cooperating with EEN. Finally, communication within and outside the Energy NCP network will be ensured through the website, the promotional materials, social media and the participation at major events. Throughout the project special attention will be paid to those countries that have been participating at low levels in the programme up to now and to the diversity of stakeholders in the energy sector.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 112 930,00
00184 Roma

Voir sur la carte

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 112 930,00

Participants (19)