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Fostering transnational cooperation between National Contact Points (NCP) in the area of quality standards and horizontal issues

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NCP Academy (Fostering transnational cooperation between National Contact Points (NCP) in the area of quality standards and horizontal issues)

Período documentado: 2020-05-01 hasta 2020-10-31

The NCP Academy is a continuation and expansion of the former NCP Academy support action (2014-June 2018) covering the period September 2018 to August 2020. The project brings together Horizon 2020 NCP Coordinators and Legal and Financial NCPs to implement training on cross-cutting issues for National Contact Points (NCPs) and address quality standards and good practice. The project will be succeeded by the Bridge2HE.

The overall objective is to build capacity measures tailor-made for the needs of the NCP community by implementation of a high-quality training programme and provision of opportunities for the exchange of experiences and of good practices. It maps NCP client needs and their satisfaction levels and provides central services to the stakeholders/users of the Legal and Financial NCP services.

The NCP Academy consortium cooperate closely with other NCP Networks to implement procedures that ensure a timely flow of information allowing collaboration. It has focused on removal of any duplication between networks and new routes to efficiencies of implementation. It supports the European Commission in providing feedback and analysis.

The project continues to serve as vehicle for building up and mobilising expertise, contributing to future developments. The project addresses the continuous concerns that the programme evolves during its lifetime (2018-2020), that lessons are learned, and that newcomers join the NCP network.

The project is important for society in that it significantly contributes to the training of existing NCPs and the ongoing training of existing NCPs to inform them on cross cutting and emerging issues. This is turn allows NCPs to be better informed in their engagement with Horizon 2020 applicant researchers and enterprises.

It goes some way towards ensuring that adequately trained NCPs will be in place upfront for the next Framework Programme, Horizon Europe. It has also informed the Commission in a structured way the opportunities and challenges that could be addressed in advance of the development of NCP structures for Horizon Europe.

The NCP Academy includes activities aimed at helping NCPs in those countries that have been participating at lower levels in the programme up to now, for example, training, mentoring, twinning and awareness raising actions aimed at increasing visibility of well-qualified potential applicant organisations in those countries.
Extensive work has been performed over the period of the project. Much of this work has involved extensive engagement and surveying of NCPs.

Under Work Package One the following has been achieved including:

• The establishment of procedures and guidelines and the implementation and promotion of a Mentor Scheme for new Legal and Financial NCPs.
• The preparation of a report mapping the Q&A database tools used by other networks
• The further development of a version of the online Horizon 2020 Q&A database that is updated on an ongoing basis.

Under Work Package Two the following has been achieved including:
• A report on planning for an e-learning pilot has been finalised and opportunities for blended learning opportunities identified.
• A very comprehensive and diverse training programme has been provided for NCPs covering many areas of interest. As is evidenced at
• This training has been delivered both onsite and electronically and the nature of the topics covered is informed by continuous proactive engagement with the NCP community. The regular dialogue between the NCP Academy and the NCP community has been maintained to identify knowledge gaps and to discuss needs for training and exchange of experiences. At appropriate occasions various groups will be addressed and asked for their input.

Under Work Package Three the following has been achieved:
• The development of the concept of a Knowledge Hub for NCPs that is now operational
• A report on the needs analysis of NCP systems and the submission of a paper on the role of NCPs now and into the future has been submitted. This formed a contribution to the development of the Minimum Standards for NCPs in Horizon Europe
• The development of a best practices catalogue for Horizon 2020 NCPs that was enhanced to reflect the Covid Experience.

Work Package Four relates to the management of the project, communications and the exploitation and dissemination of results.
The project has provided a platform for fostering transnational cooperation between National Contact Points (NCP) in the area of quality standards and horizontal issues.

At the outset of the project the following key objectives were identified and are being achieved.

- Build capacity measures tailor-made for the needs of the NCP community by implementation of a high-quality training programme and provision of opportunities for the exchange of experiences and of good practices. It is the core activity within this project acting as the route to interaction with the largest number of NCPs.
- Map NCP clients` needs and their satisfaction levels.
- Provide central services to the stakeholders/users of the Legal and Financial NCP services
- Cooperate further with all of the NCP Networks to implement procedures that ensure a timely flow of information allowing collaboration. It will focus on removal of any duplication between networks and new routes to efficiencies of implementation.
- Support the European Commission in providing feedback and analysis. Thus, this project serves as vehicle for building up and mobilizing expertise, contributing to future developments.

The project has focused on capacity building measures with a view to impacting the consistency and coherence as well as the improved quality of NCP services and thus has had; and continues to have clear benefits for Horizon 2020 applicants and is thus supporting the wider socio-economic objectives of Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. The NCP Academy has provided NCP services and will continue to provide services until the end of the project which near coincides with the end of the Horizon 2020 Progamme.

The project has continually focused on capacity building of Legal and Financial and other NCPs, the provision of training and exchange of experiences, cooperation with other NCP Networks, and defining the needs to the NCP community going forward. In undertaking these activities the NCP Academy has contributed to an improved. more consistent and professionalized NCP Service across Europe and in third countries. In undertaking this work the NCP Academy has had a very positive impact on the services provided to end users and the quality of their applications.

The work of the NCP Academy will leave a significant legacy in the form of enhanced NCP supports for the remainder of Horizon 2020 that can be built on as we transition into Horizon Europe.
NCP Academy Homepage
NCP Academy Knowledge Hub