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Coordinated Use of miniaturized Robotic equipment and advanced Sensors for search and rescue OpeRations

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CURSOR (Coordinated Use of miniaturized Robotic equipment and advanced Sensors for search and rescue OpeRations)

Reporting period: 2021-03-01 to 2023-02-28

CURSOR has developed novel technologies for USaR teams which allow to reduce the time for detecting survivors trapped in damaged and collapsed buildings and due to the remote operations increase the safety of FRs. The technical and research partners together with the FRs have delivered an innovative, easy and fast deployable CURSOR SaR Kit - an integrated system of various technological components and platforms, that allow USaR teams to:
a) work efficiently and safely on the disaster site, while detecting and locating survivors and
b) enable collaborative response, by sharing information and accurately visualising the disaster scene and associated notifications across all levels of command.
In WP1, the CURSOR master scenario and use cases were defined. An earthquake scenario with three use cases served as the bases for researching for the current technology gaps and defining the functional and non-functional FR requirements to the technology. Based on those FR needs CURSOR SaR Kit architecture and specifications were initially defined. The original design of the CURSOR SaR Kit has been continuously monitored and updated based on the field tests results. The final CURSOR Technical specifications and system architecture was provided based on these updates and modifications as one of the main outputs of this WP.
In WP 2 a miniaturized gas and volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensing module Sniffer has been developed and embedded into the search and rescue robot “SMURF”. The Sniffer device includes a range of commercial VOC sensors and CO2 sensor, as well as innovative odor sensor array using odorant binding proteins as sensitive layer. Data fusion and processing in real time using a dedicated fuzzy logic algorithm enables the device to discriminate between chemical scents emitted by alive versus deceased human victims. The sensing module has been tested throughout various field trials during the CURSOR project. The robot equipped with Sniffer is able to detect a victim from approx. 2 meters distance. Moreover, a novel Geophone System and a “Victim Finder” user application have been developed operated by the Search and Rescue teams and quickly deployed and installed at the exterior and in close distance of the building or rubble pile of interest for victim detection, allowing the first responders to monitor earth vibrations within a radius of approximately 25-35 meters.
WP 3 delivered the Soft Miniaturised Underground Robotic Finder (SMURF) prototype and the SMURF Workstation as human-machine interface. The SMURF is a mobile, ground based robotic platform that carries components such as sensors (like Sniffer), actuators, communication, and localisation modules. It is developed with the aim to penetrate into the debris and to offer a cost-efficient manner of detecting trapped victims. A swarm of SMURFs is one component of the main CURSOR deliverable, the Search and Rescue (SaR) kit.
WP4 provides the CURSOR “in the air” technology - CURSOR Drone Fleet (CDF). CDF consist of Tethered Mothership Drone (MD), Ground Penetrating Radar Drone (GPRD), Advanced Situational Awareness Drone (ASAD), Transport Drone (TD) and Modelling Drones (MOD). CDF provides FR on scene with: (a) continuous drone-based aerial surveillance up to 100 m above ground; (b) aerial photos, HD video and thermal images of the disaster area; (c) transport of the SMURFs to the desired location; and (d) 3D model of the disaster area with low- or high resolution.
WP5 partners provided the EXPER system, COP and COPTERM, and the Field Communication Solution. The EXPER system is a crucial part of CURSOR SaR Kit for storing, fusing and intelligently exploiting heterogeneous information from the various CURSOR SaR Kit components deployed on the field during a mission, thereby supporting decision making. COP and COPTERM are a complete information and incident management system which during the project has been adapted to INSARAG procedures and workflows. The Field Communication Solution is ready to provide a network solution both that is independent of public infrastructures and can support the communication needs of first responders in a mission.
In WP6, based on the integration plan and a validation the integration of the CURSOR SaR Kit components have been successfully finalised. Altogether 25 technology tests took place during the project with the strong and regular involvement of FR. Training activities were closely combined with the field tests so that FR are familiar with the technology and able to give meaningful feedback. CURSOR FR endorse the CURSOR SaR Kit and highly value the benefits that these solutions will bring to USaR FRs.
WP7 managed to raise awareness about the CURSOR SaR kit, disseminated its results to a wide range of audiences (general public, first responders, scientists, experts, policy makers, industry, civil society) through various channels ranging from the project website, social media, presentations, research magazines and proceedings, press and broadcasting services. Altogether 110 different publication in different channels for different audience. CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) 17947 "Urban search and rescue - Guideline for the application of a test method for innovative technologies to detect victims in debris" is also an important outcome of this WP. Detailed exploitation plan has been provided. This WP also made sure that ethical and privacy related guidelines have been followed throughout the project.
WP8 made sure that the CURSOR consortium has the necessary tools, systems, framework and support for implementing the activities. The coordination team monitored the implementation of the project activities as well as the usage of resources. The communication with stakeholders was a regular activity in this WP.
CURSOR technology builds not only on the expertise of S&R operational conditions but also on the advanced scientific and technological achievements and capabilities. The field validation done by FR showed that CURSOR solutions will fill the gaps defined in the project beginning.
The major advantage of the CURSOR SaR Kit is the option for remote operations. The current technology doesn’t provide it and therefore FR are in danger during the missions. CURSOR SaR Kit has direct impact on increasing the FR safety during their work.
CURSOR technology and research partners have provided several solutions how through automation many tasks can be conducted quicker and by economizing the resources. Therefore, CURSOR SaR Kit impacts the speed of detecting and locating persons trapped under collapsed buildings.
CURSOR SaR Kit is an innovative technology solution which deployment requires profound training. Since the existing standards and standard operational procedures (SOP, like INSARAG ones) have been considered throughout the project, CURSOR technology is matching with the existing SOPs and is fitting well with existing technology. The aim of the CURSOR SaR Kit is not to replace existing technology but to enrich the FR options during the deployment. Another highly valuable aspect of CURSOR is that it can be used as an integrated solution but also single components of the Kit can be deployed (for example only SMURF, or geophones). This again provides FR more flexibility and increases their choices and options when difficult decisions have to be made.
Soft Miniaturised Underground Robotic Finders
Transportdrone carrying the SMURFs
CURSOR SaR Kit architecture
CURSOR Final Demonstration, February 2023
Field test in Japan, group photo, September 2022
Large Scale Field test in Greece, November 2022