Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Mokita (The NGOs’ virtual reality content viewing platform)
Reporting period: 2018-12-01 to 2019-05-31
NGOs spend on average 15% to 35% of their total budget on low-return marketing activities (TV ads, street fundraisers…). These activities are inefficient for NGOs and not well considered by donors. Meanwhile, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) departments struggle to identify well-considered high-impact social projects to allocate their resources.
The benefits of mokita include: (i) For NGOs: Showroom of projects, reduce marketing costs, obtain more funds, transparency and accountability. (ii) For Donors: Customized offer, immersive experience, immediate transactions, donate to specific programmes, and share their interests with others. (iii) For companies implementing CSR: enhance brand perception, recruitment and retention, and brand differentiation.
The objective of this project is to undertake the final developments and software updates. We will focus on the technical part: (i) Video software to create different profiles, galleries, upload videos in different format, select 3D or 360 mode, and edit easily the videos. (ii) Functionalities such as crowdfunding architecture, increase data security architecture, permissibility and content management, protection of the servers …
With the complete version of mokita, we will perform numerous tests on all the users (CSR, Donors, NGOs). The aim is to obtain useful feedback to integrate and validate our platform with capabilities tailor-made to each group. We will also protect our software and create a strong dissemination plan to prepare for a fast but stable growth.
In conclusion, the feasibility study carried out shows that the technology has a high potential within the NGO market and according to the estimations, it is a profitable business.
Moreover, the successful implementation of the mokita project will allow us to hire 30 new employees and set up the base for a firm growth in turnover and qualified personnel. We estimate a steady growth with a turnover of € 17 M in the 5th year of sales, Net Profit of €5.6 M, and an Internal Rate of Return of 65%, breaking even the third year by commercializing mokita in our EU target countries.