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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Expressivism and Normative Realism

Descripción del proyecto

Una mirada más profunda al expresivismo y al realismo normativo

El realismo normativo se define como los hechos sobre lo que es bueno, correcto y racional. Por otro lado, el expresivismo se define como la opinión de que las afirmaciones normativas expresan estados mentales evaluadores, actitudes de aprobación o rechazo. Todas las formas de expresivismo, como la semántica, la pragmática y la metasemántica, pueden ser compatibles con el realismo. Una versión metasemántica del expresivismo puede defenderse al aislar sus ventajas filosóficas. A fin de justificar por completo el desacuerdo normativo, el expresivismo debe combinarse con un compromiso hacia las verdades normativas objetivas. El proyecto ENR, financiado con fondos europeos, abarcará estas tres ideas y las empleará para acercar el realismo normativo y el expresivismo en lo relacionado con el discurso normativo.


Normative realism is the view that there are objective normative facts, i.e. facts about what is good, right, or rational, and many of our beliefs about these facts are true. Expressivism about normative discourse is the view that normative claims express desire-like mental states, such as attitudes of approval and disapproval, rather than ordinary beliefs. These two perspectives on normativity are in tension, yet each seems to capture something essential about normative thought: realism makes good on intuitions about truth and objectivity that seem non-negotiable from the engaged perspective of a deliberating agent, while expressivism accounts for the motivational force of normative thought and for the possibility of radical disagreement on normative matters.

This project aims to reconcile normative realism and expressivism about normative discourse via three research objectives: (1) arguing that all forms of expressivism (i.e. semantic, pragmatic, meta-semantic) can be made compatible with realism; (2) defending a meta-semantic version of expressivism by isolating its philosophical benefits; (3) showing that not only is expressivism compatible with a commitment to objective normative truths, but it needs to be combined with such a commitment in order to fully account for normative disagreement. Each research objective will yield one stand-alone paper, and together they will result in a book proposal.

These deliverables will help re-integrate the ER into the European philosophical community and establish him as one of the leading European experts in metaethics.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 224 933,76
LS2 9JT Leeds
Reino Unido

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Yorkshire and the Humber West Yorkshire Leeds
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 224 933,76