Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ASTRALIS (ASTRocyte Adrenoceptors: Light on Intracellular Signaling)
Reporting period: 2021-07-30 to 2022-07-29
Here, astrocytes are used as models to study whether intracellular signaling in vivo is dictated extrinsically—by neuromodulator inputs—or intrinsically—by the GPCRs that sense neuromodulators and their intracellular partners. Is it the cell—with its distribution of receptors on its surface—that dictates intracellular signals regardless of the patterns of extracellular release of neuromodulators?
Elucidating how signaling specificity is accomplished, and how astrocytes are involved in processing neuromodulator signals at the cellular and network level will further our understanding of the pathophysiology of related disorders as well as the functioning of drugs in general, and thus guide the scientific community in conceiving better therapeutic strategies.
Not planned for this project.
(1) work published in Cell Reports (title: Dopamine activates astrocytes in prefrontal cortex via α1-adrenergic receptors; doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111426);
(2) invited 20-min talk at the 11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Granada, Spain, 9–13 Sept 2023), within the "PARALLEL SYMPOSIUM 15: GLIA AS CONDUCTORS OF CIRCUIT FORMATION AND FUNCTION" organised by Vilaiwan Fernandes (UCL, UK); talk details: S0055 - Mouse cortical astrocytes detect dopamine via non-cognate receptors (ID 534);
(3) selected 10-min talk at the 1st iNAMES symposium 2022, Beyond IMAGEination (Berlin, Germany, 23–24 Nov 2022);
(4) invited 15-min talk at the Philadelphia SPINE 2021 (online, 10 May 2021), which is an annual event to showcase the best postdoctoral talent in neuroscience research in the US, followed by faculty interviews (link:;
(5) selected 10-min talk at the NeuroMatch 3.0 conference (online, 2020).
(6) poster at the Catecholamines Gordon Research Conference 2019 (Newry, ME, USA, 11–16 Aug 2019).