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In this deliverable, end-users and customers of the U-CERT services and the EPB Center are identified and categorised; initially at the level of partner countries, and pilot cases, then on a broader scale, i.e. beyond the consortium. Second, their needs are collected and analysed in the context of different business models by ethnographic approaches – interviews, focus groups, and participant observation. This will provide an in-depth feedback for designing an optimal and sustainable user-friendly renovation model, which will be easily adapted according to different cases and stakeholders’ groups. Finally, functionalities to be implemented as part as Task 5.4 are defined according to user needs and expectations. In addition, usability of the tools is ensured by designing together with clients and not only for clients makes building occupants more triggered to apply the U-CERT approach on their building instead being pushed by the national regulations or suppliers.
Dissemination Material: Newsletters and II BrochureDeliverable D69 collects a total number of 5 Newsletters UCERT will publish an eNewsletter every six months providing information on project progress and results links to press releases articles and interviews Deliverable D69 also contains the project brochure released in M24 focusing on the projects achievements and its life after project completion
Final report and executive summary of total project resultsThis deliverable represents a summarizing public report on the results of the project over the whole project duration
Recommendations to implement the results in local EPC-s and voluntary certification schemesThis deliverable contains the overall analysis and evaluation of all EPCs implementation in relation to the national certification standards to the reference situationsbenchmarks WP2 and in relation to achieved improvements on the usability and userfriendliness This task creates feedback for further validation improvement and optimization of UCERT The results from Task 44 will be used for the optimization of EPCs and to develop recommendations on how to apply them The outcome of this deliverable shows how additional benefits data and information can be provided to the selected endusers Results presented in this deliverable are aligned with the specifications of the GABC Global Alliance for Building and Construction Building Passport initiative seconded by DG Grow and DG Environment and SBAlliance certification bodies and schemes BREAM DGNB IVEEE
U-CERT Guidelines: recommendations for harmonized, holistic and user-centred EPCsThis deliverable 25 will gather and structure the findings from D21 D22 and D23 to compile the UCERT Guidelines for the next generation of EPCs This collection of recommendations will be released shared with the national standardisation bodies and national organisations responsible for the EPC scheme through the project partners and shall support the activities conducted in WP3 and WP4
Compared analysis of U-CERT pilots results with the previous EPC-sThis deliverable presents a compared analysis of UCERT pilots results with the previous EPCs Content for this deliverable summarizes activities conducted in the context of Tasks 42 and 43
Dissemination and Communication Plan - year 3Deliverable D64 contains the updates of the Dissemination and Communication Plan at M30 The Plan describes how the corporate design templates as well as the communication strategy and an implementation plan that have been used up to year 3 Deliverable D64 further updates the strategy that defines the key stakeholder groups and the tailored communication means to engage them The updated communication plan details the communication actions of each partner to address eventual upcoming needs and tailor the communication and dissemination activities according to the different phases of project implementation This deliverable also serves as basis to report the undertaken dissemination activities by all partners at the end of the project
Guidelines to investigate users’ perception about EPC schemeThis deliverable lays the foundation to explore the perception of both groups on the EPCs understandability, usability, reliability, user-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, decision-driving potential etc., through a combination of qualitative and quantitative user-centred approaches, i.e. questionnaires, focus groups and interviews. Towards occupants it has the potential to make energy more intuitive and influence behaviour towards more responsible. The key idea is to understand the users' perspectives and to include them in making and improving EPC schemes. IRI-UL will set up the structure for interaction with the different EPCs users’ groups and test it in selected pilot actions with the national stakeholders and with the national associations representing the full range of EPC stakeholders. For an EU-wide application, the interaction strategy will be fine-tuned based on this on-field tests, a training for case holders will be prepared with clear guidelines and protocols how to conduct basic ethnographic inquiries will be given to the case holders.
Report on the operationalization to the involved Member StatesAfter the completion of the development of a converged set of national data sheets for the set of EPB standards and an effective set of indicators this deliverable focuses on support of their further operationalization in the involved member states
Draft Dissemination and Communication PlanDeliverable D6.2 contains a Draft of the Dissemination and Communication Plan. The Plan outlines how to use the corporate design and templates, as well as a communication strategy and an implementation plan. The strategy defines the key stakeholder groups and the tailored communication means to engage them. The communication plan details the communication actions of each partner that will be updated annually to address eventual upcoming needs and tailor the communication and dissemination activities according to the different phases of project implementation.
Replication and exploitation planD5.1 starts with devising a replication and exploitation plan, including a set of special indicators to assess the process, outcome and impact of scaling up. In this deliverable following activities are described: - Analysis and identification of possible upscale options; - Development of an action plan to increase the scalability; - Development of special indicators to assess the process, outcome and impact of scaling up; - Finalizing the scaling-up strategy and plan; - A business plan to continue the activities after the project duration. Contacts will be made with the EC Support Services for Exploitation of Research Results (SSERR) in order to optimize the impact and exploitation potential of the project.
Dissemination Material: I Newsletter and BrochureDeliverable D6.6: Dissemination Material includes the first U-CERT Newsletter and Brochure. U-CERT will publish the first eNewsletter on M6, providing information on project progress and results, links to press releases, articles and interviews. The newsletter addresses two different stakeholder groups a) building professionals and construction sector industry b) building users and property owners. A project brochure will be produced at the beginning of the project (M6) to inform relevant stakeholder communities of the project start and its objective.
Draft Stakeholders MapIn order to facilitate a cross-stakeholder and cross-level dialogue and promote the U-CERT approach, this deliverable sets up and drafts the activities of an international stakeholder network (map) involved in the development and implementation of the U-CERT services, tools, methodologies and materials.
Dissemination Material: PostersDeliverable D6.7 contains the design of the U-CERT printed posters, roll-ups and other general promotional materials to be displayed during fairs, conferences and workshops according to the needs using the corporate design templates developed in T6.1. The consortium members will also have the possibility to adapt and create the promotional materials in national language if necessary.
Report with options to transform product information into suitable input for energy calculationThe possibilities to transform product information into suitable input for energy calculation will be explored in this deliverable as a basis for the development of the UCERT service tool for product suppliers in WP6
Proposed converged set of national data sheets for the set of EPB standardsAccording to expectation most EU member states intend to develop and use a set of national data sheets for the implementation of the set of EPB standards using the templates provided in Annex A of each EPB standard And as part of a step by step implementation of the whole set several member states will for the time being continue using elements of their national assessment method for specific modules where the set of EPB standards for whatever reason is still difficult to implement In this deliverable the findings of WP2 will be used together with findings from other EU projects to come to a converged set of national data sheets that is harmonized where possible and flexible where needed eg climatic data and widely acceptable and applicable Each EPB standard describes a specific element in the calculation of the energy performance so it is crucial that the set of converged national data sheets are mutually and overall consistent Equally important the converged set of national data sheets should enable the assessment of innovative productssolutions as much as can be foreseen
Final Report on Dissemination and Communication ActivitiesDeliverable 613 summarizes all the UCERT dissemination material developed during the project duration including Newsletters Brochure Posters and Video as part of Task 64
Eleven pilot's individual factsheets implemented, comparing U-CERT EPC-s with classic onesThis deliverable assesses the applicability of the EPCs in the eleven different pilot countries It assesses in each UCERT pilot the potentialities of UCERT and barriers of various nationalregional old calculation methods using existing national EPC schemes as benchmark The key point of this deliverable is to report for each pilot leader the work conducted in parallel with a national certification andor standardization body For each pilot case a basic measurement protocols is provided which is improved according to the local reality and nationalregional EPC schemes by the case study holders The measurement protocols is designed to be upscaled and massively implemented once the project will be finished and adopted by the national certification andor standardization body
Report on users’ perception about EPC scheme in U-CERT partner countriesAs part as the activities of Task 2.3, and following IRI-UL guidelines, each U-CERT country will organize workshops, focus groups and interviews involving case study-related and EPC-related national stakeholders. The records and findings of these meetings will be analysed and reported in this deliverable. This public report aims at collecting and interpreting feedback from the various perspectives of multiple EPCs users, in order to identify the key features of the user-centred next generation of EPCs across Europe.
Review of building performance indicators based on measured data relevant for holistic EPCsTo meet the goal of a holistic next generation of EPCs, preliminary research is needed to list which are and how are calculated the most popular indicators in the plethora of voluntary certification schemes available on the market (e.g. health, productivity, market value). These aspects will underpin the development of methods for including measured data in an interactive EPC that would enable an evidence-based decision making process and facilitate the delivery of renovation triggers. Moreover, based on existing research, the consortium will identify the possible effects that next generation EPC indicators could have on the improvement of the holistic performance of buildings (e.g. does a good EPC ranking affect the market value of a building?, which indicator is most relevant for triggering action?). These findings are presented in this deliverable D2.4 to guide the selection of the shortlist of indicators to be proposed in the next generation EPCs.
Dissemination and Communication Plan - year 2Deliverable D6.3 contains the updates of the Dissemination and Communication Plan at M18. The Plan describes how the corporate design, templates, as well as the communication strategy and an implementation plan that have been used up to year 2. Deliverable D6.3 updates the strategy that defines the key stakeholder groups and the tailored communication means to engage them. The updated communication plan details the communication actions of each partner to address eventual upcoming needs and tailor the communication and dissemination activities according to the different phases of project implementation. This deliverable also serves as basis to report the undertaken dissemination activities by all partners at the end of the project.
Detailed common calculation and measurement protocols of U-CERT EPC-s for the eleven casesThis deliverable elaborates a detailed implementation layout for each pilot an action plan describing the type of activities to be carried out the schedule of implementation and the relationship with traditional EPC schemes An agreement among the partners involved on the details of information exchange and common evaluation is carried out during task development and is included in this deliverable The steps of the case study analysis are1Collection of input data used for current EPCs link with WP22Collection of measured data to compare with EPCs input and output data link with WP23Asset vs operational rating for energy costs and comfort using the old EPCs assessment method link with WP24Asset and operational rating for energy costs and comfort using the set of converged National Annexes likely ready in late 2019 link with WP3 assessing Reliability5Normalization of results based on weather conditions occupants behaviour internal gains and the reverse tailored rating and indexing the sensitivity or robustness for different use patterns to bridge the gap between calculated and measured energy performance link with WP3 assessing Convergence6Comparison of normalized results with other case studies normalized results7andor asset and operational rating using the National Annexes of another country8Assessment of innovative productssolutions link with WP3 assessing innovative technologies9Assessment of user friendliness of the EPCs and support of the EPB Center link with WP3 and WP5 assessing applicability and user friendliness10Evidencebased recommendations for reliable EPCs rating recommended Smart Readiness level link with WP5
Report on implementation of EPC schemes in U-CERT partner countriesThe findings of the full analysis performed as part as Task 21 will be presented in D21This deliverable will build upon the existing studies and initiatives summarising the EPCs implementation across Europe eg BPIE EPBD CA reports previous EU Projects and further detail the analysis and comparison between national implementation practices as a start to come to a better convergence of practices in UCERT partner countries to identify breeding ground for common practices The analysis will focus also on the operative aspects of EPCs such as the EP calculation methodology and assessment process including the input and the output data National EP calculation methodologies and assessment processes will be explored taking advantage of the preliminary research brought forward by EPB Center and through structured questionnaires to the NSBs and national organisations responsible for the EPC scheme supporting UCERT The questionnaire will be defined by REHVA and EPB Center with help of IRI UL and will be disseminated in M8 The calculation methodology and assessment process shall undergo practical examination by each case study holder through the analysis of the EPCs issued for the case study buildings The analysis will also include the comparison of the national energy rating thresholds for EPC classesThe main scope of this task is to collect the rationales behind the various implementation approaches to identify for the potential for common practices across UCERT countries and propose the next generation EPC scheme paradigm
Proposed set of user centred and effective overall and partial indicators, including SRIIn this deliverable the experience of the EPB Center experts will be combined with experience developed in recent H2020 projects and with findings from WP2 Options will be developed and tested on users perception that indicate the energy performance under a variety including the actual conditions and uses Deliverable 32 will also investigate which characteristics should be included in the EPC database to maximize the usability of the EPCs databases for policy makers to enable them to monitor and use the databases for the preparation or tuning of the policy measures eg aiming at accelerating effective deep renovation
U-CERT Service and Data platform application guideIn order to replicate and implement the UCERT services and tools in other Member States or for other technical and conceptual EPB related topics a selfinstruction guide is devised in this deliverable This guide is based on the results of WPs 2 3 and 4This deliverable is summarizing activities conducted in Task 52 following steps Structuring the guideImplementing the results of WP 2WP 3 and WP4 concerning the UCERT approach methodologyDevelopment of different parts of the guide for paper and digital versions and editing the guideTesting and updating the guide
Stakeholder MapThis deliverable reports the activities of the international stakeholder network involved in the development and implementation of the UCERT services tools methodologies and materials in order to facilitate a crossstakeholder and crosslevel dialogue and promote the UCERT approach at the conclusion of the project
This deliverable includes a corporate visual identity package to ensure a common visual identity for the project, including a project logo, templates for presentations, posters, and leaflets, as well as digital visual items.
Set of four supporting tools for the U-CERT servicesDeliverable 5.4 collects a set digital supporting tools that include:1.The U-CERT Comparison and calculation toolkit for national Annexes. 2.A Service tool for product suppliers, transforming product information into suitable input for energy calculations.3.The U-CERT Open data solution. One of the main goals of this open data solution is to feed and enrich (future) Building Renovation Passports and Energy label atlases (such as and U-CERT Building Operational Rating solution (cloud-based service accessible through any web browser with an user account) enabling an evidence based decision-making process.
Eleven national trainings, 2 international trainings, 2 webinarsDeliverable 6.10 summarizes all the U-CERT dissemination activities developed as part as Task 6.5 and Task 6.6, including 11 national trainings, 2 international trainings, and 2 webinars.
Final Report on the Eleven EPB Center Road Show promoting U-CERTThis deliverable D112 includes a report of the dissemination activities conducted during the eleven EPB Center Road Shows demonstration events promoting awareness raising throughout Europe steered by the EPB Center as part as Task 67 at the end of the project
The EPB Center Road Shows promoting U-CERTThis deliverable D111 includes a report of the dissemination activities conducted during the EPB Center Road Shows demonstration events promoting awareness raising throughout Europe steered by the EPB Center as part as Task 67 at the second year of the project
The project delivers a website as the main interface towards stakeholders interested in the U-CERT services, as well as the public. The website continuously informs about the achievements of the project and serve as key communication and dissemination channel to involve and enlarge the stakeholders’ community, as well as a share-point for the internal communication of the consortium, containing all institutional information, including working documents and deliverables.
User-centred Storyboards and Value PropositionsStoryboards as concise narrative descriptions of one or more people using a product or service are designed on the basis of Task 53 for summarising specific user needs requirements and expectations These storyboards are included in deliverable D55 and put focus on people users rather than solely on technology or business goals The included in the storyboards of this deliverable will be presented to developers Task 56 and used to communicate the UCERT value propositions These value propositions as easytounderstand and intuitive reasons why a customer should purchase use the UCERT products and services will be generated on the basis of storyboards
Dissemination Material: VideoDeliverable D68 will contains the project video teaser to be published in the project website social media and to be used as dissemination and communication tool during project events conferences and meetings
Jaap Hogeling; Simona D'Oca; Domen Bančič; Marleen Spiekman; Pablo Carnero
Published in:
Issue 7, 2023
Karl-Villem Võsa; Andrea Ferrantelli; Dragomir Tzanev; Kamen Simeonov; Pablo Carnero; Carlos Espigares; Miriam Navarro Escudero; Pedro Vicente Quiles; Thibault Andrieu; Florian Battezzati; Katia Cordeiro; Francis Allard; Zoltan Magyar; Giusy Turturiello; Luca Alberto Piterà; Simona D'Oca; Eric Willems; Peter Veld Op ’t; Andrei Vladimir Lițiu; Cătălin Lungu; Tiberiu Catalina; Jarek Kurnitski
Published in:
E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 246, p 13003 (2021), Issue 14, 2021
EDP Sciences
Pablo Carnero, Dick van Dijk, Niccolo Mignani, Gabriela Ana
Published in:
Niccolò Mignani, Giovanni Semprini, Laurent Socal, Pablo Carnero Melero
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