Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IDEAL (Inhibitor of DUX4-IGH to Erase Acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia)
Période du rapport: 2020-02-01 au 2022-01-31
In particular I exploited both a cellular model and a humanized animal model to test the efficacy of this inhibitor.
I found that delivery of the inhibitor is associated to inhibition of DUX4-IGH leukemia cell growth and inhibition of DUX4-IGH biological functions (such us modulation of target genes and proteins).
I tested the specificity of the inhibitor exploiting different cell lines and approaches.
I demonstrated that the expression of this inhibitor is detrimental to DUX4-IGH leukemia cells expansion in immunocompromised animals.
Pre-clinical validation of the DUX4-IGH inhibitor will help defining effective therapeutic strategies for DUX4-IGH B-ALL patients, improving clinical outcome and lowering treatment toxicity, thus overall promoting Europe's healthcare.