Periodic Reporting for period 1 - uKNEEversal (uKNEEversal: a miniaturized 3D in vitro model of human joint to gain new knowledge on Osteoarthritis pathophysiology)
Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2021-08-31
In this scenario, uKNEEversal aims at filling the gap of existing poorly predictive pre-clinical models generating an in vitro human osteoarthritic joint model through organs-on-chip technology. To this aim, uKNEEversal overall objectives are three: 1) technical development of a 3D micro-platform able to host the functional unit of human joint including a cartilage construct, a bone layer and a tidemark and integrating a compartment for mechanical stimulation; 2) application of this platform to generate a healthy joint model starting from primary cells from patients; 3) triggering OA traits within the generated model by taking advantage of clinical observations in OA patients and analyzing the pathways activated during OA onset in different compartments.
The developed miniaturized platforms were exploited to generate a healthy model of articular joint by using healthy articular chondrocytes (ACs) and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) obtained from the routine cell banking performed at USB. Culture conditions promoting individual cartilage and calcified cartilage constructs formation were then optimized at POLIMI within a simplified version of the device (i.e. hosting a single 3D construct). Upon optimization of a culture medium permissive for single constructs culture conditions, bi-phasic OCU constructs have been generated.
The generated miniaturized OCU model were finally stressed by mimicking an OA-like microenvironment to induce the pathology onset. The effect of different compression levels applied to the constructs in the two compartments was first evaluated assessing the modulation of a set of genes associated with mechanotransduction signaling. The obtained in vitro OA model was then exploited to investigate over the influence of a cross talk between cartilage and bone/calcified cartilage during OA triggering. Moving to the complete OCU model, we focused on effect of bone mechanical alteration on cartilage, with a specific focused on the role of TGFβ- BMP and Wnt-βcatenin pathways. Localized stiffening of the area immediately adjacent to the tidemark was indeed previously correlated to increased stresses in cartilage low layers upon loading. The developed OCU model was thus exploited to test the hypothesis that alterations and inhomogeneities in the local mechanical properties of subchondral layers may cause a pathological response to loading in the cartilage compartment.