Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MAHT-FunSST (Microfluidic Approaches for High-Throughput Fungicide Screening and Sensitivity Testing)
Reporting period: 2019-04-24 to 2021-04-23
The developed technology can be used not only in the context of any large-scale fungicide screening studies, but is also well-suited to analyze the mode of action of antifungal agents and resistance-development in fungi. The platform can be further extended for analysis of the molecular mechanisms of fungicides which play a crucial role in cellular mechanisms. A deeper understanding of the mode of action of fungicide will help to optimize their application, which in turn contributes to their successful use in food and feed production. The optimized fungicide application can reduce the cost of growers’ budget, lowers the risk of resistance development and pesticide residue in harvest and can positively impact the environmental and beneficial organisms.
The main objectives of this MSCA project were to establish a simple microfluidic device capable of (a) encapsulating single spores of fungi, (b) performing antifungal screening, and (c) quantifying gradient-based antifungal-dose response.
Scientific results and fundamental microfluidic concepts were exploited and disseminated to a diversity of audiences in the form of detailed protocols and application notes (single spore encapsulation and fungicide screening using droplet microfluidics), a webinar, market survey, conference presentations, and manuscript (submitted for publication).